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About Prout Leadership

Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2000 23:46:53 -0000 From: "Motilal Pandey" Subject: About Prout Leadership To: Baba "Toma'ke bha'lo besechi, tumi shudhu mane acho..." (P.S. 2562) Purport: Baba, I love You; only You are in my mind. You are my dearmost One and You alone are mine; You are the only moon in my mental sky-- mental plate. Baba, except You, everything else in this entire universe is temporary. Everything comes for a short time and then get lost into thin air, into the oblivion. Baba, only You are beginningless and endless; only You remain permanently-- eternally. Baba, nothing lasts forever in this world. At the end of the day, night falls and the light of day gets engulfed by the darkness. Similarly, the darkness of the night vanishes with the advent of the brilliant new dawn. Thus everything in this world is changing, transient. But the constant pouring of Your divine effulgence continues on and on-- it knows no limit; it knows no end. Baba, I am loving You; You are always residing in my mind; You are my only polestar. Baba, You are my Goal; You are my everything...
Namaskar, These days most everyone is understanding the clear and simple fact that in order to be an ideal Proutist one must be a spiritualist. That is one must be an Ananda Margii. Still though, floating out there on the horizon there might be one or two dogmatic type or so-called Prout leaders who get confused and proclaim that any of the various pseudo-reformists from the materialistic society are great Proutists. But such talk is only their delirium and has nothing to do with Baba's divine teachings on Prout.
In His Prout system, Baba has declared that sadvipras are the leaders of the society and that such sadvipras are to be developed in all the spheres of life including the spiritual realm. Baba says, "Sadvipra leadership is the ideal form of leadership. Such leaders will be physically fit, mentally developed and spiritually elevated. With their help and guidance, revolution will be materialized." (PNS-21) So to be a leader of the Proutistic society one must be a sadvipra and to be a sadvipra one must be firmly established in our AM spiritual way of life. And about this point Baba furthermore says here below that to be a sadvipra one must be exemplary in all regards and represent the moral and spiritual teachings of Ananda Marga in their every dealing and action. Baba says, "Only those who by their nature adhere to the ten commands [of yama & niyama] in their normal and spiritual conduct are the sadvipras." (I & I) And here again Baba guides us that those spiritually evolved sadvipras play an essential role in the growth and development of a Proutistic social order. Baba says, "Such a morally and spiritually equipped Sadvipra has to perform fundamental and vital duty to society." (I & I) Here is but one example how Baba expects sadvipras to oversee the progression of the social cycle. Baba says, "The bounden duty and dharma of a sadvipra shall be to protect the honest and the exploited and bring under control the dishonest and the rapacious exploiters." (AS, 5-2)
By all this it is quite evident that only those well-versed and practiced in the teachings of Ananda Marga will qualify themselves as sadvipras and that only sadvipras can be the true leaders of Prout. In that case where is there scope for crude materially oriented social reformist to take on a leader role in Prout. The answer is that it is not possible. Such communist-minded persons, or leftists, or pseudo reformists can never carry the flag of Prout and lead the humanity forward. Baba says, "Those who want to bring about the revolution of the proletariat only with the help of the working class, will come a cropper. The proletariat-minded people do not understand their own problems, nor do they have the courage to dream of their solution...That is why I say such people do not bring about proletariat revolution-- they cannot. To depend on them is not only undesirable but the height of foolishness." (Prout) Here below Baba defines who is capable to establish the Proutistic society. Baba says, "To bring about a real revolution is not at all easy. The pioneers of revolution will have to be what I call sadvipras...Such strictly disciplined, ideal sadvipras alone can be the missionaries of revolution. They alone shall carry the message of revolution to every corner of the earth-- right into every vein and venule of human existence. The flying colors of the revolution, the banner of victory, shall remain in their hands alone." (Prout) Namaskar, Motilal Note: I kindly request others to also write their thoughts and ideas on this important topic. Note 2: Here below are more points which establish the fact that to be an ideal Proutist one must be an ardent follower of Ananda Marga.
In His dharmic Prout discourse, 'Your Mission', Baba gives the step by step guidelines for building up a Proutistic society. And Baba's initial directive is to do sadhana. Baba says, "Your first duty is to observe morality and to do intuitional practices. Without this you cannot have mental determination." (Prout-18, p.1) So to be an ideal Proutist and to establish Prout, sadhana is an indispensable ingredient. Only when one has acquired the requisite strength from ideating on Ista can one fight for dharma. Otherwise without that they will get kicked by the exploiters and then immediately lose their patience and mental balance. The key point being that without spiritual shakti, fake leaders always cry and give up.
So without spirituality one is just one fake type of social leader or mock Proutist. And such type of fakes will exploit just as much if not more than the blood-sucking capitalists of today. Because devoid of spiritual values, in their superficial dealing they will put on some false display of Proutistic type of ideas just for the sake of grabbing the power and the result will be hellish. Baba explicitly warns us about the ways of such persons. Baba says, "You will come across many such people that are not farmers or laborers themselves but they shed a flood of crocodile tears for the woes of farmers and laborers, carefully hiding their own mean intent. These knaves who once used to drench their breasts with tears for the woes of these people, forget them in a trice, the moment they get a good job or attain some power in hand. It is then that their real colors reveal themselves. " (SS-3) So no margii should get befooled by such duplicitous persons.
And like this there are numerous points already expressed on this topic which point in the direction that one must be an Ananda Margii to be a true Prout leader.
****************************************** Eating Time
Baba says, "The bananas we eat when they ripen, such as ca'npa', marttama'n and ka'nt'a'lii, are called ka'nca' kala' when they are unripe, and those bananas that are cooked as a vegetable when they are green [plantains] are called ka'nckala'). Rambha' means 'ripe banana'." (Varna Vijiana, Disc 10) Baba says, "Roasted bel, or ripe banana peeled and fried in ghee, can be taken as breakfast or a snack. These foods serve as both food and medicine." (YT) Note: One small variety of banana-- ca'npa' banana-- is very beneficial if eaten in the morning hours. But if that same banana is eaten in the afternoon or late hours, then it causes cough and cold etc. Obviously eating that type of banana at those times is harmful to one's health. Most other bananas are okay anytime. But in general its nature is cold so those suffering from such diseases should refrain from eating them in the late hours.

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