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Re: Stupid King of Blind Cabinet

From: Carson Deva
Subject: Re: Stupid King of Blind Cabinet
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 17:08:17 -0400



Note: This letter is in reply to one group's false allegations.

I totally agree: It is both shameful and sinful to give a higher place to PP Dada than to our Revered Baba during any DMS program.

On the DMS stage, PP Dada can be 1/2 foot high but in that case Revered Baba's place must be 5 feet high. Baba's place must be clearly above and unparalleled.
Unfortunately, at the recent 2011 Ananda Purnima DMS, the organisers did not do like this. Rather, they placed PP Dada on a pedestal higher than our Beloved Guru Baba.

It is also true that various top Dadas see PP merely as a political pawn to put forth their own agenda. That is why they prop up the status of PP. That has been going on since 1990.

But as stated in the original letter of this thread (link appended below), the post of PP is social not spiritual. Yet some Dadas, with - an ulterior motive in mind - have designated PP Dada as the spiritual head. But that just is not so - Purodha Pramukha is a social post. All the reasons posted about this earlier are appended at the bottom of this email.

Now I wish to bring up my new point.


Here today I also wish to give a reply to Ranchi's false justification of 20 June 2011 which is appended below. Apparently they did not like the first posting on this topic, but since they had no logic and reasoning to stand on they came up with one bogus allegation.

They called the photo of PP Dada at DMS "fabricated" and "confusing". Yet what they failed to state is that this is the very photo which Ranchi themselves distributed across the entire globe. This is the photo which is featured on their own sponsored website. No one altered this photo in any way. This is their photo. They are the ones who took the picture of PP Dada Vishvadevananda sitting above Baba on the DMS stage. No one else took this photo and no one fabricated it in any way.

As proof of all this, please see the attached screenshot which details how this photo was published on their official Ananda Parivara website newsletter. Ananda Parivara is the official NY newsletter from the Ranchi front. In addition we have attached a jpg version of that same picture. But again, they are the ones who brought this photo to fore. It is their work from start to finish. Thus they are in no position to accuse anyone of "fabricating" the photo.

Indeed team Ranchi could not logically reply to any of the substantive points raised:
(a) PP was seated in a higher and more respectful place than Baba;
(b) PP is social post not a spiritual one;
(c) top Dadas manipulated PP for their selfish gain;
(d) and more.

Since they had no reply to any of the above, Ranchi had to scramble for some other allegation. So they came up with their false accusation that "someone fabricated the photo".

This was their false and utterly ridiculous attempt. They accused "someone" of posting a deceptive photo of PP on the DMS stage. But that is entirely wrong because they were the ones who took this photo of PP Dada sitting on a higher level than Revered Baba. And they uploaded it to the internet for all to see. Yet they levied an accusation against someone else.


And that is exactly what Baba says people do when they are devoid of logic and reasoning - they make bogus allegations.

Baba says, "Where reasoning fails, vilification becomes the sole stock-in-trade. When you hear abuses from these frogs-in-the-well, you can take for granted that the grey matter in their frenzied brains have no functional residues left and that they have come to you only to convince you of their helpless and fey [crazy] condition." (Subhasita Samgraha, Part 3, Shreya & Preya)

Thus team Ranchi put forth their false allegation because they had no legs to stand on.


Even then - still to this day - those at the helm of Ranchi may say that "it was the camera angle" or "it was the side from where it was taken" or any other ludicrous justification they might give. But you know that?

There is no way for them to escape this truth. The stage was small and it was all plain as day what happened. There is no question that a camera angle ruined the scene. The photo was undignified simply because the reality of the way things were set-up on the DMS stage was totally improper. Guru must be given a far higher place than PP. The fact that PP's seat was higher than Baba's is their fault, not the fault of those circulating the photo. Only in-charges suffering from a low-minded outlook could have set-up the stage in this way. That was the misfortune, not anything else.


The following are some concluding points to keep in mind.

The ideal way for the DMS stage to be set up is to have Baba's photo elevated at least 5 feet off the ground. Then there is no doubt or hairline measurements about who has the highest seat and who is the Revered One. Then PP can sit on some sort of cushion if he wishes, whereby he is a few inches off the ground or 1/2 foot if needed.

Many of the general margiis and field workers in attendance did indeed feel uncomfortable and devotionally wounded by seeing PP's seat above that of Baba. So it is not just a photo that is wrong. The entire ambiance and aura of the DMS was negatively affected by this. Just ask those rational-minded margiis and Wts who attended.


Let us all contemplate this below teaching. By this way it is sure no such mistake will occur on our DMS stage again.

Baba says, "Trtiiyaḿ Gurupújanam. I must have reverence for the Guru. What is the Guru? “Gu” means “darkness”, that is, darkness in the psycho-spiritual sphere. And “Ru” means “dispelling agent.” That is, he who dispels darkness from my psychic and spiritual body is the Guru. “Gu” means “darkness”, “Ru” means “dispeller”. “Trtiiyaḿ Gurupújanam.” That is, you must have respect for the Guru." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-12, Shiva's Seven Secrets)



Here below are two section of the earlier letter on this topic.


Let's begin with a quick review of our tantra tradition.

As we know, we do guru dhyana at the sahasrara cakra. That is the highest point of the human experience. That spot signifies deep regard and reverence. It is the pinnacled point of the human mind. Indeed that is the tradition in tantra: To goad the mind upwards, never lower.

And indeed in all aspects of our spiritual life, Guru's place is the highest and the most revered. Nobody is above or on par with Guru. This is the main teaching of tantra.

Because when Baba is the Guru and He is Taraka Brahma and perfect in all respects, then naturally His status is unparalleled.

Baba says, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya´ (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamu´rtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (Caryacarya, part 2, Sadhana, point #1a)

Yet some for their selfish reasons are trying to prop up PP Dada - i.e. one mere mortal born in bondage and prone to avidya maya - as being the revered one. Indeed this drama has been going on in one way or another since 1990.

So we should investigate why this is being done and clear the air.


First off, we should all understand that the post of Purodha Pramukha is a social one, not a spiritual post. Here are the reasons why:

(A) Caryacarya itself is our social scripture. And CC-1 lays out the social duties of purodha pramukha. PP Dada's duty is to act as head of this worldly organisation AMPS. In this capacity, PP is the "chief of the purodhas".

(B) PP has zero ability to arrange his own mukti & moksa; in that case what can he do for others in this regard. Nothing. PP is himself not liberated and obviously cannot grant that to others. This furthermore shows that his post is purely social, not spiritual.

(C) PP cannot give any new scripture or shastra. Our AM scripture is perfect and complete - all delivered by Guru Himself. If PP wishes to write a story or commentary he may do so. But he is unable to contribute even one syllable to the shastras of Ananda Marga.

(D) Organizational executive decisions related with social affairs must reach to Purodha Pramukha for his discretionary review. This is one of his social duties.

(E) PP's post is lifelong - not longer than that.

(F) In the Purodha Board, PP's single vote has decisive meaning, though his order can be overturned. Hence, PP's order is not final; his decisions are subject to review.

(G) Each of the judiciary decisions also must reach to Purodha Pramukha for his final approval. This again deals with the social sphere.

(H) Purodha Pramukha is chief of the purodhas - which is a social board in our AMPS.

(I) PP Dada has no great spiritual power anointed to him by God. Just he is one purodha selected by his peers to serve as the chief of the board.

(J) Plus PP has so many more social duties and responsibilities.

By all this it is quite clear that the post of Purodha Pramukha is a social post - not a spiritual one - in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

In our Caryacarya, Baba has given various provisions about the social post of Purodha Pramukha. The post of PP is just one of the many social posts in the organization wherein PP Dada deals with worldly affairs, not spiritual emancipation etc.

The question remains: When the position of purodha pramukha is clearly a social post, then why do some try to turn it into a spiritual one by giving maximum reverence to PP Dada and placing his seat higher than Baba's.


In the section cited below, you will find Ranchi group attempt to deflect the wrongdoing elsewhere by levying a false allegation.

On 06/20/2011 03:05 AM, A'nanda Ma'rga Praca'raka Sam'gha wrote:
A Controversy:

The photograph of DMS stage (Pratikrti of most beloved Baba and Rev. Purodha Pramukh Dada Ac Vishvadevananda Avt) sent by AM global is fabricated and confusing. 
The way photographs has been taken, from the nearest point of Rev. PP dada's stage, it seems that stage is above then the Pratikrti but it is not so. 
If you see another photo it will be more clear. If same photo will be taken from the nearest point of the Baba's Pratikrti, stage of PP dada comes in down level.
So don't get confused as AM global unnecessarily trying to create controversy.

In Him,
Naresh Kumar
AMPS TEAM Reporter

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