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Health Guideline: Diet Related

Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 21:55:32 -0400
Subject: Health Guideline: Diet Related
From: Yogendra Deva


"A'loker utsa're-- kuya'sha'r path dhare, giyechile du're..." (1755)


Baba, You are the most gracious One; You save everybody. Baba, with the emanation of Your divine effulgence, those following the foggy path have returned back to the house. By Your grace, those who fell into sin and staticity have come back onto the path of truth and righteousness; they have come back onto the path of dharma-- their home. Baba, by Your grace they have again come under Your eternal shelter.

Baba, because of You, there is truth and dharma. Because You are, the effulgence remains. Baba because of You there is life. You bring bliss and warmth to all. You shower Your love and affection on everyone. Baba, those who forget You become engulfed in the cimmerian darkness of avidya maya. Those who do not surrender at Your lotus feet and those who neglect to sing Your name remain oblivious of the divine truth and plunge themselves in the deep abyss of self-pity and confusion.

O' Baba, by Your grace I know only You. Only this truth I know: You are mine and I am Yours. Baba I do not know about the divine world nor about the mortal world. I do not know about heaven or hell; nor do   accept those myths. Baba, I do not know about right and wrong, or virtue and vice. Baba, by Your sweet grace  my mind is fully focused on You. Baba, I only know  You-- I only accept You and You alone. Baba, You are the ocean of my life.

Baba, please be grace by showering Your causeless grace...



Baba says, "For proper digestion, fill the stomach half-way with food, one quarter with water, and leave one quarter full of air." (CC-3, 'Procedure for Eating')

Every conscious margii follows this above point but sometimes for certain people it becomes difficult to follow. Especially at retreats or during feasts this rule is not so strictly followed by some.  Whereas in everyday life when they are in their own home this is not a problem. Anyhow, the above guideline given by Revered Baba is highly significant and we should follow it - in all circumstances.

Yogendra Deva

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