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In Him,


They Are Fish Eaters

Date: Sat, 31 2012 22:34:02 -0400
From: Miguel
Subject: They Are Fish Eaters


Here Baba addresses the ways and habits of fish and how that might affect one's mental make-up.

Baba says, "Fish eat all kinds of things. Because of this, the positive qualities of those foods which they eat they may or may not get; but, certainly they get the negative qualities or defects of those foods which they eat. In addition, fish quarrel so much among themselves; they are quarrel mongers. They eat each other; they feel jealous towards one another; and also they have the tendency to wander around aimlessly in an indisciplined, disorderly manner.  Because of these negative qualities of fish, since ages there has been the feeling amongst the general public that those who are fish eaters, they get contaminated by these same defects." (Shabda Cyanika, C-20, Bangla, Disc #156)

Amongst all of India, the most densely populated fish-eating area is Bengal. Indeed, Baba says that the main population of Bengal are kaevarta (fisherman community). In total there are a huge number of lakes, ponds, rivers, and water sources in Bengal; that is why fish flourish there. Thus in Bengal fish are known as water fruit. Except for very strict devoted margiis, most of them like to eat fish.


Solution of Nightmares

Date: 30 Mar 2012 21:08:36 -0000
From: "Manoj"
Subject: Solution of Nightmares


PS Intro: Here Baba is describing what happens in the severe summer season. It can also be equated with bad or difficult times in one's spiritual life. When the sadhaka is feeling out of their devotional flow then the mind is dry like a desert. The softness and fulfillment of the mind withers away. Everything becomes drab and lifeless. The sadhaka's heart of that dark time is reflected in this song. Here summer season means that state of mind devoid of devotion.

Prabhata Samgiita #3003

A'mra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y

Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n

Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Shya'malima' ha'-ra'no ven'u vane nei ta'n
Ba'dal meghe na' dekhe mayuro nis'pra'n'
Na' phot'a' mukul a'tape shuka'----y

Amra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p

Jeno se baye ja'y dustar anuta'p
Cepe ra'kha' marmer jata chilo santa'p
Us'n'a ma'rava a'nkhite mila'----y
A'mra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y


The nectar of the mango grove has dried up. The vernal breeze has gotten lost in the horizon. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.

The burning heat of summer makes the cuckoo bird forget its song. It has stopped singing. In the greenless flute groves, there is no resonance. Not seeing the monsoon clouds, the peacock is half-dead and lifeless. The unbloomed flower buds have withered away in summer's scorching heat. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.

Because of the intense summer heat, the green grass has become yellow - as if it is facing a terrible ordeal. Whatever suppressed and painful feeling was in the heart became one with the hot desert storm. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up...


Summer season has come. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up. The unrelenting sun is baking and cracking the earth. The vernal breeze has gotten lost in the horizon. The hot summer wind is blowing.

The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.

The burning heat of summer makes the cuckoo bird forget its song. It has stopped singing. The world has lost its beauty. In the greenless flute groves [1], there is no resonance. The lush vegetation has lost its vitality. Not seeing the monsoon clouds, the peacock is half-dead and lifeless. The unbloomed flower buds have withered away in summer's scorching heat. Everyone wishes for the arrival of cool, refreshing rain. O' Parama Purusa, devotees long for the showering of Your grace and devotion in their melancholic heart.

The nectar of the mango grove has dried up and the hot wind is blowing.

Because of the intense summer heat, the green grass has become yellow - as if it is facing a terrible ordeal. Whatever suppressed and painful feeling was in the heart became one with the hot desert storm. This entire scene of the floar and fauna in the summer season is similar to all the agonies and pain of the heart which was unexpressed in my mind. Now it is taking form by this summer storm. Inside and outside are same. O' Lord the suffering and pain of not getting You is expressed by this summer storm.

Baba I want You...


[1] The flute is made from the cane plant, that is why cane plants are also known as flute groves.

End Note: One key point to be aware of in this ongoing translation work is the danger of being overly literal. For instance, in Bengali it is said, "jal kha'bo" literally meaning "Will eat water"; whereas the better translation is "I will drink water." Whenever and wherever possible, a good translation will aim for the spirit of what is being said, and not the bare, literal meaning.


Here is one of Baba's key teachings for sadhaka life.

Baba says, "You may ask, "How can I do pun'yam while sleeping? In the wakeful state, I may do Pun´yam. But while sleeping, how can I do Pun'yam? Can you? Yes, you can. What's the difference between habit and nature? When habit becomes one with your existence, it is called nature...By constant practice or under pressure of circumstances, one becomes habituated, and by encouraging this habituation, it finally becomes nature."

"This is auto-suggestion. "Now it is time for my meditation", what is it? You are trying to habituate yourself. But when you cannot live without puja, then it has become your nature. Try to make it what - habit or nature? Nature. I never take

a drop of water without doing puja. Why? It has become my nature. And I want that all of you should make it your nature also."

"When auto-suggestion will become your nature, what will happen? While sleeping you will be repeating that japa (repetition of mantra) in your unconscious mind. You are sleeping, so conscious mind is not active. You are not having any dream, so your sub-conscious mind is also not active. But unconscious mind is there. Automatically there will be japa. 24 hours you are doing Pun´ya. While you are sleeping, you will be engaged in doing japa and using your incantation. Kuru pun'yam Ahora'tram." (Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 14)

In this materialistic era, people suffer from so many psychic problems such as nightmares etc. The difficult issues one encounters during the day get turned in  nightmares during sleep by the untrained mind.

For example one might dream that their business went bankrupt, or one might dream of quarreling with a friend, or one might dream of being scared about unknown events in the future. All these types of disturbing ideas may take place in the mind during sleep. Even worse is that when one wakes up then they feel depressed and worried because of such types of crude dreams and nightmares.

In His above teaching Baba carefully describes to us that if we train our minds to repeat our ista mantra during the daytime then the same will happen at night. In which case all our dreams will be sweet and blissful - ever floating in His divine vibration.


Special Way to Cure All Diseases

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 20:03:02
Subject: Special Way to Cure All Diseases



All the practices in AM have their special purpose - none should be skipped. In certain circles some are lax about practicing asanas. Yet our asanas are so critical for our physical, psychic and spiritual advancement.

Here are some important points given by Baba that we should all keep in mind.


In the wide world of yoga there are more than 50,000 known asanas. And among those 50,000, Baba has graciously compiled approximately 42 which we use in our A'nanda Ma'rga system.

Baba says, "There are more than 50,000 ásanas; among them a few are named here which are most necessary for the path of meditation." (Caryacarya, part 3)

And in particular in A'nanda Ma'rga yoga, there are two a'sanas that Baba has given which cure all the diseases.

(a) The first one is sarvaungasana [shoulder stand]. And as its name denotes sarvaungasana purifies the entire body. 'Sarva' means all; 'aunga' means limbs and organs; and 'asana' means position comfortably held. So by performing this asana the whole body-- all the limbs and organs - gets rejuvenated and cured from all types of diseases and ailments.

(b)  The second asana with this cure-all quality is matsyendrasana [spinal twist].  As noted, in sarvaungasana the name itself denotes that it is beneficial for all the organs etc. But the same is not the case with the name-- matsyendrasana. Reason is that matsyendrasana is named after one prince who became a great yogi. That prince's name was Matsyendranath. And since he was the one who created this asana, that asana was named: matsyendrasana.

(c) But it should be clearly known that both these asanas positively effect the entire body. But the name of one asana expresses this idea whereas the other asana does not. Even then, the all-round benefits of these two asanas are nearly identical.

(d) In sarvaungasana even the eyes get proper exercise by focusing up towards the big toe. Similarly, in matsyendrasana, the eyes derive tremendous benefits from looking to the far left and far right during the twisting motion.

(e) So both these asanas exercise & revitalise the entire body from head to foot. Specifically these asanas benefit the arms, legs, mouth, nose, eyes, head, ear, tongue as well as all the cakras of the body.

(f) For sarvaungasana, a complementary asana also needs to be done. That is matsyamudra, a.k.a fish posture. So first one should do sarvaungasana, then one should  rest for 15 seconds by doing shavasana (corpse pose), and then one should do matsyamudra. In general, sarvaungasana will be done twice as long as matsyamudra. Directly after completing matsyamudra one can again begin sarvaungasana. But each time in between Sarvaungasana and Matsyamudra, shavasana should be performed.

(g) Those suffering from high blood pressure should refrain from doing sarvaungasana.

(h) In our AM system, asanas have not been selected just on the basis of physical exercise only. Rather Baba has perfectly selected those asanas which are helpful in maintaining good health as well as proper glandular secretions - which help make the body fit for spiritual practice. Such types of asanas have primarily been included in our AM system. That is why Baba has included and approved only 42 asanas for Ananda Margiis.

(i) Here below are a few of Baba's direct guidelines regarding asanas.

Baba says, "'A'sana' means 'a position in which one feels comfortable' -
'Stirasukhama'sanam'." (CC-3)

Baba says, "A'sanas are a kind of exercise by regular practice of which the body stays healthy and hardy and many diseases are cured." (CC-3)

Baba says, "[Specifically] those diseases which create trouble in the path of meditation may be cured by the help of specific a'sanas, so that sa'dhana' may more easily be done." (CC-3)



(I) Sarva'unga'sana (all-limbs posture):

(a) Lie down on your back. Gradually raise the entire body and keep it straight, resting its weight on your shoulders. The chin must be in contact with the chest. Support both sides of your trunk with your hands. The toes must remain together; the eyes must be directed at the toes.

(b) Lie down in padma'sana. Gradually raise the body and rest its weight on your shoulders. Support both sides with the hands. This a'sana is also known as u'rdhvapadma'sana (inverted lotus posture)'.

Practise three rounds, up to five minutes.

(II) Matsyamudra' (fish posture): Lie down in padma'sana. Rest the crown of the head on the floor and grasp both the big toes with the hands. Practise three times. Maximum time for practice is two-and-a-half minutes.

(III) Matsyendra'sana (Matsyendra's posture): generally for males:

(a) Press the mu'la'dha'ra cakra with the right heel. Cross the left foot over the right thigh and keep it to the right of the thigh. Grasp the left big toe with the right hand, keeping the right arm along the left side of the left knee. Reach backwards from the left side with the left hand and touch the navel. Turn the neck to the left as far as possible.

(b) Then press the mu'la'dha'ra with the left heel and reverse the process. One round means completing the process on both sides.

Practise four rounds, half a minute each time.


"Ga'n geye ja'bo, shono na' shono tav iccha'..."     P.S. 2305


Baba, I will go on singing Your song and chanting Your glory. O' Parama Purusa, it is up to You whether You grace me by listening to these songs or not. With these songs in the depths of my deep ideation, I will generate divine vibrations, by Your grace - and go on serving You.

Baba, O' Divine Entity, with my deep yearning I am calling You again and again. But I am not getting any response - You are not paying heed to my call. By avoiding me, maybe You are thinking that I will not sing Your song any more and remain quiet. Perhaps You are thinking that in frustration, I will give up the hope of getting You. That I will no longer engage in the flow of those divine tunes and melodies, which is inundating the vast sky. That I will not utilize these melodious treasures in my practical life to get closer to You.

Baba, with the strength of knowledge, wisdom, intellect, and worldly attributions, Your depth cannot be measured - nobody can realise You. Only by surrendering that very unit "I" which already belongs to You and singing Your name, will I will surely get You. It is Your grace.   

Baba, O' my Dearmost, I sing my songs only for You: To serve You, to please You. Kindly be gracious and keep me on Your lap...

Note: In the above song, the sadhaka has deep love and a strong yearning for Parama Purusa. So when Parama Purusa does not respond to his call in the way that he desires, the sadhaka makes one loving accusation towards Parama Purusa. Actually that is not an accusation per se, but rather an intimate type of loving expression. In this song, Baba is giving His approval that devotees have the right to do this and that this loving way of communication is quite natural and beneficial.

Stolen: Ananda Purnima Donation

From: Pradiip Deva
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 22:31:46
Subject: Stolen: Ananda Purnima Donation




Note: At an Ananda Purnima function in Punjab, a fight broke out. Read the details below. With right awareness, we can prevent such incidents at the upcoming May 2012 Ananda Purnima celebrations.

In Punjab, margiis have always celebrated the auspicious day of Ananda Purnima with much happiness, joy and enthusiasm. So many grand activities are planned: Narayan seva, service to the poor, fruit distribution to hospitals, clothing distribution, nagar kiirtan, colourful decorations, sumptuous food and more. All this has been the usual tradition.

When Ac Govindananda Avt was posted there and became in-charge of the unit, then he surveyed the scene and hatched his plan. He saw this as his golden opportunity.

He planned the unthinkable: To steal and embezzle on this holy occasion of Ananda Purnima (Baba’s birthday). What follow is the scene that transpired.


In years previous, the margiis themselves used to organise the festival by collecting money from everyone in the unit and spending those funds in a grand way.

So Govindananda Dada told everyone that since he is the in-charge and the main executive person of the unit, then he should manage the finances for the Ananda Purnima celebration.

With full trust, the margiis readily accepted his proposal. In this way the Ananda Purnima festival was planned


On the eve of Ananda Purnima, a smaller number of margiis arrived at the jagrti with high hopes of seeing beautiful decorations all around. So they were dismayed to find very few decorations. They also noticed that the evening meal was not up to the standard - it was not like festival food. They wanted to ask Dada about all this and tried to find him, but he was not around. They were perplexed and extremely disappointed and planned to approach Dada about this.

The next morning, with great anticipation, joy, and excitement the full gathering of margiis arrived at the jagrti for Ananda Purnima celebrations. Upon entering, they were quite shocked and dismayed to see the state of affairs. The environment seemed very plain and there were no supplies for their usual service projects. When the morning meal was served they saw that it was only a small amount of very plain and simple food. The whole affair lacked that festive spirit.

The margiis who donated large sums were frustrated and furious. To them, it was very apparent what had happened. They understood immediately that Dadaji had stolen most of the money.

They were outraged. Nothing had been arranged for narayan seva, feeding the poor, and serving the helpless.

The margiis asked for an account and Dada refused. Tensions were high and a fight erupted. One margii grabbed Dada and tore his gown and tossed his turban. Others started yelling, “Thief! thief! thief!” There was a big tussle.

Finally some margiis interceded and situation was calmed down.


When any program happens then some Dadas behave in this way. We should be alert. Ananda Purnima is coming soon.

When margiis organise everything then they do not steal or embezzle; they think this is a pious program and stealing is sinful. They do not want to invite any consequence, sin, or negative reaction.

But certain wt’s do not worry about such things. They are just like dogmatic priests who think they have control over everything and that they are beyond sin. Due to extreme arrogance this crude mentality develops. They are bound by avidya maya and they cannot understand their depraved state and sinful dealing.

Still Ac Govindananda is there in that unit. Everyone should be aware. Ananda Purnima is fast approaching: Do you know where your donation is going?

Pradiip Deva


A large amount of money was collected for the aforementioned Ananda Purnima festival as margiis wanted to celebrate in a beautiful way. But it was found out that Dada Govindananda pocketed 90% of the money; he spent a mere 10% of the money on the Ananda Purnima festival and celebration. All the rest Dada grabbed. If Dada had stolen only 5 or 10%, then margiis might not have noticed, or it would have been overlooked etc. But since Dada stole 90% of all the money, the margiis could not tolerate his greedy and sinful conduct. Dadaji embezzled (stole) the money to send back to his laokik village.


There are many workers including Ac Govindananda who collect money and send it to their laokik relations and side by side they secretly run private businesses for when they plan on leaving the organisation. The list of various Dadas behaving in this way we are going to bring to public notice. Then of course there are other Dadas who indulge in other negative activities.


Of great importance is that despite the presence of workers like Govindananda who are financial and moral cheats, the vast majority of Wts are good people who want to do something in their life to please Baba. So no one should think that all workers are depraved and trustless. It is not like that. There are many, many sincere wholetimers.


After all people are often overpowered by avidya maya - including some of our Wt Dadas. So margii donors should always be acutely aware whether the money they donated is properly spent or not. Baba has given a warning in A Guide to Human Conduct (see tapah chapter). If you donate and it was misused then you are also guilty.

Baba says, "What place does knowledge or reasoning occupy in tapah sádhaná? This is a very important question. Truly speaking, far greater knowledge is required to render service pertaining to tapah than to render service pertaining to shaoca. Tapah devoid of knowledge is bound to be misused."

"The opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting work from you to serve their selfish ends, and at the same time this will deprive the real sufferers of their due services from you. A rich miser approaches you with a tale of woe and entreats you to give him relief. Being moved with pity, if you do what is needed to relieve him of his suffering, the very purpose of tapah will be defeated, as it is without any knowledge or reasoning. The end result of your service will be that the rich man whom you have served will become more miserly and more selfish and will, in the future, try to deceive in a greater way people who dedicate themselves to the service of humanity. Secondly, as you will, to some extent, know his inner motive, you will become mentally depressed and you will also develop a hostile attitude towards him."

"Therefore, while following the principle of tapah you should ascertain fully well whether the person you are going to serve, really needs your service. Only then should you engage yourself in service." (A Guide to Human Conduct, Tapah)


"Toma'ke bha'lo besechi, tumi shudhu mane a'cho..."  (Prabhata Samgiita #2562)


Baba, I love You; only You are in my mind. You are my dearmost; You alone are mine; You are the only moon in my mental sky-- mental plate. Baba, except You, everything else in this entire universe is temporary. Everything comes for a short time and then get lost into thin air, into the oblivion. Baba, only You are beginningless and endless; only You remain permanently - eternally.

Baba, nothing lasts forever in this world. At the end of the day, night falls and the light of day gets engulfed by the darkness. Similarly, the darkness of the night vanishes with the advent of the brilliant new dawn. Thus everything in this world is changing, transient. But the constant pouring of Your divine effulgence continues on and on - it knows no limit; it knows no end.

Baba, I am loving You; You are always residing in my mind; You are my only polestar. Baba, You are my Goal; You are my everything...

Status of EMS

From: Ishvara Deva
Date: Tue 27 Mar 2012 21:36:06
Subject: Status of EMS


Many are aware that "EMS" (Ek Manav Samaj) is a branch of our organisation where we sit down with people from the various dogmatic  religions and talk. One of the aims is to bring people from different faiths together so they can overcome their differences, hatred, and anger. This is one of the objectives of EMS, which is a distinct branch
of AMPS.

But this EMS branch where we meditate talks between different religious groups is quite different from our socio-cum-philosophical approach of Ek Manav Samaj, One Human Society.

The idea and reality of Ek Manav Samaj can only be achieved by creating one human society based on ideology. In that endeavour there is no scope or question of creating social unity by merging all the dogmas of the various religions, or compromising with different religious dogmas. That is never going to work - that will never bring social harmony.

Baba says, "How far is the unification of all religions possible?"

"Ans.: – To seek infinite bliss is the only dharma of humanity. Humanity has but one dharma. Thus, the question of the unification of religions does not arise. The apparent dissimilarity between various religions arising due to differences in their ritualistic practices is not a spiritual difference. Whenever rituals dominate and efforts to attain bliss are feeble, whatever that may be, it is not spirituality." (Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, question #49)

The only way to create Ek Manva Samaj is to rid society from all such dogmas and build a neo-humanistic social order based on the pure spiritual ideals of AM.

Hence none should think that the tenets of EMS (i.e. talking with different religious groups) is part of the process of creating the social aim of creating one human society.


Peace of Society...

From: "Gautama Deva"
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:11:37 -0500
Subject: Peace of Society...




Baba says, "For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs  to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish."

"First people should not be retrenched from their livelihood unless alternative employment has been arranged for them."

"Let us discuss what happens when people lose their livelihood. Take the example of rickshaw pullers in India. The work of rickshaw pullers is exhausting and poorly paid, but if it is declared illegal, many rickshaw pullers will become unemployed and their lives will become more miserable. Those who cannot find alternative employment will either die of starvation or become criminals in an effort to survive. In either case, society will be adversely affected. So, before this occupation is prohibited, rickshaw pullers should be provided with suitable alternative employment."

"Now you understand the consequences of retrenching people without arranging a suitable alternative livelihood for them." (Prout Nutshell-16, p.68-69)

1. In failing to follow this important point, currently, countries like India are facing a whirlpool of criminal activity.

2. Altogether in this chapter Baba puts forth three cardinal principles for "individual and collective progress". Reference PNS-16 chapter 10 for a full listing & description. 

3. For those who do not have the book, the three cardinal principles are:
(a) No retrenchment from job unless new employed arranged.
(b) No forced religious conversion.
(c) Not suppression of mother tongue.

Baba says, "Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved." (Prout Nutshell-16, p.68)

Gautama Deva


“Tumi na’ bole esechile, a’j na’ bole cale gele…”  (Prabhata Samgiita #1327)


Baba, without saying anything You came and appeared in my dhya’na, and now today without telling You just left– disappeared. Baba, I was lying in the dust on the path, and You graciously lifted me up and put me on Your lap. You have done everything.

O’ Parama Purus’a, O' Baba, my dwelling was old and tattered – broken down. Not only that, I was also without intellect and conscience. My condition was so pitiful that I did not have even one morsel to put into my mouth. With Your love and kindness, You bestowed everything upon me and taught me all that I needed to know.

Baba, I was not understanding the dharma of human life – what human beings should do, and what are the do’s and don’ts. About all these things I was not at all aware. To get You, I did not do any sadhana. Even then by Your grace You have taught me sadhana and blessed me with perfection to move ahead on the path.

O’ Divine Entity, O' Baba, previously in my life I was not even up to the standard of a human being. All the teachings I had been given were full of dogma. Baba, You have graciously poured the sweetness, given me a voice, and lifted me onto Your Divine lap. Baba, You have done everything.

O' my Dearmost, secretly You came and secretly You left – even then You have arranged everything for me. Baba, Your grace is unforgettable...

Unparalleled Insight

Date: 25 Mar 2012 21:44:38 -0000
From: "Gurucharan  Deva"
Subject: Unparalleled Insight




Baba says, "Tuberculosis germs are present in almost all human bodies in greater or lesser numbers. So long as the strength of the blood and vitality of the human body remain normal, tuberculosis germs cannot do any harm or cause any disease. If, however, the strength and purity of the blood break down for any specific reason, then the tuberculosis germs get a chance to settle in different glands and joints and start multiplying." (Yogic Treatments, p.49)

Baba's "Yogic Treatments" publication is but a small book on the science of medicine and human health, yet the depth and breadth of ideas expressed in this book are unparalleled.

For example, in the above teaching Baba reveals that tuberculosis germs are present in nearly every single person. This itself is a totally new concept. Allopathic medicine does not understand or believe this fact.

To appreciate "Yogic Treatments", present-day medical science has to improve a lot and greaten the scope of their understanding and research. Otherwise many of the teachings contained within "Yogic Treatments" will remain far beyond the reach of contemporary allopathic science.

All in all, we should not forget for one single moment that the "Yogic Treatments" book is written by none other than that Supreme Controlling Entity who has created everything in this manifested and unmanifested universe. With His infinite knowledge & insight, Baba has complete and perfect knowledge of all the functions and workings of the entire human body and mind.

In "Yogic Treatments", He graciously reveals some of those eternal truths for our welfare.

Step by step in the future, contemporary medical science will accept this and gradually advance in this direction. For these reasons and more, Baba's "Yogic Treatments" book is very important for each and every A'nanda Ma'rgii - and  not only us but for all, the entire humanity.

Gurucharan Deva

You Can't Escape from Divine Reward or Punishment

From: "Arisudan Deva"
Subject: You Can't Escape from Divine Reward or Punishment
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 19:13:54 +0000



Note: This letter is based on Baba's discourse, The Science of Action, delivered on the occasion of Shrávańii Púrńimá 1959 DMC, Bhagalpur, as well as His other discourses on action-reaction theory. 

Many are interested in knowing more about karma theory and in particular how the requital of samskaras happens. In one of His discourses Baba has shed light on this.

First let’s examine a few case scenarios and then identify the operative factor involved, as well as other key elements.


Suppose you were helping someone who was sick and bed-ridden for an entire week, and they experienced much relief by your service. The requital of that samskara is not that in the near future you are going to become sick and somebody will serve you. This is not the way samskara theory works, according to Baba.

Or suppose, you broke someone’s leg, the requital of that samskara is not that in this lifetime or the next someone is therefore going to break your leg. Baba explicitly tells us that this is not the way it works.

Or suppose you and another person climbed a tree and you pushed him from the tree and he died. The requital of that samskara is not that in this lifetime or the next someone will push you from a tree wherein you die. This also is not the way it works.

Or suppose you helped someone fix their motorcycle then it does not mean that at some point in the future someone will help you fix your motorcycle. Karma theory does not work like that.

Or suppose you killed a shark, it is not that a shark is going to swallow you in your next life.

The central idea is that the reaction of one’s past deed is not identical in presentation to the original action. It is not based on the theory, “an eye for an eye.” Our samskara theory is far more subtle and complex than that.


What then is the operative factor in determining how one will undergo the reactions of their original actions?

Here Baba tells us the key answer: The requital of samskaras, or samska'ra bhoga, happens in the mind. The mind does the action and the mind faces the reaction.

Let’s revisit one of our earlier examples: If you help someone while they are sick and bed-ridden, then in that person’s mind they feel a sense of relief and happiness because they know they are in good care. Your service soothes their pain and suffering.

In reaction, you may experience that positive reaction in any number of ways: Someone might unexpectedly support you in a public debate and you felt so happy; or someone might return your lost wallet with all the money inside thereby giving you so much psychic relief; or someone might lift you up from the road and bring you for medical treatment after you fell and broke your knees and you felt so much gratitude. All these events might happen in response.

The key point being that samskaras are expressed by the degree of pain or happiness felt by the mind. Physical experiences alone do not represent the burning of samskaras. Rather it is the degree of pain or happiness experienced in the psychic realm. For instance, if someone goes to the operating room to have surgery and in the mind they do not feel any pain, then they are not exhausting any samskaras.

When burning a samskara, there may or may not be the presence of physical pain, but there must be the presence of either mental pain or happiness. Because the expression of samskaras occurs in the mind.

That is the operative factor: Pain or joy will be experienced by the mind.


Another key point in the requital of samskaras is the amount of payback and how interest figures into the equation.

Let’s just say you have given your bed-ridden friend 30 positive points of psychic relief, then you will receive at least 30 points of happiness in the future. The more time that goes by, the greater amount of interest you will have earned, in which case you may receive 45 points or even 50 points of happiness.

In short, you have accumulated a good samskara – the principal of which is worth 30 points. Then you are going to receive that 30 points plus interest, depending upon how much time transpires. How you experience the reaction might take shape in any number of ways, as mentioned above. But it is certain that you will receive that same degree of goodness, joy or happiness in the mind, plus interest.

Let’s revisit another example: If you push someone from a tree and they suffer 65 points of misery in the mind, then at some point in the future you will undergo 65 points of misery plus interest, depending upon when you undergo the reaction. Depending on how much time transpires the reaction might equal 85 or 90 points of pain. And that might get expressed in any number of ways: You might crash your car and agonize over the loss, or you might be publicly humiliated at work and face so much shame. So it does not mean that someone will push you from the tree. But you will have to undergo 65 points of pain plus interest, depending on how much time lapses between the original actions and the reaction.

So that is the interest rule with regards to samskara theory.


One other key point that must not be lost sight of: You can't escape the consequences of your good or bad deeds by doing more good or bad deeds. For instance, if you stole $10, and then donated $100 to charity, still you have to undergo the negative samskara of having stolen $10. There is no escape and no place to hide. Sooner or later one must undergo the reaction to that negative deed. Baba explains this in detail in various discourses.



So here is how samskara theory works:

(a) Whatever action you did – whether it be good or bad, helping a sick friend or pushing someone from a tree – then you will undergo the reaction to that action in the mental sphere. What exactly the reaction will be is not known – only it is known that you will experience joy or pain in the mind, and that may or may not be accompanied by physical pain as well.

(b) The amount of mental pain which you have inflicted on others or the degree of joy you have given others is what you yourself are going to face in the psychic realm, plus interest. The more time that goes by, the greater the interest.

In brief, that is how action-reaction theory works. It has nothing to do with undergoing the same type of action such as being pushed from a tree if you pushed someone else from a tree. Plus there will always be interest added onto the principal. If you did 23 points of good, you will experience 37, 35, or 49 etc points of goodness, depending how much time goes by.

The golden rule of our samskara theory is that the degree of psychic suffering you inflict on others you yourself will undergo -  plus a little extra. And that suffering can undertake a multitude of forms. The only constant is that you will undergo that degree or mental pain plus interest.

In all such cases the psychic suffering is the operative factor. When facing the reaction of that samskara, you will suffer psychically to that same degree plus interest. You may or may not suffer physically as well. The chief measurement is psychic pain or pleasure. That is the operative factor in samskara theory.

Arisudan Deva


Here Baba gives us a practical example of how samskaras take shape in one's life.

Baba says, "When people rob others, or indulge in hypocrisy, or cheat people, or indulge in tall talk day after day, they are committing original actions. When a dishonest government employee accepts a bribe it is an original action, and when his son gets sick and has to be rushed to the doctor it is the reactive action (the reaction to the original action). When his son dies he laments, “I haven’t knowingly done anything wrong. Oh, Lord, why have you given me such severe punishment.” But God did not give him any punishment – the deep sorrow he felt at the death of his child was the result of his past original actions." (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná)

By Baba's above example we can understand the following:
1. The father had a very negative samskara to suffer and that took expression in the form of his son dying.
2. The son had a very negative samskara to die an early death and that was used in combination with his father's samskara to suffer.
3. In this way parama prakrti organizes and arranges everyone's samskaras.
4. In spite of all this, when people we know need help we must come to their aid. You should not succumb to dogma and refrain from helping because you think that you are interfering with prakrti's grand plan. Rather one must help - not to help is to commit sin (pratyavaya or sin of omission) and thereby incur samskara.


With their devotion in sadhana and by the grace of Parama Purusa, a sadhaka can quickly burn all their remaining samskaras.


“Priyatama ama’r ghare eso, a’loy purn’ kare...” Prabhata Samgiita #3776


O’ my dearmost Baba, please come to me and fulfill my age-old longing. Please grace me and satiate my desire. Please come with Your sweet smile and with Your heart-rending, most attractive lips. Please grace me and fill my heart.

Baba, I do not want anything from You; I want to surrender everything unto You. I only want to offer myself. I want to be ensconced in Your tune and melody. I want to move on that path which is the most pleasing for You. O’ Parama Purusa, I want to involve in Your shravana, manana, nidhidhyásana [1], japa and dhyana. In the past I wasted a lot of time running after imaginary things – mirages. I was sunk in so many dogmas – temporary and ephemeral allurements, thinking they are my permanent shelter.

In the past I was involved in spreading various dogmas: Thinking that some human beings are low and some human beings are high, creating disparities & differentiations, giving unnecessary importance to temporary and worldly status etc. By this way, so much time and money went in vain. My whole life drifted in this way.

O' Divine Entity, now by Your grace I have understood that only You are the eternal truth. Baba, please come to me; I want to surrender...


[1] Shravana, Manana, Nididya’sana: Here below Baba explains the great import of these three devotional practices.

Baba says, “To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya’sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential.” (Tattva Kaomudi – 3)

Deliberate Attempt to Eliminate One's Life

From: "Arjuna Deva"
Subject: Deliberate Attempt to Eliminate One's Life
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 21:38:02 -0800



Note: Euthanasia conducted with the consent of the patient is termed voluntary euthanasia. Active voluntary euthanasia is legal in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Passive voluntary euthanasia is legal throughout the U.S.... When the patient brings about his or her own death with the assistance of a physician, the term assisted suicide is often used instead. Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland and the U.S. states of Oregon, Washington and Montana. (Wikipedia)

These days euthanasia, ending one’s life prematurely, is an approach that more and more are seeking in this materialistic era. As Ananda Margiis we should be clear about AM’s stand on this critical issue and be able outline a clear-cut response.


A margii medical student from Gwalior once went to Delhi to see Baba. During that PC, Baba recounted one fateful event from years earlier.

The margii (who at this time had yet to be initiated) was visiting his father who was terminally ill with cancer and on death’s row. The father asked his son to grant him just one wish.

The father said, “Before I ask, I want you first to promise to carry out my wish. Do you promise?”

The son said, “Yes father, I promise.”

The father made his final request to his son: “Please give me a powerful drug that will take my life.”

The young man was shocked and in a quandary as to what to do. The dilemma forcefully griped his mind and sent him into a stark downward spiral – a state of deep depression.

Overwrought, the young man then decided to take his own life as he could neither bear watching his father die slowly nor could he agree to his father’s request to end his life. So the young man stood at the edge of the Yamuna river just on the cusp of ending it all. His guilt was too much to bear.

In that dark night, a strong voice in the distance suddenly shook the young man from this act and that stranger safely led the young man back to his house.

Time passed and that young doctor became a margiis.

In PC, Baba asked the him, “Who saved you that night when you were contemplating suicide?” The young margii intuitively felt that Baba Himself had come to rescue him.

Baba went on to explain in that PC that as a doctor he should not feel guilty about not agreeing to his father’s request to end the life. A doctor’s duty is to serve and help a patient survive. Never should one assist another in dying. Rather one should feel blessed to be able to serve the patient in life.

Hearing thus, the margii felt totally relieved and revived and thereafter carried out his medical duties courageously and faithfully.


Baba very clearly guides us that we should never give way to lowly feelings wherein one wishes to end their life. Life is invaluable and to be utilised to its fullest.

Baba says, “You cannot afford to waste any part of your precious life.” (Subhasita Samgraha, part 19)

Thus there is no scope for prematurely ending one’s life via medical maneuvers. In AM we honor the mind, and if the mind is capable enough to think that life is not worth living, it means that mind has enough shakti to ideate on Parama Purusa and / or help others in the psychic sphere. Thus rather than allowing a person to voluntarily end their life prematurely, they should be guided toward psycho-spiritual practices. That is our first and foremost reply.

Euthanasia, or the forced arrival of death, is verily a form of suicide, or assisted suicide. And that is not at all condoned in our Marga.

Baba says, “Those who commit suicide, do it when their mind is in a negative state. It is unnatural.” (A Few Problems Solved, part 6)

Thus we should not be swayed by any of the theories or arguments that are floating around today that life can or should be ended prematurely in some circumstances. Under no circumstances should that happen.

Nor should one sit idly waiting to die. That is Baba’s distinct directive.

In one of His discourses from Gorakhpur, Baba graphically describes that one must not lie down in bed meekly – accumulating bed sores – waiting for death to arrive. In that case, better to rise up, expend one’s last drop of energy and be active in sadhana and social service. One should do something to help others with whatever strength and stamina one has. In the due course death will come, and at that time, as far as possible, one should be involved in sadhana and serving humanity.

Indeed in so many discourses Baba has declared:

“Marte marte ka’m karo, ka’m karte karte maro”
“Die while working, and work even while dying”.”

Thus Baba is giving us two distinct teachings:
1) Do not take one’s own life prematurely;
2) Be vigorously active utilising all one’s strength – that is far better than lying listlessly waiting for death to approach.


In today’s world, where most are involved in so many material pursuits, then people become depressed and fall prey to gloomy thoughts seeing their physical body demise.

They fail to think about greater aims in life, “Who am I, why am I here.” Rather they consider this world only for name, fame, post, and sensual pursuits.

They become deluded into thinking that since life is only for sensual pleasures so if the body is not working properly, then best is to end the life.

They think, “Why should I live if I cannot engage in my normal array of instinctual pursuits.”

Then the part two is that they fall prey into another defective mind-set.

They falsely conclude: “At least if I kill myself, I can get rid of my suffering and maybe find a better life somewhere else.”

When in fact the truth is that one is tied up with their own samskaras. One may be able to run away from their house or hide from the police, but mother prakrti will always find them. In that case, how silly to think, “I will start off “clean” in a new place.

Rather, by dropping into the dogma of euthanasia one will just acquire yet another negative samskara - because killing oneself is itself a sinful deed that will create a horrible samskara.

Thus no one should fall prey to the materialistic avenues of premature death or the dogma of trying to find better things through death, i.e. in the afterlife. All these false notions and faulty justifications arise when one feels that the physical body is everything.

Baba says, “Materialism tends to forget that the crude physical body and its vital energy are not the whole of human existence – that the most priceless assets of human beings are their psychic wealth, their spiritual treasures, and their most beloved entity, Parama Purus’a, the Lord of their life.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 18)

Utterly devoid of spiritual vision, people think that their life is totally tied to their physical body – physical pursuits.

Whereas in AM, ours is a spiritual ideal, as Baba guides us above.


At present, various states, governments, and countries have been debating the matter of euthanasia, or the voluntary act of deliberately giving up one’s life.

They cite various reasons for this to occur: sickness and disease, incapacity to walk, see, or hear, debilitating accidents, loss of limbs, and religious reasons as well.

For all of the above and more, such advocates claim it is reasonable for one to prematurely end one’s life.

But again this is a purely materialistic outlook. What they fail to realise is that life is not for physical pleasure but for pleasing and surrendering to Parama Purusa. And, so long as one can think one has the capacity to please and serve Him.

And actually, the loss of one’s physical gifts forces one to face one’s vulnerability. This then makes it easier for one to surrender to the Lord. Whereas when one is at full strength and bossing others around, then who thinks that they should surrender to Parama Purusa – already they feel impregnable.

So there is a spiritual gain in losing one’s physical prowess.

But the materialist just thinks, “Without my full physical force I prefer not to live, and If I die my suffering will be over.”

And those in the bind of religious dogma think that, “If I take my life I will gain redemption and escape my pain and problems here on earth. After ending this life, I will end up happily in heaven. Why don't I go to heaven now. The golden palace is waiting for me in heaven."

What they do not realise is that one may escape from the police or from one’s enemies etc, but one cannot escape from their negative deeds and samskaras. From this, there is no escape or running - not even by death.


Of course, in Ananda Marga life is viewed as vital to one’s progress and there are so many reasons to continue living. Furthermore, there are numerous reasons why one should not succumb to the destructive ways of assisted suicide or euthanasia.

1) One’s samskaras can only be exhausted while alive and that one should use the physical body on this earth in order to finish all one’s past unexpressed samskaras.

2) After death, the mind cannot function without the brain. After death, there is little difference between and an animal mind and a human mind. It is just a mind along with its unexpressed samskaras, whether good or bad. All waiting for rebirth.

3) If a person ends their life intentionally, i.e. assisted suicide, then that creates yet another bad samskara. Why? Because if a person commits suicide then they will face that negative samskara of deliberately destroying their body.

4) When the body is debilitated then feelings of helplessness arise, and that brings feelings of surrender – the highest calling in life. Thus this time of life should be used for spiritual growth and not wasted in euthanasia.

5) If one has the active awareness to make the decision to choose to die, then they have enough awareness to do sadhana. Sadhana only needs the feeling of "I am", "I exist", and "I do" and then one can practice meditation.

6) So long as the brain is functioning then should one not be taken off life support. If the brain is working, one can do sadhana even if the motor organs are not working. If one suffers brain death (vegetative state) as determined by doctors, that is the sole requisite for ending life support because then one cannot do sadhana.

7) Part of our spiritual approach in life to ask Baba to, “Please grace me and give me strength to face any and all suffering and setbacks in life.” Especially in dark periods of life or when sick, one should take this ideation.

8) One should always remember that one can become one with Parama Purusa with the right ideation – it takes just a moment. Proof of this is the terrible villain Valmiki who in the course of a few moments expressed his repentance with great sincerity and thereafter became known as a great saint.

9) Another important thing is that one cannot do sadhana without a physical body. Baba has said many times that even the devayonis must get the human framework if they wish to gain salvation. That is the only way to finish one’s sadhana.

And it is well known that the famed guru Swami Lahiri Mahasaya came to Baba multiples times in a body-less form and begged Him to grant him a body with which to complete his sadhana.

10) One should not give way to feelings of nihilism (i.e. this world is misery). This is not appreciated by Ananda Marga. We do not agree with Buddha’s teaching. One must not fall prey to feelings of misery and instead cross the ocean of maya.

11) As long as one is able to think, then one can ideate on Him. No matter how grave one’s problems one can always cry for the Lord.

All of the above speaks to the importance of keeping one’s physical body as one precious vehicle for manifesting one’s spiritual ideal. There is no scope to do assisted suicide when the brain stem itself is still functioning.


1. Those who think that after death they will live joyously in heaven want to conclude this life and rejoice in heaven. Certain dogmatic religions believe in this. As Ananda Margiis, we do not adhere to such dogmatic concepts. We know that one cannot escape their samskara. If you die, or deliberately terminate your life, you will be reborn and face that samskara. If you commit suicide then you will also face the negative consequences associated with intentionally destroying your body.

2. Those who do not believe in samskara theory think that by eliminating their body they can put an end to their suffering. But they do not know that wherever they go they will have to face their suffering. So then why not face it here and now?


No matter how desperate things get, when drowned in any problem or difficulty, we can only say, “O’ Parama Purusa please grant me strength to serve You – then my life will be successful.”

Tragically those with a materialistic outlook can never conceive of this idea. Thus it is imperative that all understand the inner spirit of one’s human life and its utilisation.

Baba says, ‘The only aim of life is spiritual practice – the realization of the Supreme. But the body, composed of the five fundamental factors, and the mind, which is related to this body, are in this physical world. So spiritual practice cannot be sustained by ignoring this physical world. People will have to conduct their lives in such a way that their mundane duties are properly discharged without disturbing their spiritual practice, which is the primary goal of life. Thus people will have to continue their spiritual practice as the primary mission in life, and at the same time fulfil their worldly responsibilities, considering them to be allotted by God.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya)


No one should get duped or confused into thinking that there is any positive aspect of euthanasia. It is a faulty plan and foolhardy approach for solving one’s problems. May we all live with the notion that we have come here to serve Him. Then we are sure to lead a successful life, unperturbed by the comings and goings of worldly life.

Baba says, “Progress along the path of devotion is sweet and smooth. However the one who advances only a short way along the path of knowledge is soon assailed on all sides by the laments of the parched desert. No matter what the nature of one’s sa’dhana’ might be, one will have to practice sa’dhana’ in this world; one will not get the opportunity after death. It is up to you to choose between the path of divinity and the path of animality. But remember, the highest fulfillment in life lies in Brahma sa’dhana’. The attainment of immortality lies in the pursuit of this path. Only through Brahma sa’dhana’ can one properly evaluate life and attain genuine progress. The fulfillment of a bud lies in its unfoldment, not in its withering. Those who spend life in the pursuit of limited mundane objects allow the bud of their lives to wither, and regress along the path of negative Pratisaincara to suffer the eventual miserable plight of becoming as inert as bricks, stones or iron, what to speak of dogs or cats. This process of crudification will lead to the total annihilation of their latent humanity.”

“An intelligent person should not follow the path of annihilation, but the path of spiritual unfoldment. The pursuit of dharma is the path leading to progress. Life reaches a glorious culmination and supreme fulfillment only in this pursuit of dharma.” (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life, part 8)

Arjuna Deva


"Madhur mohan tumi cita-rainjan a'cho sada' sa'the sa'the..." (3580)


Baba, You are very sweet, most attractive. You have coloured my mind in Your colour. That is why You are Cita-Rainjan [1]. Always You are remaining with me side by side. You have removed the despair and filled my heart with Your love. All the darkness & hopelessness was removed by that light.

Baba, You are beyond the scriptures, intellect, logic, and reasoning, You are above all these; You are Alakha-Nirainjain [2], beyond description. Infinite and unblemished. Only You can shatter the bondage of avidya maya - the mirage of negative attraction-- and grant salvation. Baba, You are the most charming, the most sweet, my own...


[1] Cita-Rainjan: Baba guides us & we all know that devotion is that unique ingredient which allows one to advance in the spiritual field. Without innate love for Parama Purusa one can never succeed. By Baba's divine grace, in His role as Cit-Rainjan, He is that Divine Entity who colours and saturates the mind of sadhakas in the fountain of devotion. Baba says, "'rainjana', which means 'the One who colours' - that which colours the mind." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-1) So He is that Cosmic Being who graciously showers devotional love into the heart and mind of the bhakta. And by such overwhelming Cosmic grace, the devotee becomes immersed in Supreme bliss and comes in the closest proximity with that Love Personified Entity: Parama Purusa.

[2] Alakhanirainjan: ('Alakh' means 'invisible'; 'nir' means 'no'; 'ainjan' means 'black spot'.) Of the infinite attributions of Parama Purusa, one of which is that He is invisible and blemishless-- totally pure and perfect. That is why He is known as Alakhanirainjan. Because in this world unit beings are bound by their past actions, by their samskaras; and this creates a black mark in their mind. But being Alakhanirainjan, being both invisible and blemishless, Parama Purusa is totally beyond the realm of sense perception and beyond the realm of samskara. His mind never gets stained. He remains eternally pure and spotless.

Rising Up

“Ghuma’ye theko na’ a’r jago tvra’, a’rt ma’navata’ d’a'k diye ja’y..."

O’ brothers and sisters, let us no longer remain in slumber. We should get up without delay. The crying humanity is calling us; the people are in desperate need of our help, support, & service. We have to give the proper response by waving the flag of neo-humanism and thus usher in the new dawn– whereby humanity is united. Taking Baba’s divine Name, we have to remove their cry and suffering by forming one human society. Let us not delay– the situation is urgent… (Prabhat Samgiita #4872)

Solution of Nightmares

Date: 30 Mar 2012 21:08:36 -0000
From: "Manoj"
Subject: Solution of Nightmares


PS Intro: Here Baba is describing what happens in the severe summer season. It can also be equated with bad or difficult times in one's spiritual life. When the sadhaka is feeling out of their devotional flow then the mind is dry like a desert. The softness and fulfillment of the mind withers away. Everything becomes drab and lifeless. The sadhaka's heart of that dark time is reflected in this song. Here summer season means that state of mind devoid of devotion.

Prabhata Samgiita #3003

A'mra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y

Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n

Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Shya'malima' ha'-ra'no ven'u vane nei ta'n
Ba'dal meghe na' dekhe mayuro nis'pra'n'
Na' phot'a' mukul a'tape shuka'----y

Amra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p

Jeno se baye ja'y dustar anuta'p
Cepe ra'kha' marmer jata chilo santa'p
Us'n'a ma'rava a'nkhite mila'----y
A'mra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y


The nectar of the mango grove has dried up. The vernal breeze has gotten lost in the horizon. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.

The burning heat of summer makes the cuckoo bird forget its song. It has stopped singing. In the greenless flute groves, there is no resonance. Not seeing the monsoon clouds, the peacock is half-dead and lifeless. The unbloomed flower buds have withered away in summer's scorching heat. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.

Because of the intense summer heat, the green grass has become yellow - as if it is facing a terrible ordeal. Whatever suppressed and painful feeling was in the heart became one with the hot desert storm. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up...


Summer season has come. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up. The unrelenting sun is baking and cracking the earth. The vernal breeze has gotten lost in the horizon. The hot summer wind is blowing.

The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.

The burning heat of summer makes the cuckoo bird forget its song. It has stopped singing. The world has lost its beauty. In the greenless flute groves [1], there is no resonance. The lush vegetation has lost its vitality. Not seeing the monsoon clouds, the peacock is half-dead and lifeless. The unbloomed flower buds have withered away in summer's scorching heat. Everyone wishes for the arrival of cool, refreshing rain. O' Parama Purusa, devotees long for the showering of Your grace and devotion in their melancholic heart.

The nectar of the mango grove has dried up and the hot wind is blowing.

Because of the intense summer heat, the green grass has become yellow - as if it is facing a terrible ordeal. Whatever suppressed and painful feeling was in the heart became one with the hot desert storm. This entire scene of the floar and fauna in the summer season is similar to all the agonies and pain of the heart which was unexpressed in my mind. Now it is taking form by this summer storm. Inside and outside are same. O' Lord the suffering and pain of not getting You is expressed by this summer storm.

Baba I want You...


[1] The flute is made from the cane plant, that is why cane plants are also known as flute groves.

End Note: One key point to be aware of in this ongoing translation work is the danger of being overly literal. For instance, in Bengali it is said, "jal kha'bo" literally meaning "Will eat water"; whereas the better translation is "I will drink water." Whenever and wherever possible, a good translation will aim for the spirit of what is being said, and not the bare, literal meaning.


Here is one of Baba's key teachings for sadhaka life.

Baba says, "You may ask, "How can I do pun'yam while sleeping? In the wakeful state, I may do Pun´yam. But while sleeping, how can I do Pun'yam? Can you? Yes, you can. What's the difference between habit and nature? When habit becomes one with your existence, it is called nature...By constant practice or under pressure of circumstances, one becomes habituated, and by encouraging this habituation, it finally becomes nature."

"This is auto-suggestion. "Now it is time for my meditation", what is it? You are trying to habituate yourself. But when you cannot live without puja, then it has become your nature. Try to make it what - habit or nature? Nature. I never take

a drop of water without doing puja. Why? It has become my nature. And I want that all of you should make it your nature also."

"When auto-suggestion will become your nature, what will happen? While sleeping you will be repeating that japa (repetition of mantra) in your unconscious mind. You are sleeping, so conscious mind is not active. You are not having any dream, so your sub-conscious mind is also not active. But unconscious mind is there. Automatically there will be japa. 24 hours you are doing Pun´ya. While you are sleeping, you will be engaged in doing japa and using your incantation. Kuru pun'yam Ahora'tram." (Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 14)

In this materialistic era, people suffer from so many psychic problems such as nightmares etc. The difficult issues one encounters during the day get turned in  nightmares during sleep by the untrained mind.

For example one might dream that their business went bankrupt, or one might dream of quarreling with a friend, or one might dream of being scared about unknown events in the future. All these types of disturbing ideas may take place in the mind during sleep. Even worse is that when one wakes up then they feel depressed and worried because of such types of crude dreams and nightmares.

In His above teaching Baba carefully describes to us that if we train our minds to repeat our ista mantra during the daytime then the same will happen at night. In which case all our dreams will be sweet and blissful - ever floating in His divine vibration.


Why Children Are Violent

Subject: Why Children Are Violent
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 21:58:36 -0000



Each and every day, as never before, we hear the shocking news about our teenagers committing heinous crimes: Murder, rape, bombings, and more. This is most rampant now in the US. Just this week a “normal” high school student in Ohio open fired in the school cafeteria killing and injuring several students.

What has experts and officials concerned is that such type of unruly & ghastly incidents are becoming more and more common. Especially in our so-called advanced nations where youths are engaging in terribly destructive and savage behaviour.

The questions naturally arise: How & why are such horrific tragedies increasing? Why are children in “First-World” countries resorting to such dastardly acts? These are but a couple of the burning questions of the day. Of course, side by side, our Revered Sadguru Baba has already addressed and given the solution to these types of tragic social woes.



Looking back at the history, Baba clearly unveils that an imbalanced or broken family severely adversely affects the children’s growth and thrusts them into “a sea of troubles”.

Baba says, “The male libertines would not take responsibility for their offspring. They used to wander freely, and as a result, the entire responsibility for raising the children in their infancy would devolve on the mothers. But it was not possible for the mothers alone to bear the responsibility of maintaining the children, as a result of which many children died in early infancy. Those who survived felt themselves to be in a sea of troubles after they were weaned from their mother’s breast milk. Then they would be deprived of their mother’s love, since she had to take care of the next baby. Those were the days of the prehistoric humans.” (Namah Shiva Shantaya: Shivokti-2)

In His above guideline, Baba is graphically showing what happens when the mother and father are unable to provide a proper environment for their child. Specifically, when the father abandons the mother and child then the mother is left to carry the full burden of rearing the child(ren) all by herself. As a lone parent, she is unable to secure and provide the food and spend ample time nurturing and loving the children. It is just not possible to work all day and then raise the child as well.

Baba says, "It is extremely inconvenient and difficult for her [the mother] to give her child all-round grooming [and love] and make adequate provision for food, clothes, education and medical care all by herself." (Human Society - 1, Social Justice)

The key missing ingredient is that when children are not given the heart-felt love and attention that they need, then those kids have little chance of ‘making it’ in the world. They may not physically die, but internally there is a terrible void that casts a dark shadow on their entire existence.

Here following Baba furthermore points out how one of the key aspects needed for the wholesome development of the child is motherly love and affection. And that love cannot be fully provided in a child-care situation. It is just not the same.

And if that is blatantly missing or absent – for whatever reason – then the child’s emotional growth will be severely hampered and stunted. They will lack those “sweeter and finer sensibilities” that are unique to human existence and so very vital for each and every person.

Baba says, “It was not easy to know the fathers of children even in the case of the so-called householders, far less in that of the libertines. Children would know only their mothers. And after they were weaned, they would forget their mothers also. Thus being deprived of motherly love and affection at a very early age, they had no opportunity to develop the sweeter and finer sensibilities of the human mind. The human mind, the human intellect, was nipped in the bud; those people had no opportunity to blossom, to gladden the heart of the world with their sweet joy.” (Namah Shiva Shantaya:

The overall message is that strong, cooperative parental involvement is needed in raising a child. A certain physical and psychic base or stability must be provided by the father and the mother must have ample scope to shower her maternal love and compassion on the child. These are the necessary ingredients and when they are missing then the whole situation turns sour. In that case the child cannot grow properly and often their entire life ends up in disaster.


Nowadays in our so-called third and first world nations, there is a blatant dichotomy – though admittedly this gap is fast decreasing as materialism continue to spread its web throughout this earth.

In general though, especially in places like India, the mothers keep their children nestled in their arms and under their close care throughout the day. No doubt they may not be able to supply the child with huge material wealth, but the children grow in an in-tact family surrounded by caring parents and concerned grandparents and a number of aunts and uncles. But first and foremost, the mother’s entire focus of life is on the child and that yields a tremendously positive result. Internally, the child feels nurtured and secure.

Of course, sadly this is now slipping away as capitalism and materialism sink deeper into the fabric of Indian society. In this regard, India is actually in a tailspin. So it is not that all of India is perfect in child rearing and all of the west is deficient of child rearing. There are many stellar parents in the US as well as sub-par parents in India. So here we are talking about the overall trends and norms of east and west over the last 40 years or so.

Keeping this in mind, in our developed nations, the general tendency is quite different. Divorce is rampant, often times both parents have full-time jobs, and in some cases the parents just prefer their own privacy away from their children. With these factors having a dominant effect, there is now an entire generation of children coming into the world who lack that most basic and fundamental human need: Love– motherly love.

On the outside it may sometimes look like those children have everything: a fancy house, all the technological games and gadgets, and so many toys and gifts etc. But on the inside their heart is not satisfied. Due to the pressure of circumstances or outright neglect, they did not receive that loving compassion that is so much required for their welfare.

In result these children could not create a loving relationship with others - all due to their own emotional deficiency. Because of years of neglect or partial neglect, they have a disconnct with the greater society. They do not look upon others with love and affection. The results thereof are absolutely disastrous. As kids, this may not be so apparent as those young children are still young. But as they grow and interact with the world they become extremely harmful - they are veritable threats to social well-being. They harass their colleagues, elders, children, and the disabled and infirmed.

Putting such alienated persons in jail is not the proper answer either, not is a juvenile detention center. But because that is what is "easy" to do, the so-called stewards of society ship these troubled persons to such institutions.

So the situation is indeed grave. And it is further compounded by modernity wherein children are surrounded by violence that is glorified in the form of video games, movies, television, novels and more. This leads children to think of human life as negligible; even they lose the demarcations between real and virtual.

Top of all, lack of motherly love is the chief problem for kids in materialistic countries. And as Baba says, that casts them into a “sea of troubles”.


That is why today we see – especially in the USA – children getting involved in an unending array of cruel and unsightly behavior. In the recent past such incidents were unheard of. So this is a new and developing phenomenon in the US and other “first-world” nations like Germany, Great Britain, France etc.

For example, just in the recent days, weeks and months, teens across North America have blown up schools, gang-raped young girls, lit innocent classmates on fire causing severe burns, murdered teachers, robbed the elderly, and so much more. These are the common events.

And now today we have the Ohio school cafeteria massacre to add to this tragic list.

Indeed now there is an unending stream of teenage crimes being committed – and they are crimes of the worst nature.

The response that most states are taking is to try these youths as adults and put them in prison for years and years – if not life. Note: In the US, a life sentence means the entire life whereas throughout much of the world a "life sentence means 10 - 20 years.) But that is not the solution. Rectification and reform time may certainly be necessary, but a prolonged jail term is not nipping the problem in the bud.

If we do not address this core issue of a distinct lack of maternal and parental love, the current problems will only escalate.

Overall, the situation of youth is quite awful in many of our first-world countries. But it is not solely limited to those places. Because as Baba points out the problem begins and ends with motherly love.

From a very early age it is absolute imperative for the child to constantly receive love and affection by having close contact with the mother. Then and only then will the child develop properly emotionally. Yet in many western households, the infant sleeps in their own room, separate from their parents. In that case, the alienation starts at a very young age.

Only with an upsurge of love, will the child’s heart be content and they will not become a burden on this earth.

But when the child grows with an empty or rejected feeling inside due to being tossed aside by the parents, then this psychological void is not easily fixed. For instance, when the children return home from primary and middle school to an empty household, then they feel so lonely. And this loneliness or alienation becomes a life-long problem in which case those children can do untold harm to others. Plus if they become parents themselves then they will do the same mistreatment to their children. So that negative cycle continues on and on.

At the present moment, there is a terrible crisis going on, especially in our first-world countries where the conditions are distinctly less favourable for our young. About this much can be written and everyone is encouraged to share their own perceptions and experiences of this problem, as step by step this is turning into an epidemic.


On the positive side, around the globe our AM parents are inculcating a greater and greater sense of neo-humanistic values into their children’s lives and this obviously is having a beneficial outcome. Plus with the growth of cooperatives and Master Units parents have a better opportunity to spend more and more time with their children– when their little ones are in the tender stage of infancy. So by Baba’s grace we are seeing that fatherly support and motherly love and affection that is so vital for the welfare of the child. Here again, I hope everyone will describe some of the successes we are seeing in AM.


This entire topic is extremely critical to the well-being of any society. Here are some of the key points:

1. Certainly children need food, medical care, clothing and all the minimum requirements, but those alone are not enough. Children also need love and affection from both parents.

2. One parent alone is not enough. A child needs both a father and a mother. In particular, Baba points out in His Yoga Psychology book that females possess a sentimental quality that is not present in males. There Baba says that females are emotionally more developed than males, and this plays a huge role in the development of the child - if and only if the mother is not shackled by all kinds of existential pressures: food, clothing, housing etc. So really both a father and mother are needed - as males bring to the fold a more logical and stern approach that is needed for keeping children in line, as well as financial means for raising the child.

3. Neo-humanistic education is needed wherein children can develop genuine love for the society. If they get all their social skills from Hollywood movies and video games, then that will be a purely negative teaching. All kinds of benevolent human interactions are needed, especially with the parents.

4. Finally, incarceration is not the answer to childhood alienation and their resultant crimes. Rather, all the missing pieces noted above need to be instilled in the mind of that youth or kid. Then they can start to grow and by Baba's grace overcome the difficulties.


By Baba’s grace and with our heart-felt compassion we will bring the entire humanity into one neo-humanistic flow where all feel cared for and loved.

Baba says, “Marching ahead is jiivan dharma (the characteristic wont of life). To march ahead, carrying all, viewing the world humanity as an integral entity, is the principal aspect of jiivan dharma. Resolve courageously to observe this jiivan dharma...” (A’nanda Va’nii, #43)

Balakrsna Deva


Here no one should be left with the idea that women must remain at home always and they are not to interact in the general society. It is not like that. Baba's clear-cut guideline is that women can and should work outside the home as needed.

Baba says, "I cannot support the “lofty wisdom” of those people who advise women to spend their lives at home cooking with appliances such as ladles, tongs and pots, because this runs counter to reality." (Human Society - 1, Social Justice)

Baba says, "Generally it is desirable for women to earn an honest livelihood remaining at home. If it is not possible to maintain the family in this way, women may find employment in more physically strenuous work such as government service, business, etc., outside the home. No one should be conservative or superstitious in this regard." (Caryacarya -1, Livelihood of Women)


“Ba’hir vishve dhara’ da’o na’ko, marme lukiye tha’ko…” – P.S. 3857


O’ Parama Purusa You are hiding in everyone’s heart – that is Your hinterland. Baba, You cannot be held in this external world; searching You outside is nothing but a waste of time. O’ my dear One, You always reside in the deep core of my heart. You remain eternally in that golden vessel deep inside my being.

Baba, O’ Divine Entity, You give shelter at Your lotus feet to one and all. Regardless of who is crying for You, and who is longing for You, or who is oblivious about You, You lovingly shower Your compassion on all. You never make any distinctions. Everyone is part of Your creation; You lovingly bring one and all under Your divine shelter. With Your infinite attraction and the resonance of Your flute, You call everyone close. You lovingly draw everyone close by the
pull of the heart. This is Your special call.

Baba, You are eternally present and always smiling in my heart. O’ my Dearmost, You are so gracious...

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