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Re: Why Shravanii Purnima #3

From: "Jyotirmaya Deva" Jyotirmaya.hg@humana...
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 09:59:43
Subject: Re: Why Shravanii Purnima #3



~ Part 3 ~

(Note: This is the third letter in this series. Links to the first two postings are below. Please know that the first letter in this series was posted under the title,
"The Birth of Ananda Marga." In subsequent letters the title has been: "Why Shravanii Purnima".  - Eds)

Our Ananda Marga festival, Shravanii Purnima, is very soon soon: Thursday, August 2, 2012. Below is an excerpt (in brown) from the earlier letter on this thread; thereafter is Baba's personal account of this holy and auspicious occasion.

"Regarding Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima', one important fact remains that Baba performed the first initiation in the cemetery. So this reveals and foreshadows how in each and every Ananda Margii's life the cemetery has immense practical value. Those suffering from the dogma that the cemetery is only for avadhutas or kapalikas should gain the proper understanding. Our AM meditation is tantra sadhana and that has relevance and importance for each and every Ananda Margii. That is the special significance why the first disciple Kalicharanji was initiated in the cemetery."


Here below Baba Himself recounts the scene of that auspicious Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' when He performed His first initiation.

Baba says, "This is Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima'. It is an important day. Then I was very young, studying in Vidy'asagar College in Calcutta. One evening a
very interesting event took place. Suddenly a wicked person came near me. I use the word 'wicked', but it is not a permanent state of human beings. A
person who is wicked today may be a noble person tomorrow, and one who is dull or stupid today may be wise tomorrow. These are all relative matters
bound by the bondages of relativity. No one can be called permanently wicked. It should always be borne in mind that one should always try to
develop the good and the subtle in a wicked person."

"That evening a certain wicked person came to me. What could he expect from me? But then he came. In accordance with natural human psychology, I asked him, "What do you want? Why do you adopt this evil path?" In the course of our conversation, he realized that he should change the course of his life, and he took initiation. That was the first spiritual initiation I ever imparted to anyone. And that same day, Shra'van'ii Pu'rnima, has again

"A long time has elapsed since then. That was perhaps in 1939. This all took place 41 years ago." (A Few Problems Solved - 5, p. 27-28)


When a sadhaka feels repentance for his sins or crimes in the deep core of his heart, then grace personified Parama Purusa takes away all those negativesamskaras. And He blesses that sadhaka with His unfathomable grace. That is what happened with Kalicharanji. For Kalicharanji was that "wicked" person who approached Baba that evening and took initiation into AM tantra sadhana.

Here following Baba reveals the importance of repentance.

Baba says, "Someone might have committed a pa'taka [sin of commission], but after that wrong action feels repentance, and compensates for the harm his action caused. After such repentance and compensation, the action is no longer a sin...that person's sin has been washed away." (Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, p. 176)

Baba says, "If, knowingly or unknowingly, you have committed any mistake or any sin, then your repentance and your singing Kiirtana, wholeheartedly, will free you from all sins. So, your future is always bright, never dark, never dark." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12)

Jyotirmaya Deva




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