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Then and Now
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 07:18:38 -0000
From: V. Rajpurhit
Subject: Then and Now
"Tava path dhare, tava na'm kare, toma'r pa'nei cale thaki..." (P.S. 2180)
Baba, by Your grace I am treading on Your path by singing Your name and
moving towards You. You are my Goal.
By Your grace I am moving closer and closer towards You-- to reach You.
Baba, except You, in this universe who else is mine-- no one. Because of
this I am always calling You for Your shelter.
O' Lord, in this decorated universe of Yours, You have provided me a
special place according to Your liking. You have bestowed everything; and,
You do not desire anything from anyone. Just You go on pouring Your divine
grace eternally.
The demerits such as lethargy only come from my side. Plus all kinds of
lame excuses I give in self-justification. Hence all the lacuna belong to
me; whereas, You Yourself are ever-gracious.
Baba, You have situated my mind in the corner of Your vast cosmic mind.
And from that corner it receives Your divine vibration.
With the attraction and resonance of Your divine vibration, the lotus of
the love, which has blossomed in my heart, is looking towards You with deep
Baba, singing Your Name, I am moving on Your path. For me, Your grace is
== THEN & NOW ==
India is a religious country. 'Religious' means that it is dogmatic-- not
fully dharmic. Because in the name of dharma, since ages people are
following various types of dogma. In total, some things are alright but
many things are dogma. That is why I did not use the term dharmic country.
So in India since long many dogmas have been preached by various
pseudo-gurus and the common public believes those things.
Here then we should also remember that in the beginning mostly our WTs were
of Indian origin; so in that case when they joined AM they brought that
Indian dogma along with them.
That's why before 1970 a huge clash was going on as various acaryas / Wts
of that time had some gripe with Baba. They were telling that Baba should
remain as a Guru-- there is no problem with that; But they were insisting
that Guru should not involve much in politics-- like running the
organisation and overseeing mundane engagements.
Why were senior Wts were demanding this from Baba?
Because these ideas are very common to Indian soil. The general public
believes that no guru or monk should talk about social reform, nor about
any sort of politics. Rather they should concentrate 100% in god and that
type of teaching.
Everyone knows that this defective outlook was the effect of the dogma sown
by Shankaracarya's illusion theory. He told that the world is an illusion,
false. So no need to pay it any mind. Hence the effect of this is lasting
up to this present era. Still today dogmatic religious monks do not want to
involve in any sorts of social service work. And if they do, then the
Indian public thinks they are fake.
And here is further reasoning why those WTs were placing their demand
before Baba.
In the beginning problem prior to 1970, Baba used to apply physical force
on His disciples. This He did to make everyone's conduct better and better.
But some dogmatic Wts did not like this thing. So on that very point in
both their cunning and dogmatic way they thought in their little tiny brain
that-- 'Baba punishes with the excuse that this or that work was not
completed by certain individuals / Wts. So if Baba will not remain as
President, then He will not have the opportunity to give punishment on the
excuse that 'why you did not finish the work'.'
So those wts thought with their little brains that, 'We should raise the
demand that Baba should remain as a Guru-- that is not the problem. But
that He should give up the job of president. And then we will be saved from
getting beatings'.
Thus those Wts thinking like that were guided by Shankaracarya's theory of
illusion. And that way they were giving the logic that, 'Guru should not
involve in running the organisation and taking the report. Rather He should
guide others spiritually and give discourse-- that's all'.
Here one thing should be remembered that those raising these types of
points-- either they left the organisation or they became defectors.
The main thing operating here is that unfortunately many people do not
understand why Baba punishes. In true sense, devotees know that Baba's
punishment is nothing but His blessing. In this regard I have my own
experience that whenever I got beaten by Baba then instantly I felt mental
relief and then spiritual relief and bliss. Plus then within a very short
time my physical problems and ailments also got cured.
So in my heart I always feel that Baba's punishment is not punishment but
rather blessing. But many were thinking in a similar way or in the opposite
way also.
Here is another story that how people were differing with Baba. The first
GS Pranay Kumar Chatterjee was working closely with Baba in those Jamalpur
days. Baba's laokika family was dogmatic so they were believing that Pranay
Kumar is their family priest b/c he was brahmin caste. Anyway after getting
initiation Pranay Kumar accepted Baba as Guru. And those days Baba used to
sit on a chair and He used to give a chair to the disciples to sit on. And
then He used to talk. This was the regular way He was doing in His
residential railway quarters room.
And when Baba was visiting the Jamalpur ashram then people were sitting on
the carpet floor and Baba was sitting on the dais. This was the regular way
there-- irrespective of whether it was a small or big gathering.
But this type of treatment Pranay did not like. Because since long time he
had contact with Baba and whenever he was going to Baba's railway
residential quarter then he was getting a chair and was sitting next to Baba.
Then one day what happened was that the rule was changed such that all the
disciples who will come to see Him in railway residence quarter, they will
also have to sit on the ground.
Hearing this Pranay Kumar Chatterjee got completely suffocated with this
idea. And he opposed and he became unhappy with Baba. And he told Baba
that, 'This is unjust. I will choose to remain standing but I will not sit
on the ground.'
We should not forget that Pranay Kumar was our first GS in those Jamalpur
By this way we can see that Baba being a Taraka Brahma, Sadguru, has to
work with very dogmatic type of people. They have hardly any devotion or
Some sentimental people may not believe my feeling but on the touchstone of
Baba's teachings if it will be judged then....
This was also one of the causes of Pranay Kumarji's leaving Ananda Marga.
So we can see that the dogma which was coming since thousands of years in
Indian soil, that dogma also got saturated in the minds of so many of our
senior Wts and post-holders etc. And in some or other form still today these
thing are present with our various Wts as well.
Without question one of the main dogmas polluting our Marga nowadays is
that various top Dadas are blatantly involved in groupism. And by so doing,
they are going against neo-humanism-- otherwise if one is truly
neo-humanistic then how can groupism run rampant. As we know another name
for neo-humanism is-- 'liberation of intellect'. But if one is not
following this tenant and if their intellect is not liberated, then in that
case the dogmas like groupism invariably arise.
Unfortunately now senior Dadas are also involved in creating other dogmas
such as building up their dogmatic tiirtha sites-- as is being done in
Tiljala and Jamalpur. And on the point of violence they are doing such harm
as killing some of our own senior Dadas in their groupist battles. So these
but of few of the horrors and dogmas taking form in this present era.
However we should also take heart in Baba's divine teaching that true
devotees do exist all around-- yet such sadhakas who are the real assets
of the society are mostly unknown, not recognised. Whereas those who come
into power and grab the limelight are mostly just greedy for the post.
So we should use our vivek about what is right and what is wrong and not
just rush up and thinking someone is god-like simply because of their
seniority or post.
In our AM conduct is the main thing. So we should always make our
evaluations based on the conduct and watch how far it is consistent with
Baba says, "Your ideal is represented by your conduct. Your learning, your
social or economic status have got nothing to do with your ideal." (AV #13)
In this entire mail, here my point is that since Jamalpur days and up to
1990, Baba's used to give punishment to the disciples and this approach of
punishment is mostly misunderstood among workers. The majority of margiis
believe that punishment given by Baba is really His blessing, but some
Dadas are thinking along different lines.
In a related scenario for some workers in their dogmatic mind when they are
undergoing any trouble, then they do not believe that they are facing their
negative samskara. And that due to this their problems and sufferings are
coming. Rather when facing any suffering or difficulty, then they accuse
Baba that 'Baba is putting me in test unnecessarily; He is the cause of all
So such people do not believe that they did anything wrong and that that is
why they are facing consequences. And in that case many disciples get
frustrated and leave. Because they feel that Guru is the main problem
creator in their life. So what a nasty dogma this is-- facing their own
sins and yet accusing others, i.e. Guru, for 'creating problems'. Many
dogmatic persons believe that Guru gives tests to His disciples and He
tortures them. But the fact is something else. Parama Purusa is love
personified. Parama Purusa does not torture or give tests to His devotees.
For their own sins no human being should blame Him.
Baba says, "Human beings are answerable for their fate as it is their
actions alone which create it. They alone will have to bear the
consequences of their actions. No one else can substitute for them."
"People often hold Parama Purusa responsible for calamities that
befall them but in fact they alone are responsible. As the suffering of
fate is only the reaction of their own previous actions. How can Parama
Purusa be responsible." (AMEP)
Importance of Sadhana
Baba says, "Numerous rich and beautiful cities of the historic past
are now buried under the earth. Many splendid palaces and mansions, many
churches, temples, mosques and synagogues, and many pyramids have been
reduced to rubble. With the constant change in the flow of time, how many
major changes have occurred in the universe? Similarly, with the change in
time and space, people also change. A small two year old child becomes a
smart and active twenty-five year old youth. And the same energetic youth
becomes an infirm, inactive old person in due course. Thus, nothing in this
universe is permanent. Many gigantic animals of the past have become
totally extinct from the surface of the earth. Royal pomp and opulence, the
pride of power, the vast knowledge of mighty scholars have become things of
the past, thrown into the dustbin of history. Many objects emerged in the
past, remained on earth for a short time, and then disappeared according to
the inexorable law of nature."
"The only eternal truth is Parama Purus'a. He is Ana'di,
beginningless, endless, all-pervasive; an entity beyond the scope of time,
place and person. He is the only eternal, undecaying, imperishable,
immutable entity. He is the Supreme Source from which the inanimate, plant
and animal worlds have emerged. He is the starting point and the
culminating point of everything. Hence, wise people should utilise their
physical, psychic and spiritual power to realise that supreme
omnitelepathic entity, to become one with Him." (PNS-18, p.6)
Note: Please read Baba's above teaching again carefully. It explains
Neither is Absolutely Good...
These days east is becoming more like west and west is becoming more
like east. That is the general trend clearly visible in the daily living
patterns of modern society.
In India, western fashion and corporate life, not to mention fast-food &
cocktails, are becoming highly sought after things, whereas in the west,
more and more are turning to eastern philosophies and even adopting
practices like idol worship etc.
So a "grand melange" or big mix is going on.
However to blindly jump from one side of the spectrum to another is just
to fall into another dogma. So all should pay heed and be astute, lest
one fall into a new pothole.
At the same time we should remember that our AM is entirely new and
quite different from the on-going patterns of east and west.
Baba says, "Ananda Marga is a revolution. It is not only a spiritual
revolution but also an economic, social and mental revolution. The
economic system, the social structure, the trend of thinking and the
spiritual practices prescribed in our Ananda Marga are not only new but
something quite different from the established ideas and practices in
these spheres of life." (PNS-11)
Thus while our AM teachings reflect dharma in all respects, totally free
from dogmas and hypocrisy, the ways of the east and west are riddled
with such incongruities.
1. WOMEN IN INDIA: In India, for centuries females have been honored and
revered as mother and worshiped as those who grant life to others. Thus
women seemingly enjoy a goddess-like stature in India, yet side by side
those very same females are bared from leaving the home, and not given
even basic human rights. Plus people are willing to pay huge dowries to
marry their daughter bur are then unwilling to spend one rupee on the
education of that female. So from top to bottom females are not treated
as equals in day-to-day life and instead are often forced to live the
life of a subservient being. Clearly, then this is one living
contradiction or incongruity.
2. CLEANLINESS IN THE WEST: On the outside, everything in the west looks
neat and clean, i.e. well-organised and taken care of. The roads and
houses are well-maintained and most things are quite orderly. One might
be led to believe then that the standard of shaoca in the west is quite
high. Yet on points of basic hygiene the west suffers quite terribly.
For instance, toilet paper - not water - is used for cleaning the
backside and that is certainly a dirty manner. Then there are other
common problems that are fairly common such as not clearing the bowels
upon awakening, long and dirty finger nails, obesity, and other such
habits and illnesses.
3. PETS IN USA: At present in the US, people's pets (dogs, cats etc) are
treated extremely well. People feed their dog organic dog food, bring
their pets to spas for massages and shampoo, and when they go on
vacation then their bring their dog or cat to a pet resort so their pet
will get treated like a king or queen. All of this costs big bucks too.
And if anyone abuses their dog then they may even be sent to jail. So
from the outside it looks like animals are treated very well in the US.
However, in this very same land, most of the people eat animal flesh on
a daily basis, advocate hunting, and allow millions upon millions of
innocent animals to live in factory farms where they are tortured,
poisoned, debilitated, drugged, and ultimately butchered and killed. So
there is extreme hypocrisy within the US about "animal rights".
4) SPIRITUALITY IN INDIA: As we all know there is a long-standing
tradition of high spiritual values in India where reverence to God and
oneness of the universe are quite pervasive ideals. Yet in the same land
where all are acknowledged as being reflections of the Supreme, the
terrible caste system was put in place which differentiates the value
from one human being to the next. Thus there is the inherent
contradiction of oneness of life and a completely stratified society.
5) RACISM IN AMERICA: In the past year, an African-American was elected
President of the US. It looks like then that the US is a land of
equality and equal opportunity where all races are honored and
respected. But in this same land, racism rages on a daily basis in the
form of hate crimes, murders, cheating, theft, hirings and firings,
violence and hatred. This stands as a clear-cut manifestation of the
duality with regards to race, equality, safety, and opportunity.
6) RELIGION IN THE US: The world over the US is looked upon as the most
technologically developed nation where so many inventions & innovations
have taken place in the material sphere: space travel, cars, planes,
computers, etc. Technology is king, logic is supported, and superstition
is disregarded. That said, within this same land, so many schools are
barred from preaching the scientific theories of Darwin and instead
religious fundamentalists insists that the dogma of creationism be
preached in the classroom, and not scientifically supported studies.
By all of the above, it is quiet clear that neither east nor west has
their stamp on the truth. Both are lopsided in their own ways and both
suffer from serious contradictions, despite their good qualities.
However, at present both are in the mode of copying one another.
Copying the good points is fine, such as vegetarianism, women's rights,
human suffrage etc, but it does not stop there. They also copy each
other's dogmas and ways of pseudo-culture.
With the spread of eastern philosophies in the west, so many false ideas
are being adopted in the name of yoga and spirituality. All of a sudden,
dogmatic kiirtans and idol worship are grabbing the attention of
America's youth and young professionals and on the other side of the
planet, anything & everything remotely related with Hollywood and cheap
pseudo-culture fashion like dating and open sex is being gobbled up in
And there are so many other examples from dress to language to food to
you name it.
So by copying one another, it is not just the good things that are
embraced. All too often dogmas are also emulated due to people's blind
attraction for either "anything American" or "anything Indian".
Of course this entire phenomenon is not just limited to the US and
India. Many other places and communites are involved in the sharing of
each other's dogmas. Every country is involved to some or more degree.
This letter focused on the US and India as these two lands historically
represent polar-opposites, or the extreme opposite of one another.
Here we have to remember that no society is wholly perfect and proper -
goaded by service mentality, high-minded ideals, and rationality.
Rather, both in the east as well as in the west, so many degrading and
backward things are prevalent. And now with more travel and internet
access, those bad things are also getting spread around the globe.
Only, by Baba's grace, is our Ananda Marga way of life totally new and
original and beyond the limitations and distortions of east and west.
Baba says, "Ananda Marga is not a change merely due to the cycle of time
but a revolution, a radical change – in the true sense. Never before in
the entire history of this world or the universe, if it could be known
to mortals, has a system of life fully embracing the economic, social,
mental and spiritual spheres ever been correlated in such closely knit
society as in Ananda Marga." (PNS-11)
By His grace, our Marga ideology is entirely new. It did not merely a
collection of the various things of east and west - both good and bad.
Rather AM is based purely 100% on rationality. What things from the east
and west that were in harmony with AM ideals were adopted. But not just
that - so many new things have been given. Sixteen Points is new - the
idea of having a spiritual path also give socio-economic teachings is
totally new - many of our sadhana lessons are new - and so much more.
When neither east nor west is entirely good, then it demands that
something different, i.e. the teachings of Ananda Marga given by Taraka
Brahma, be placed before the humanity. This is the only way to make
progress and move ahead.
No society is wholly perfect, only our AM ideology is perfect so by
Baba's grace we must strive to follow His teachings and not anything
from east and west per se. Doing the latter means only inviting more dogma.
Baba says, "Though the human society is one and indivisible, still there
are certain differences in the attitudes to life and the world between
the East and the West. Both have their distinctly different mentalities.
The East is predominantly subjective in outlook, whereas the West has a
mainly objective bent of mind. The East, throughout its development, has
maintained a subjective approach, whereas western countries put great
stress on objective development. Too much emphasis on either one of
these approaches is not conducive to the all-round growth of the
society. We can build up an ideal society only on the basis of a happy
adjustment between the subjective and the objective approaches. Here is
the greatness of Ananda Marga ideology." (PNS-18)
For years and years in the US, so many people spent money on "extras"
when in fact their basic necessities and needs were not met. Money went
to cigarettes and alcohol as opposed to household needs and clothing for
the children. People spent extravagantly on cars yet overlooked buying
proper, healthy food. People spent huge money on cosmetics to "look
good" rather than affording themselves the opportunity to lead a healthy
life. So money has mostly been misspent, chasing after prestige and
superficial things instead of truly making one's life better. And now,
that same dogma and misunderstanding is spreading across India as they
take the internal vow to become like America.
Plus there are so many issues like this one:
For instance the US government and its citizens draft so many public
policies to help the "poorer nations" yet within their own borders of
the US, there is homelessness and starvation in nearly every city, not
to mention a slew of other social problems.
Note 2: OUR DUTY
Thus none should think that any country is perfect or good. Peace and
unity will only result where AM ideology is followed - nowhere else.
Baba says, "Remember, until every person in the universe accepts the
Ananda Marga ideology, you have no opportunity to rest." (CC-2,
'Miscellaneous', pt#6)
"Baba says, "Whatever a man is to do in his spiritual life he is to do--
why? Because he is in love with the Supreme Entity. Love is the first
word, love is the starting point, and love is the last point." (AV-12,
p. 13)
Note: Baba's above guideline is very beneficial for sadhana. However
these days some innocent or simple people just do meditation for "mental
peace". And ever worse some wts do sadhana for show-- to pose themselves
as someone great. Such workers do hardly an ounce of sadhana when they
are alone; but when they go to margiis' houses then in Hollywood style
they sit in meditation for a long time. All done in order to put
themselves on display and create one show that they are highly elevated
sadhakas. Certain margiis do a similar thing when they attend retreats.
But by looking at the on-going conduct of such margiis one can
understand how far they are really doing sadhana or not. It is just like
if you are approaching one animal at night. At first you may think that
it is a tiger or a lion, but when that animal makes its weird 'Huan,
Huan' sound, then you know that it is just a jackal. Same is the case
when being around those types of few margiis and wts who put on a show
of sadhana. By their conduct and dealing they just expose themselves etc.
To Dance & Sing: Na'm, Pad & Pa'la'
Date: 29 Aug 2009 22:27:32 -0000
From: "Bhavanath Rajpal"
Subject: To Dance & Sing: Na'm, Pad & Pa'la'
"Toma'ke peyeo pa'i na keno..." (P.S. #2056)
Baba, I feel in my heart that You are along with me, but even then I do
not feel satisfied. I want more and more of Your proximity and presence.
So please come in my mind and heart. Please remain along with me in a
very intimate way in all my works. Grace me so that I can feel your
eternal presence always-- with more & more closeness and proximity. Baba
You know that my existence is because of You. My life is proceeding on
by Your grace; my everything is based on You. Day and night I am deeply
engaged in the work which You have allotted me.
I am divinely intoxicated in the ideation of the songs which I have made
into a garland for You. So Baba please come closer and still more close.
Indeed You know the language of my heart- my inner feeling & sentiments.
O' Baba, how much love I have for You.
Baba, please grace me and please do not play Your liila of hide and
seek. Please do not remain inaccessible...
As many know, kiirtan essentially means to chant the divine glories of
the Lord out loud, for all the world to hear, wherein all are benefited.
Baba says, "Whenever you find time, do kiirtana loudly and you will
never become degenerated because by chanting the Lord’s holy name the
mind remains elevated." (AMIWL-11)
Baba says, "At the place of kiirtana, not only the people who are
themselves doing kiirtana will be benefited, but also those who are not
participating – and even those who are not participating and who do not
even like it – they will also be benefited!" (AV-22)
By the above quotes Baba is highlighting the specialty of our AM
kiirtan, Baba Nam Kevalam.
In our A'nanda Ma'rga there are three recognised types of kiirtan: na'ma
kiirtan, pad kiirtan and pa'la' kiirtan.
Each have their own beauty and significance. We should be familiar with
all three - understanding their unique and distinct qualities.
One time when Baba graciously declared that "kiirtan must be sung", then
one margii began singing pad kiirtan.
At the next general darshan, Baba announced, "When I say sing kiirtan,
that means na'm kiirtan."
Baba went on to explain that our na'm kiirtan is a siddha mantra and can
lead one to the height of human glory - unto Him. So na'm kiirtan is the
top most.
As many may know, in AM our na'm kiirtan is: Ba'ba' Na'm Kevalam. This
is the main kiirtan sung in our Marga - per Baba's mandate - and it is
this kiirtan which can free us from so many trials and tribulations and
also allow us to express our great love for Him.
Baba says, " Here I want to tell you all very clearly that if under any
circumstances any such sinful thoughts every enter your mental sphere
and have not yet transformed themselves into physical action you should
immediately start singing kiirtana at the top of your voice. I have made
a rhyme:
Ba'ba' na'm kevalam yata pa'p hare
Pa'piider sa'dhya nei tata pa'p kare.
The repetition of Ba'ba' na'm kevalam even once kills so many sins that
the worst sinners could not accumulate them." (AV-6)
Baba says, "You should remember that if you always sing “Ba'ba' Nam
Kevalam,” you have a family relationship with Him. More than that, you
have a relationship of love with Him." (SS-20)
So our na'm kiirtan, Baba Nam Kevalam, is a deeply powerful and
devotional form of expression that is quite different from pad kiirtan
and pa'la' kiirtan.
Some may be wondering what is pad kiirtan. What is it that the above
margii sang to Baba that day.
Pad literally means poetry and pad kiirtan is a particular type of
poetic song where certain lines are sung in a specialised manner with a
specific type of chorus, or line of repetition or refrain.
Students of music history can tell more about its distinct qualities,
but suffice to say here that in the early days of AM, various margiis
were writing and singing devotional bhajans for Baba in this manner.
So many songs were lovingly sung to Baba using the specific verse types
known as pad kiirtan.
And not only that, but Baba Himself has composed various Prabhat
Samgiita that are in accordance with the rules and style of pad kiirtan.
For instance, many of the Prabhat Samgiita between #140 and #160 are
examples of pad kiirtan.
So pad kiirtan is very devotional and describes all the glories of the
However, it is not in the same class as na'm kiirtan. Though quite
beautiful and moving and certainly a veritable avenue for spiritual
expression, pad kiirtan is of a lower grade than our na'm kiirtan, which
as mentioned above is a siddha mantra, or perfect mantra that can lead
one to liberation, savikalpa samadhi.
Pa'la' literally means turn. First one person sings then the audience
Thus pa'la' kiirtan is done in the style of call and response, where the
main singer sings a line and the general public responds. But even then
that is not all.
In between the audience's participation, the main singer(s) perform at
length, singing the glories of the Lord and recounting His tales and
stories in the form of a dialog or prose that is often sung. So it is a
devotional story or history about Parama Purusa that is led by trained
sadhakas, who invite the audience to join in and sing.
Because suddenly, on perfect cue, either by voice or by music, the
audience is again invited to sing a particular line or lines.
Pa'la' kiirtan can be a multi-hour engagement.
Like the above two kiirtans, pa'la' is a very devotional and jovial
scene. Everyone is involved in singing and dancing as well as listening
to the main performers - all the while ideating on Parama Purusa.
So it is quite, quite blissful.
One thing to add here is that today, there are many types of folk and
pseudo-culture music that are similar to pa'la' kiirtan. Rap music is
one such type. But they are similar only in structure and style, not in
Because no matter what, kiirtan is always aimed at highlighting the
glories of the Lord whereas rap music is about all kinds of degenerating
and worldly topics like gangbanging, girlfriends, drugs, life on the
streets etc.
That is why none of today's contemporary pop music is up to the standard
of pa'la' kiirtan.
Baba says, “The world of music today is like a person without a proper
guru or proper training. People want to show they can play without
having paid their dues. They are selling themselves for gold without
realizing that the real value of music is being lost thereby. Gold is
becoming even cheaper than glass." (SC-3, Disc: 12)
All three types of kiirtan - na'm, pad & pa'la' - were sung in Baba's
presence and proof is that all three have been mentioned in described in
places like our Seminar Notes etc. Plus in VSS camps and ERAWS camps
there were times when all the three various kiirtans were done. So in AM
we have long and well-documented history of kiirtan.
Recently, some claimed to have performed the first ever pa'la' kiirtan
in Ananda Marga, but this just is not so.
Before na'm kiirtan came into existence in 1969-70, then pad kiirtan and
pa'la' kiirtan were both performed in front of Baba, as a means of
chanting His glory.
So we should always be eager to sing kiirtan, because by this way we
become purified and move towards Him, by His grace.
And we must always remember that music is for goading the mind toward
Parama Purus and not for encouraging animal propensities. The former is
the goal and the latter is deadly.
With music, one may go toward either heaven or hell - or get stuck as
negative microvita for ions and ions. It all depends.
Music is both devotional and dangerous - it is a double-edged sword and
can lead one to emancipation or destruction.
All pop music falls in the latter construct, i.e. destruction.
We must not entertain any type of crude music otherwise that will only
lead to one's crude annihilation.
Baba says, 'If music must descend to the ordinary level of life to
conform to the slogan of naturalness, then preeminence will be given to
doggerels, as the sweetness and charm of real music becomes extinct.
Indeed, the music that is in vogue in the world today in the name of
“popular music” is nothing but doggerels of this type." (AFPS-1)
Baba says, "If someone makes a sound like “ra, ra, ra – cha, cha, cha,”
or if someone sings, “Follow my song! Let us sing and dance our way to
hell,” these are sound inferences, but they carry a very crude idea." (MVNS)
Even then, we must not give up and think that from today onward all the
music created by people will be poor and degrading. Baba guides us
that the future of music is not totally doomed forever.
Baba says, "It is a matter of great regret that people have forgotten
this science of music, whose foundation was laid by the intense efforts
of Shiva. Nowadays, instead of considering music as a valuable asset to
spiritual practice, they take it as a hobby, a means of livelihood, or a
mere pastime. The arduous effort which Shiva invested in this science is
conspicuously absent today. Some people lament this... If the followers
of Shiva make even one percent of the progress Shiva made, then India
and indeed the world and the universe will surely regain that melodious
voice and those charming notes. There is no reason for disillusionment.
If people only develop their vigour, discipline and simplicity, and make
intense effort, then success will come automatically. The lost treasure
of the past will be fully restored to human society." (NSS, Disc: 2)
By Baba's grace He has blessed us with three types of kiirtan to goad
the mind towards Him. All three are devotional tools for all sadhakas.
Yet it is only na'm kiirtan - the chanting of Baba Nam Kevalam - that is
our main type of kiirtan. And is is this kiirtan which allows us to
quickly move in His proximity by calling Him closer and closer.
Baba says, 'Thus if you have even only one minute’s time, do kiirtan for
one minute. If even two or three people gather together, they can do
kiirtan collectively; if one thousand people assemble together, then
also they can do kiirtan. When you do kiirtan and move towards Parama
Purus'a, the Supreme Father, then in Parama Purus'a’s mind also there
will be a flow of bliss, because so many minds are coming towards Him
with love. He will feel very happy. Seeing the bliss of His devotees,
Parama Purus'a will also become overwhelmed with joy, because of His
enormous love for His devotees. “How good these devotees are!” – He
says. Parama Purus'a loves each and everyone, but He loves those who do
kiirtan still more. He will say to them, “Come, come, come, – come near
to Me.” This is the proper way to serve Parama Purus'a in the mental
sphere." ("The Bliss of Kiirtan)
Baba says, "Moreover, those people doing kiirtana are the devotees of
the Lord, and they have already placed a throne for Parama Purus'a in
their hearts. So when there is kiirtana Parama Purus'a immediately comes
to sit on the throne of their hearts. The divine seat, the universal hub
of Parama Purus'a is shifted there. That spot becomes the capital of
Parama Purus'a." (AV-22)
Recently the Tiljala team proclaimed that they were the first to perform
pa'la' kiirtan in AM. Not only is this not true, but it also reveals
their true motive in life - to brag about their group and not highlight
the beauty and love of Parama Purusa.
"The same story of Kalicarana becoming Kalikananda Avadhuta
was beautifully composed and presented in* Pa'la' Kiirtan* by Ac.
Nityasatyananda Avadhuta in a two hour presentation which vibrated the
gathering on Shravani Purnima evening at Baba's memorial in Tiljala camp
headquarters. This is the first Pala Kiirtan composed in Ananda Marga."
(B Group PRS on 08/08/2009)
So the above proclamation is just one sham as it is well known that
pa'la' kiirtan has certainly been performed in our Marga on multiple
occasions in those pre-Emergency days. But this certain people do not
like to admit, for fear it will diminish their own stature.
That is why it is clear that one faction is guided by their own group
interest. Sadly this leads them far, far from the Goal - away from Baba.
Baba says, 'In the great Cosmos, we are to be guided by the Cosmic
rhythm, but in the human world, what do people do? They are not guided
by the Cosmic rhythm, they are guided by group interest, individual
interest; that is, there is a clash between the rhythm of group interest
and the rhythm of Cosmic movement." (AFPS-5)How to Shoe Away Owls
From: "R&L Pucillo"
Subject: How to Shoe Away Owls
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:37:22 +0000
"Pathe pathe ghuri toma'rei smari, dekhite na' pa'i keno bolo..." (PS 2904)
Baba, I am wandering around on the path thinking about You. In my
journey of life I am moving ahead, ensconced in Your divine ideation. By
Your grace my life is passing in this way. Baba, even then I am not getting
You. I am putting forth effort in my sadhana but I am not getting Your
close proximity nor Your sweet, divine touch. Baba, I am not feeling Your
intimate closeness in the way I desire; please tell me why that is. Baba,
Your karuna'* is my sadhana. When You shower Your grace compassion then my
sadhana is blissful-- otherwise my sadhana is dry. So I am just depending
on You completely. When You shower Your karuna' then that is my sadhana.
Baba, why are You playing this type of liila with me-- why are You not
always coming in close to me in my meditation. Why do You remain so elusive.
Baba, You are the Goal of everyone's dhyana. You are the Ista. Baba, You
are the dearest One; You are the terminus. In everyone's mind and heart,
You are the most venerable one: You are varaniiyo. Baba, until one gets
You, they cannot be satisfied. You are the eternal and infinite Source.
Only You can satiate everyone's heart. That is why everyone loves You and
yearns for You. Baba, please bring complete satiation to everyone's mind;
please light the lamp of devotion. Sometimes my sadhana goes up; sometimes
it goes down. Baba, please light the lamp of devotion in my heart so that
it remains eternally effulgent.
Baba, although I want You to come close and sit and talk with me so I
can see You, although this is my desire but You do not come close. You are
not coming according to my desire. Baba, in that case, go on playing Your
divine liila; there is no harm. Because by Your grace whenever I call You--
I easily get You in the deep core of my heart. By Your grace I see that You
are sitting there smiling. For that very reason, I have surrendered all my
love unto You. It is Your grace. Baba, I want You-- You are my dearmost.
Please make me ensconced in the depths of Your ideation, eternally forever
and ever.
Baba, with Your ahetuki krpa, please shower me with Your parabhakti...
*Karuna': (Literally: 'Divine Compassion'); When Parama Purus'a sees the
suffering of devotees, then He feels pained by how they are unable to move
ahead on the spiritual path due to getting caught up in various problems
and difficulties. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch
His bhaktas go through so much struggle and strife. So in their helpless
condition, when devotees are trying hard to progress but their pathway is
completely obstructed and they cannot advance in their sadhana or spiritual
life-- and again and again they are overcome by various complexes,
bondages, and obstacles-- then by seeing His devotees beleaguered in this
way, Parama Purus'a Himself comes and graces them. With His immense feeling
of karuna' (divine compassion), Parama Purusa blesses His devotees and
relieves them of their pain and suffering. This special grace is nothing
but His divine karuna': Wherein Parama Purus'a graces the devotees and
removes their troubles and hindrances so that once again they can move
ahead freely on the path of spiritual salvation.
In these current times where groupist rulers have seized hold of our AMPS,
everyone is looking for which way to turn. Everyone wants to know which
direction to go-- what is the way out. This is the common question among all.
While to some the present scenario in AMPS may seem dizzying and beyond
repair, actually to rectify and permanently overcome the situation we need
only understand one simple formula-- nothing more.
Wherever there is darkness, crude negative leaders will rule. This is the
For example in the pitch-dark night, owls rule the earth. In that bleak
scenario, the owls spread their wings, hunt their prey, and dominate and
torture all other beings-- as everyone else is helpless in the dark of the
night. Thus so long as there is darkness, the crude regime of the owls will
To overcome the situation, one might make the futile attempt to chase after
every single owl, one by one-- in that very darkness. But that indeed is
extremely difficult, if not useless. Because darkness is the ally of the owl.
Best then will be if one ushers in the light of the new day. In which case
all the owls will automatically scatter and hide in their holes etc. They
will be gone forever. That is the magic formula.
Similarly, in our human existence, in our AMPS, in this dark era when crude
groupist rulers are dominating the scene, then the only answer needed is
the light of knowledge-- the effulgence of AM ideology.
Baba says, "When fighting darkness, will you carry darkness in your pocket,
or will you carry a torch? Certainly a torch. Similarly, to fight a man of
avidya, do just the opposite thing to him, and then you will be victorious.
These are the secrets of success. I hope you will do it." (AV-12)
Thus when factional kingpins like Sarvatmananda or Rudrananda have been
ruling AMPS since 1990, the only way to permanently rid AMPS from such
groupist forces is with the light of neo-humanism and ideological
understanding. As that sentient knowledge grows-- as that light shines--
then those dark rulers will be forced away from the scene permanently. Then
all the owls will be gone.
Here the whole point is that in human life more and more mass awakening is
needed. Because ignorance amongst the masses is the itself power of the
exploitative rulers. This we have seen in the history of each and every
country around the globe. Whereas inner understanding leads a people out
from the darkness. This is Baba's common prescription.
Baba says, "Diipajina'na means 'torch', that is, the knowledge that takes a
human being from the darkness of animality towards the effulgence of
divinity. In the initial stage, human beings require a torch to light up
the way for them." (Nov 16, 1978, Delhi)
According to Baba, in each and every angle of human existence, that initial
spark of knowledge and awareness is what allows human beings to rise up to
the next level.
Similarly only the light of knowledge-- ideological understanding-- can set
our AMPS on the right track and remove groupism from our organisation.
Without that there cannot be success-- that is also Baba's teaching.
Baba says, "If one walks in darkness one needs a torch otherwise one will
fall down in a ditch." (SS-19)
Hence without the light of more and more ideological awareness, AMPS will
not be able to reach that era of neo-humanism. Without that inner
understanding, this or that groupist will control the scene.
If we look around the globe we can see clear-cut examples where crude
leaders come to the helm due to the ignorance of the common people.
For example in 1947, both Pakistan and India got the gift of democratic
freedom. Both were on the same playing field. But due to the varying level
of public awareness, one country could move ahead and one could not.
In Pakistan the level of education was lower, for that simple reason
Pakistan has been governed by one suffocative and exploitative dictatorial
regime after another since 1947. And most of that time they have been under
extremist military rule.
In contrast, due to the relatively higher standard of the Indian public,
after 1947 India was able to step by step establish an open, democratic
environment. And not only that, now due to higher public awareness, the
loopholes of democracy are also being exposed in India. Certainly, as that
public knowledge increases, then those democratic leaders will be
pressurised to depart from the podium and the neo-humanistic era of Prout
will come.
Here the entire point is that negative leaders will continue in their
heyday so long as the public remains in the dark. But as the public
awareness increases then automatically those negative leaders will
disappear in a flash.
Taking a look back in the history of our AMPS, who can forget those days of
old in 1990-91. In that era our Marga was drowned in darkness. Everyone
innocently and naively thought that Sarvatmananda and the rest of the Dadas
in Centre were divine incarnations who would bring peace, justice, and
welfare to the entire universe. This was the daydream those days.
And in that period of extreme ignorance and unawareness, what happened?
Sarvatmananda snatched the power and exercised unbridled control over AMPS.
In a matter of days and months after 1990 he created one dogma after
another and wiped out margii rights and instituted so many heinous rules.
The Bhukti Pradhan system was destroyed; the ACB turned into his puppet
committee; countless innocent margiis were tortured and humiliated; the
dharmic paragraph about margii rights in Baba's AM Revolution discourse was
removed entirely. Plus Sarvatmananda imposed countless dogmas like the fake
Ananda Vaniis, crusty tiirthas and Memorials, and he falsely prefaced each
AM publication with the blatant misconception, 'Translated with the
original Bengali' etc. Indeed many hellish things and so much nonsense
occurred in those early days after 1990. All because our Marga was in the
dark. That is the rule: Public ignorance gives power to negative rulers. So
without that light of knowledge all those misdeeds and injustices were
allowed to be executed by those exploitative and power hungry rulers.
Little by little however, things are getting better and better in our
Marga. There has been much improvement. As the ideological awareness rises
in AM, then almost magically negative things stop happening-- step by step.
For example, fewer blatant distortions and manipulations are being done to
Baba's holy discourses. And the false line about "Translated from the
original Bengali' has been removed entirely. And like that so many dogmatic
things have completely stopped-- because the overall awareness has increased
and margiis are no longer tolerating those wrongdoings. And as the
understanding rises even higher, then those old distortions that have not
been fixed such as the deleted paragraph from the AM Revolution discourse
will be properly repaired. That is sure to happen. And we will fix other
things such as paying non-margiis to translate Baba's divine discourses.
Because as awareness increases then the problematic points will be resolved.
Here the key ingredient is that mass consciousness is needed. As the
ideological understanding gets embedded in AMPS and as those ideological
principles are put into practice and followed, then the natural outcome is
that the leaders will be better and better-- more and more neo-humanistic.
That is the old crusty leaders will be effortlessly forced out from the
scene and proper leaders will emerge and benevolently grab the reins.
So it is a direct relationship: The more ideological awareness there is in
our Marga, then the better those in the helm will be. That is the formula.
Thus chasing away one groupist ruler one by one is not the way. Rather let
the light of knowledge shine forth and then all those dark, dogmatic
groupists will automatically flee from the stage. Then all the owls of
darkness will be gone.
Now then is the time to propagate and follow Baba's divine teachings of AM
ideology and bring our organisation on the right track-- permanently
shedding the dark dogma of groupism and ushering in that brilliant era of
Baba says, "'We have come to the world to perform great deeds-- for the
physical welfare of all, for the psychic happiness of all, and for the
spiritual elevation of all - to lead all from darkness unto light.' If,
even then, someone says: 'No, darkness is good for me!' we will tell them:
'All right, darkness is good for you, but just once why don't you come and
see the light - it is even better!'" (NH-LOI, Disc 11)
So the whole solution to groupism and negative rulers is quite plain and
simple. With proper education and by following AM philosophy and by helping
others to understand Baba's teachings, then naturally everyone's awareness
will grow. In that case the tendency will come to fight injustice and
indeed it is coming. And then the ideological base will be there to bring
in proper leaders. And the reality is that this is the very process is
going on this very instant in our AMPS. It is happening.
In all the corners of the globe, margiis and sincere wts are rising up
holding the lamp of AM ideology in which case those crooked persons in the
helm are bound to disappear. All the owls of darkness will be gone-- shoed
away. Every groupist leader whether H, B, NIA, or EC will vanish from the
scene. That glorious day is fast coming. That era of neo-humanism is near,
nay upon us.
By Baba's divine grace and infinite compassion, the beautiful new era of
light is emanating in our AM society-- and growing more brilliant each and
every moment.
Baba says, "...The eternal glow of the boundless élan vital of Cosmic
Consciousness has been illuminating the life-lamp of universal humanism
since time immemorial, is illuminating it, and in future will do so even
more intensely. That is why I say, the future of the human race is not
dark, rather it is strikingly resplendent. So proceed on, ignoring the
frowns of darkness." (A'nanda Va'nii #49)
Our approach is two-fold: First bring more and more light into AMPS and
then spread that effulgence throughout the world and beyond.
Baba says, "To build a healthy human race we should have given them proper
guidance in philosophy, in science, in all branches of human knowledge -
which we did not do." (NH-LOI, '87 Edn, p.99)
So up till now we have not been able to spread the light of neo-humanism
throughout each and every pore of this human civilisation. That could not
be done-- not yet.
But Baba has given us the duty to carry the torchlight to one and all and
by His grace it will be done.
Baba says, "Where the society is caught in the whirlpool of superstitions
and prejudices - where it has lost its vision in the darkness of ignorance
- there litterateurs and artists will have to come forward, even by taking
risks. They will have to show the path to others with a flaming torch in
hand." (PNS-10)
It is Baba's magnificent blessing upon us all that He has entrusted us with
the spreading of His neo-humanistic ideology. And by His grace we will
spread that to each and every human heart.
Baba says, "The flame of a lamp lights up countless lamps. The touch of a
great personality wakes up innumerable sleeping hearts..." (Ananda Va'nii
And here following is Baba's divine assurance that we will get success and
the new era of sentient peace and neo-humanism will come-- in AMPS and all
Baba says, "You few are the torch bearers of human society. You are the
pioneers, you are the vanguard of the human society. So it is your duty to
save humanity." (Social Disc, Frankfurt)
Baba says, "Along with the theory of spiritual inheritance one Cosmic
Ideology will have to be adopted and that ideology is that one Supreme Entity-- the
Cosmic Entity-- is the goal of all living beings. This spiritual sentiment
will keep human beings united for all time to come. No other theory can
save the human race." (To The Patriots)
Note: Certainly Baba's above directive speaks for itself: He is the
polestar and His teachings are to be followed. This everyone is understanding.
Baba Story: Reporting Sessions
From: "Girish Chandra Mitra"
Subject: Baba Story: Reporting Sessions
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 07:27:06 +0530
PS Intro: This is a neo-humanistic song as it expresses love and affection
for those shelterless, homeless, and downtrodden people. We know that Baba
has made songs which reflect all aspects of AM ideology. This song
expresses empathy and compassion towards the suffering humanity and
propagates neo-humanistic ideals. This is the unique quality of this song.
"A'siya'che sedin ogo a'shrayahiin..." (PS 1222)
The golden era has come; sadavrata [1] has started. Now everywhere the
divine flow is spreading all around. In this human family, no one will be
downtrodden; no one will suffer. Those who are without shelter, I am
calling you. The day has come when His door has opened for you. By Baba's
causeless grace, He has come to save the suffering humanity-- to turn your
tears into smiles. It is His infinite compassion. For those who have
neither food, nor clothing, nor shelter, everyone will be served. Now no
one need suffer from any want in this world.
In this golden, new era, no one in our human family needs to go under
the tree in search of shelter. Everyone will have their own hearth and
home-- their own abode. Nobody will be homeless. We are all kith and kin;
we are all one family; Parama Purusa is our Divine Father. Not a single
human being shall remain as an orphan or distressed any longer. Those dark
days are gone by His grace. All will equally receive His love and
affection. Everyone will get His sweet touch; everyone will feel His divine
blessing and infinite love.
By Baba's grace there will be plenty for one and all; no one need
undergo the pangs of hunger and thirst. The loud lamentations of the
suffering humanity will be gone forever. Everyone will have the opportunity
to live life in a new way; all will feel content in their heart and mind
and move towards Parama Purusa, the Goal. The cimmerian darkness of avidya'
maya will vanish forever. Now, by His grace, divinity has awakened in the
minds of human beings.
The golden dawn has descended on this earth. It is His grace; it is His
[1] Sada'vrata: 'Sada' literally means 'always' as in to do every day;
'vrat' literally means 'vow' as in to always remain committed to helping
others. So sada'vrata means always ready to serve whenever the opportunity
comes. It is not that if one did sadavrata on Monday then one need not to
do it on Tuesday. Always one is to be ready and willing to serve others.
Whatever those people need, then one must help them fulfill that need.
Hence helping poor and seeing them as expressions of Parama Purusa is
called sada'vrata. As we all know, our AM social service endeavours include
sada'vrata-- the mass distribution of food, clothing, medicine, and all
sorts of requirements and amenities.
Here in His below guideline Baba describes how sada'vrata is related with
our sadhana practice.
Baba says, "In the third stage of sa'dhana' sa'dhakas accepts the cognitive
faculty as their goal. They wish to advance along the spiritual path while
simultaneously serving the subtler expressions of Parama Purus'a. This is
the true dharma of human beings. The sada'vrata (mass feeding & clothing
distribution etc) which you organize comes within the scope of this
practice. While performing sa'dhana' in this stage the human mind attains a
greater proximity to Parama Purus'a and sees the entire universe as a
divine expression of Parama Purus'a. Through this realization one enjoys
pure unblemished bliss. When people served good food during sadavrata smile
happily, you feel inner joy." (APH-6)
Here are the first two Bengali Bengali lines of this Prabhat Samgiita:
A'siyeche sedin ogo a'shrayahiin
Tave tare ta'r dva'r khule geche, khuleche
And here below is a basic translation & fundamental idea of those lines:
O' my brothers and sisters, those who are without shelter,
the day has come when His door has opened for you.
So in the above stanza the bhakta is telling the humanity that no one will
be shelterless any longer. Parama Purusa is bringing all unto Him and
everyone will be served.
Now look how these very same lines were translated on one of our sanctioned
Prabha't Samgiita websites:
O' Lord, the one needing no shelter, the day has come when
for you their doors have opened.
Please excuse me, but by reading the above anyone can see how this latter
translation has gone a bit astray.
Here the entire point is that Prabhat Samgiita is Baba's divine gift to the
humanity, so we should be careful and diligent in its presentation.
Otherwise, we can see how it may get translated.
Many may recall that in 1978, after the Jail Period, then by His fathomless
grace Baba used to check the Sixteen Points of various workers and Lft's
while taking report. Actually, this became His regular approach during all
reporting sessions. Because while this 'corrective style' transformed into
His grand program of Dharma Samiiksa ('79-80), even then this way of
reporting continued right up through 1990-- where He was regularly checking
how workers etc were following 16 Points, & especially the point of sadhana.
Once on one particular day while taking report from a supervisory worker
Baba suddenly became quite serious and demanded that a specific worker be
brought before Him. Right away that worker came forward and did sastaunga
pranam to Baba. Then GS Dada told the worker to give report. And as this
Dada began giving his report then Baba started pointing out and punishing
this worker for not properly following various aspects of 16 Points.
Specifically, Baba was telling that this worker is not practicing all the
lessons of sadhana.
That time many in attendance were feeling surprised that Baba was only
pointing out this Dada. Because those days a number of workers were not
properly doing all their lessons of sadhana. Due to their extreme busyness,
many were falling in this category. Yet here on this occasion in front of
all Baba was only pointing out and scolding just this one Dada. No one else
was getting punishment for this-- that day. Naturally, everyone was
wondering why this was going on in this fashion.
Thereafter it was found out that the worker being punished was previously
suffering from a serious disease and that since receiving punishment from
Baba, all signs and symptoms of that disease had completely disappeared.
This was the amazing development. By that way everyone understood that
Baba's punishment was in reality nothing but His special blessing on that
particular sadhaka. Because by that way the worker was permanently cured of
his ailment.
And, of course, side by side, everyone got the clear-cut message that it
was mandatory and very much needed to practice all the lessons of sadhana--
in each and every sitting. This was Baba's universal teaching that day. And
veritably speaking this was a regular theme in countless sessions of
reporting with Baba: That all sadhana lessons are to be done properly.
In this magical and unique way those reporting sessions were going on.
Where, by punishing workers, Baba was showering His divine grace yet
simultaneously He was giving an eternal teaching for all to follow. And
ultimately all we can really say is that Baba's way of giving punishment to
sadhakas is His divine liila since Baba is Parama Purusa and as human
beings we cannot perfectly explain how or why He was doing everything.
But one thing is sure, that this was Baba's standard approach to take
report from workers and if their social service activities or sadhana was
not up to the proper standard, then Baba would reveal how that particular
wt was not following 16 points properly. And very commonly it was the case
that Baba would tell that the wt was not doing all the lessons of sadhana.
And that was the reason why the person could not get the necessary
inspiration or sufficient energy to fulfill his social service
Because Baba was telling again and again that by doing all the lessons of
sadhana-- especially dhyana-- then one will always receive the requisite
strength and inspiration to fulfill all their duties in life and serve the
This much we all understood from Baba's reporting style those days.
So today when we see our organisation in a crisis situation it can be
easily concluded that a major factor behind this downfall is that people,
and especially workers, are not properly following 16 points. Most notably
certain top Dadas are not correctly doing their sadhana-- either skipping
lessons entirely or doing them in a faulty or haphazard manner. Otherwise
what can be the cause of all this disarray and chaos in the upper echelons
of our organisation.
Consequently, when the standard of sadhana is down then everything goes in
he wrong direction-- both in individual and collective life. This is the
clear cut outcome and today we can see the poor results.
At the same time if Sixteen Points and sadhana again becomes a dominant
factor in anyone's life then automatically everything will become better
and better in each and every sphere of one's existence. In all regards, in
all circumstances, that sadhaka will be met with success-- on all the
levels from their personal careers to their dharma pracara activities etc.
Then their whole existence will grow and shine in a positive and sparkling
way. This is Baba's grand blessing and ultimate guarantee.
Baba says, "...In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we
will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete
seeds of welfare in all the spheres-- physical, mental, moral, social and
spiritual-- are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the
sixteen points." (A'nanda Va'nii, #45)
Here again Baba demonstrates that by doing sadhana properly and adhering to
His tenants of 16 Points, then by His grace one will gather the necessary
strength to do His work and become a perfect medium for carrying out His
divine mission.
Baba says, "What is the best way to strengthen the mind? The best and
proper way is to strictly observe the 16 Points. The more rigidly you
follow the 16 Points, the more your mental strength will increase. It will
increase so much that it will be more powerful than the collective mental
strength of 100,000 people. In a psychic clash they will have to concede
victory to you... So you must endeavour to develop your psychic strength -
this is your bounden duty. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the
more psychic strength you will acquire. It will not take you long." (AV-7,
Treatment For Hunch-Back and Stiffness
Baba says:
"When calcium builds up and gets deposited in the back it becomes hard.
That is why when people are very young then their backbone is quite
flexible but due to an accumulation of calcium over just a few years then
by the time they are teen-agers already their spinal column has become
stiff and rigid." (SC-8)
"Doing noakasana, utkata paschimottanasana, and shalabasana etc eliminates
the possibility of developing a hunched back. So those doing hard manual
labor that demands bending the back for extended periods of time should do
these aforementioned asanas on a regular basis. That will prevent them from
suffering from hunch-back in the future." (SC-8)
Burden of Painful Memory of the Past
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 08:29:13 -0000
From: "Motilal Pandey"
Subject: Burden of Painful Memory of the Past
"Uttal sindhu utkrami tumi, esechilo mor ghare..." PS (1077)
Baba, after crossing the wild tidal wave, You have come into my
heart-- You have come to my home. Baba, You are traveler of the solitary
path. And even after encountering so many negative situations, You did
not get scared with the fear. Nothing could terrify You.
According to the basic necessity or protocol I did not have any of the
necessary arrangements, so I could not receive You properly. My
grief-stricken mind was full of longing for You, and my heavy heart was
saturated with the tears.
Baba, I have not done anything for You. In vain I was just revolving
around only mirages. With the new sun and strong call, by holding my
hand You showed me the direction-- You took me onto the right path.
Baba, You have come into my heart; it is nothing but Your divine mercy
& grace...
An invitation was recently sent out for Mahaprayan and the value of
that invitation has been addressed in Note 2 at the bottom of this
Our Marga is the path of bliss and as per Baba we are to move on and
on-- living from one blissful moment to the next. This is our way--
never looking back.
That is why when certain factional heads justify their dogmatic
Mahaprayan (MPD) program then they are overtly opposing Baba's maxim.
Because Baba says, 'Go on living life knowing that He is always with
you', and the dogmatic agents of Mahaprayan say, 'Baba is gone and this
sad day should be remembered again and again'.
So the two approaches are diametrically opposed to one another. Baba's
vision is supremely optimistic and practical; whereas the dogmatic
agents of Mahaprayan are sunk in pessimism and drowned their own
narrow-minded agenda.
Of course, in total there are so many logical replies that prove why
Mahaprayan is just one dogma. Here below is the fuller explanation of
the aforementioned logical foundation for why MPD is nothing but a
dogmatic and harmful enterprise by a few groupists, and therefore it
should be discarded entirely from our Marga.
The response that follows is all in reply to certain groupists who say
that there is 'no harm in remembering the day of Mahaprayan'. Of course
they say this just because they want more people to come to their
groupist headquarters and give them money on their fake MPD day. Proof
being, that if the main occasion of the dogmatic Mahaprayan program was
hosted elsewhere, then these same groupists would not have the slightest
inclination to attend such a program-- rather they would oppose it. But
since the dogmatic Mahaprayan program is held in their backyard, they
champion the occasion and say it does 'no harm'. This is their silly
But the reality is that the dogmatic Mahaprayan program does huge harm.
And here is how.
So this is not a letter about groupism per se - as we all know that
the impending split or Rudrananda-Nigamananda is just further proof
that theirs was just a black pact. Same with the case of EC.
This letter then is an evaluation of a program that is truly against
our devotional sentiment - our spiritual livelihood.
In each and every sphere of life people suffer terribly when they
remember and relive any negative memory.
For instance, a mother in Bengal will never like to relive the exact
moment when her little girl got mauled and killed by a speeding train.
That maa will not like to think of that bloody scene with her daughter's
disjointed body parts strewn all over the place.
Similarly, a clerk in NY will not like to think again and again about
911 when all his friends and colleagues were killed in the twin towers
attack. That clerk will not like to recall how his frantic and terrified
friends jumped out of that burning building from a window 643 feet above
the ground.
Likewise, no army veteran will like to again and again remember how his
platoon was ambushed in some foreign land like Iraq or Afghanistan,
whereby he saw with his own eyes how his fellow soldiers were brutally
tortured and killed and he himself lost both his legs.
These types of horrific memories create a negative and devastating
imprint in the mind. No one can live with these things spinning in their
mental plate. It is like trying to walk with a huge boulder tied to
one's leg. It is impossible to move ahead. So if one recounts such
horrific scenes again and again they will just wake up in the middle of
the night in a cold sweat-- totally frozen and incapacitated by such
horrible memories and unable to walk into the new dawn. Such persons
become like the living dead and suffer their whole life of such psychic
ailments etc. That is the terrible harm of this defective approach of
recalling painful memories of the past.
In the same way, those who get caught up in the dogmatic ceremony of
Mahaprayan will also suffer from the negative ideation that Baba is gone
and that He is no longer with me. That is the real effect of remembering
again and again the crude message of Mahaprayan.
That is why those who wish to live the ideal of AM and feel that Baba is
always with them, they will never involve themselves in the dogmatic and
harmful program of Mahaprayan.
Baba's teachings are all complete and His ideal is that we should move
ahead not thinking about the past.
Baba says, "You are to look ahead, you are to look forward. If you look
back, if you look behind, you are wasting your valuable time. Fools, not
wise people, do like this." (Spiritual Discourses)
By thinking about the past, one will get caught up in those painful
woes. That is why Baba is adamant that we must not do like this. Rather
He says that we are to move ahead keeping Him in mind. That is our
blissful way.
Baba says, "Such sa'dhakas who move towards the Supreme Goal with
undaunted speed will never recognize any obstacles on the way. Their
only goal is to realize that 'Parama Purus'a is mine. He is my personal
treasure. I will live with Him, and I will never give Him up'." (SS-10)
Our aim in life is to remember Baba always and go closer and closer to
Him-- knowing that He is always with us. That is our devotional way of
life and that is why our Marga is the path of bliss.
So the negative approach of observing the burdensome, painful, and
dogmatic Mahaprayan program year after year goes 100% counter to our
ideal. That is why wise sadhakas pay heed to Baba's guideline and let go
of the past and instead embrace the grand reality and spiritual ideal
that always He is with us-- in our heart. Thinking thus, there is not an
iota of scope for any dogmatic Mahaprayan program in our Marga.
Baba says, "He is with you, always He is with you to help you. You are
never alone." (AV-34)
In His neo-humanism discourses, Baba guides us that we are to protect
the devotional sentiment very carefully. And what is devotion? The
feeling that Baba is with me. Yet we are living in a crudely
materialistic world that tries to step on this devotion. And then on the
top, there are certain elements in our Marga who try to proclaim that
Baba is gone by creating a dogmatic Mahaprayan program. So we must not
tolerate such things. They may say, 'what is the harm', they may say,
'it is part of the history', for their selfish interest they may say so
many things. But our aim is to cultivate the devotional ideal that 'Baba
is always with me'. That is what Baba wants us to do. And the best way
to achieve this is through regular spiritual practice and keeping Him in
mind always-- and not succumbing to any materialistic outlook or the
dogma of Mahaprayan.
By Baba's grace we will all be successful in this endeavour-- forever
drifting in His bliss.
In their recent Mahaprayan invitation, the hosts sent a quote
from AV-12 wherein Baba says that Taraka Brahma is physically
born and physically dies.
Baba says, "Ta'raka Brahma comes here on a particular date, leaves
this earth also on a particular date, takes the birth of His
quinquelemental body, the death of His quinquelemental body."
So the hosts totally misunderstand and poorly extrapolate
from this quote. In no place does Baba say that the physical death
should be "mourned" or "celebrated" "or remembered" again and again, year
after year. Baba does not say like that, yet this is
what the hosts of MPD are doing. And they act as though
the above quote justifies their misguided ways.
Those with a wee-bit of vivek know that Baba's message is entirely
different. Baba is talking very beautifully about the reason
behind the advent, not that Oct 21 should become one ongoing
day of remembrance.
Baba says, "The human heart wants something closer, something more
sentimental, something more pleasing. And that’s why just to satisfy,
just to give pleasure to His progeny, He comes within the scope of these
relative factors. Parama Purus'a becomes Ta'raka Brahma."
So the entire value of the quote lies in His comes close to us and our
heart embracing His presence. The physical advent is a stepping stone
for making that link with Him within. That is what Baba's directive
is in this discourse, not that we should go on remember that He is
gone, gone, gone.
It is a pity that some have not the devotional value to understand
this fairly simple idea.
Baba resides in our heart always. His advent is about revealing
this divine truth. Sincere sadhakas understand.
Sadhana Point: Steps For Better Sadhana
Baba says, "Moksa karanasamagryam bhaktireva gariyasii."
Meaning: "Bhakti is the best way to moksa or salvation, the approach of
bhakti is the best." (AV, part 6)
Following is the sequence for better sadhana practice:
(a) Half bath or full bath
(b) Left nostril open
(c) Shasha'unga'sana (hare pose): a few rounds
(d) Shavasana (corpse posture): briefly
(e) Sing Prabhat Samgiita
(f) Sing Kiirtan loudly and dance Lalita Marmika
(g) Sastaunga Pranam
(h) Bhutashuddhi
(i) Asanashuddhi
(j) Cittashuddhi
(k) Generate longing or devotion for Parama Purusa / Baba;
(Note: this is the last phase of cittashuddhi.)
(l) Repetition of mantra with meaning, longing & devotion to become one
with Parama Purusa / Baba. (Note: This point is applied in first and 6th
lesson equally.)
(m) Other various lessons
(n) Guru Puja
(o) Final sastaunga pranam
Note 1: Regarding points (e) and (f), only listening to Prabhat Samgiita
or kiirtan is not sufficient as that will not bring about the desired
result. Rather one should sing Kiirtan & Prabhat Samgiita with their
full heart. Because by singing the mind gets more involved in comparison
to just listening.
Note 2: Generating devotional longing is a highly significant aspect. It
is the most important step of our sadhana. If one does everything but
this point is lacking then sadhana will be futile or dry. And if the
arousal of devotion is done successfully then one can reach one's goal
without any delay. I came to know from various acaryas that this point
is in acarya diary.
Social Post: PP
Date: 25 Aug 2009 07:42:44 -0000
From: "Surya Rao"
Subject: Social Post: PP
"Bha'lo besechile keno bolo..." (PS 2014)
Baba, You have graced me and brought me in Your close proximity and
showered me in Your divine love. So it is Your liila that now I have deep
longing for You yet You are not coming close. Baba, please tell me why You
loved me. What was the use if today You do not allow me to hold You. Baba,
internally You are not moved or touched by my tears. You remain impassioned
and distant.
Baba, I have decorated my humble abode exclusively for You. Baba, by
Your grace I am trying to follow 16 Points and Your many do's and don'ts to
prepare my mind for Your divine arrival. Baba, I have forgotten who is
close and who is distant; in my heart there is no differentiation from one
human being to another. Everyone is mine. Baba, after crying profusely for
You I became miserable, and in this way my whole night passed in Your
longing. Because You did not come.
Baba, in the end the flowers dried up and withered away. And all my
tears just dried up in the air. The pain and suffering of my longing
floated away in the sky and ultimately got lost in the oblivion.
Baba, I am crying in Your longing but You are not coming. Then why are
You attracting me and why have You bound me in Your divine love. Baba, my
heart and mind have become so restless-- yet You are not coming close. Why
are You doing like this. Baba, please grace me and come close...
Note: It is only with the deep feeling of longing that the mind rushes
towards Parama Purusa. Without that sense of 'longing' in the heart then
one cannot get Parama Purusa. So in order to move ahead on the spiritual
path, one must long to attain Him. Indeed this yearning to have Him is one
essential factor in getting His closeness. So in this song, by Baba's
grace, the devotee has a deep sense of longing in his heart. And by that
way the sadhaka becomes more and more close until finally merging in Him.
Altogether, it is similar to how one baby starts crying and wants to be
held by the mother, and then that mother comes rushing to get her baby.
Likewise, the feeling of longing is absolutely necessary in devotional
life, because in that way one reaches the Goal.
As we seem to be on the cusp in getting a new PP in one way, shape, or
form, i.e. eventually - it is only fitting that we pay heed to Baba's
guidelines below about the nature and scope of this important spcial post.
Of course many are thinking that already certain leaders have selected the
new PP and just they are waiting until the appropriate moment to place him
in the post. Whatever the case-- whether he has already been hand-picked or
not-- one thing is certain. Namely that the main criteria for becoming the
next PP is that he must be a totally brainless person. This is the
mandatory feature.
So if anyone wants to compete and try to get that Purodha Pramukha post --
then they must possess that singular quality of brainlessness. It is a
pre-requisite. Otherwise one cannot become PP.
And not just with the post of PP, in fact this quality of brainlessness is
the requiste factor for getting any of the top organisational posts these
days. If one has that characteristic then they may get one of those
positions. But if one does not have that necessary characteristic they
certainly will never get such a post.
But surely in the case of the PP-- sheer brainlessness is the special
In our Caryacarya, Baba has given various provisions about the social post
of Purodha Pramukha. By the following guidelines it is quite clear that the
post of PP is just one of the many social posts in the organization. For
example, here are some of the worldly affairs which PP is supposed to deal
(A) All the organizational executive decisions must reach to Purodha
Pramukha for his discretionary and final judgment.
(B) PP's post is for whole life long.
(C) In the Purodha Board, PP's single vote has decisive meaning.
(D) Each of the judiciary decisions also must reach to Purodha Pramukha for
his final approval.
(E) Purodha Pramukha is Chief of the Purodhas.
(F) So many more social duties and responsibilities he has.
By all this it is quite clear that the post of Purodha Pramukha is a social
post in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.
And when just a brainless person is occupying the chair of
PP, then all these social duties get done by others who are controlling
from behind the scenes. Or they do not get done at all. That is a colourful
twist of things since 1990.
In any event, the basic idea then is that the post of PP is only social in
nature. Means it is limited up to the social realm-- that's all.
In our Tantric system of Ananda Marga, Baba being the Tarak Brahma and
Sadguru is the spiritual guide for one and all. He is the spiritual head of
Ananda Marga.
In other dogmatic organisations the guruship gets handed down from one
person to the next. In that way different people take on the role of guru
such that their so-called spiritual leader changes from generation to
But our AM is not like that. In Tantra only Taraka Brahma is the Guru.
Even then a few people get confused and casually refer to PP as the
spiritual head of AM. But this is totally wrong. And sincerely speaking I
think every Ananda Margii feels in their heart that only Baba is the Guru--
that He is the Supreme spiritual Guide.
But just in their silly way a couple people might refer to PP in that
faulty way.
If you look at the present day dogmatic religious scene or political field
then you may see that stupid people are always getting the power. Just some
dummy type of persons get the leadership roles.
To qualify oneself only one attribution is needed: Just be a dummy in the
hand of some tricky exploiters. Then one will get all kinds of praise and
post. In contrast if one has their own independent way of thinking then
they will not get any place. Rather they will be cast aside.
Unfortunately, as stated above, our AMPS has fallen into this same negative
track. Because nowadays in our organisation the main quality or trait
needed for getting Vishesh yoga, Purodhaship, Central Committee or Purodha
Board membership, or any other type of high post-- then only this single
quality is needed: lack of brains.
About this topic certainly more can be said so others should also write
their feeling and experiences about this.
Even though in the relative sphere our Marga is struggling some, surely the
day is not far when all will rally around His divine message in one voice
and declare:
"All human beings belong to one race...'The exploitation of human beings
cannot be allowed!' and, 'Religious hypocrisy cannot be tolerated!' Giving
a clarion call to the fragmented human society from beneath the saffron
flag, the symbol of service and sacrifice, they will proclaim at the top of
their voices, 'Human beings of the world, unite!'" (POD)
Note: When Purodha Pramukha is the chief of the Purodhas then he has the
same dharmic duties as they do. So when various xyz purodhas are trying to
follow 16 points in what little or big way they can, then at least our
future PP should also try. Unfortunately to date the PP refrained from
doing so. From this one can only assume that maybe from bi-pied
(two-legged) the PP thought he
became angelic and he got two wings so that he need not do. Is that why the
various PP Dadas have long given-up following dharmic duties by not singing
kiirtan, not attending DC, not doing Guru Puja, not singing Prabhat
Samgiita, etc.
"Harareme pita' gaorii ma'ta' Svadesha bhuvanatreyan"
"Parama Purusa is my Father, Parama Prakrti is my Mother, and the universe
is my homeland. We are all citizens of this universe...And this universe is
the thought projection of Brahma, so the ownership of the universe lies
with the Supreme Entity."
"None of the moveable or immoveable property of this universe belongs to
any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and
the Father of all is Brahma. All living beings can enjoy their rightful
share of this property." (POD, p. 1-2)
Note: Some so-called proutists can deliver long lectures & fancy talks
about this above notion. But mostly their knowledge is only theoretical or
superficial. They lack the necessary inner heart-felt connection &
understanding that: The entire property of this universe belongs to Parama
Purusa; and that all are His progeny; and, that therefore the entire
property belongs to one and all. This feeling is lacking in their heart.
In the absence of this, when some so-called Proutists see any greedy
capitalist, then they salute him and covet the idea to become like him.
Some other so-called proutists think: 'What is in my pocket is mine and
that wherever Prout gets established then everyone else's pocket will also
become mine'. They never think that, 'What is in my pocket belongs to
everyone else'. Not surprisingly then we also see in our organisation that
moneyed-persons ($$) get a lot of respect by virtue of their wallet. So in
our AMPS nowadays that there are two types of behavior or dealing: One
special style of treatment for the wealthy and another less careful type of
behaviour towards the poorer margiis. This is quite evident at retreats,
dharmacakra, seminars etc.
All told then in our day-to-day, practical life many people forget and
overlook this very point of Cosmic patrimony. This idea is not saturated in
their heart. Hence special care should be taken-- we should be vigilant not
to forget this above said guideline of Baba.
Bull & Human Behaviour
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 08:58:13 -0000
From: "Motilal Pandey"
Subject: Bull & Human Behaviour
"Toma'ke bha'lo besechi, tumi shudhu mane acho..." (P.S. 2562)
Baba, I love You; only You are in my mind. You are my dearmost One and
You alone are mine; You are the only moon in my mental sky-- mental
plate. Baba, except You, everything else in this entire universe is
temporary. Everything comes for a short time and then get lost into thin
air, into the oblivion. Baba, only You are beginningless and endless;
only You remain permanently-- eternally.
Baba, nothing lasts forever in this world. At the end of the day, night
falls and the light of day gets engulfed by the darkness. Similarly, the
darkness of the night vanishes with the advent of the brilliant new
dawn. Thus everything in this world is changing, transient. But the
constant pouring of Your divine effulgence continues on and on-- it
knows no limit; it knows no end.
Baba, I am loving You; You are always residing in my mind; You are my
only polestar. Baba, You are my Goal; You are my everything...
We have all seen how Baba uses all kinds of colourful analogies to help
deliver His message and put forth an important point for our betterment
and learning.
Some of these analogies are very easy to understand, some less so. It
depends upon the person and their experience.
What cannot be denied, however, is that each of these analogies hold
great meaning and insight into the life of every spiritual aspirant. So
we should strive to understand every morsel of Baba's analogies.
Baba has given one analogy about bulls and the burden of having an
inflated ego, asmita'. The analogy relates of course to our human
experience and sadhaka life.
To gain clear understanding of Baba's teaching, three things are needed:
(1) Knowledge about bulls;
(2) knowledge of Hindi or Sanskrit, and;
(3) knowledge of Baba's spiritual teachings on vanity, ego and devotion.
Once all the above three components are known, then the reader will have
complete understanding of Baba's teaching in this analogy.
Since I was not aware of the above I consulted with my acarya and now
share what I learned with all of you. Perhaps this is known to you
already, perhaps not. In either case we get opportunity to once again
review and contemplate Baba's divine teaching.
First off, as you may know, bulls can be quite terrifying creatures.
They have big, sharp horns, a menacing look, and a potentially nasty
disposition. Not only that, they are huge and can weigh up to 1000kg or
2200lbs or more, even as much as 2000kg or 4400lbs. So they can be quite
intimidating and ferocious.
Often these bulls live in areas where they are the biggest animals, as
usually there are no elephants nor whales where bulls reside. So when
full-grown and healthy, bulls consider themselves to be the strongest
entity alive.
When they walk this earth they are well-known for making this type of
sound, "Hmmm". This is their natural sound, especially when they are angry.
The next component needed to understand the analogy are two simple Hindi
The term "ham" in Hindi and other Indian languages means "I". And the
term "tum" in Hindi means "you".
That is also essential to understand Baba's teaching.
Then of course we all know that ego or I-ness has an inverse
relationship with devotion. The aim of our human life is to realise that
Parama Purusa is the Supreme Subject and Supreme Doer in the universe,
not our little "I" feeling.
We are to think, "O' Parama Purusa You are everything, because of Your
grace everything happens."
Baba says, "By His mercy one can [do] anything and everything. Without
His mercy even a blade of grass cannot move." (AV-30)
Baba says, "Gurukrpa' hi kevalam - “The Guru’s grace is everything.”
This alone is the supreme truth. This is the be-all and end-all of
life." (AFPS-8)
With this idea in mind, then one can lead a devotional life, realising
that His love, presence and touch guide us in all circumstances.
Baba says, "Through devotion you should realize that He is the life of
your life, the Lord of your inner heart." (APH-7)
By his grace, with devotion we can practically feel that He is the
be-all and end-all of life.
However, a devotional outlook is categorically impossible when one is
sunk in their own egoistic feeling. Then one thinks, "I am great, I have
done so many things, I am the king of the mountain" etc. In that case
one will give all credit to themselves, and not even think of Parama
Baba says, "“I did this, I did that, I’m not an ordinary man” – like
this. In devotion there is no scope for being puffed up with vanity."
Thus the more one gets absorbed in their own petty ego, the less one is
able to realise Him. Ego, or asmita', then is the main stumbling block
in leading a devotional life.
With the above understanding about bulls, Hindi and ego, then we can
best understand Baba's below analogy and how it relates with human life.
Baba says, "People say that a bull, when he is in the fullness of his
strength, [calls] Ham, meaning “I am great.” After he dies, the
[cotton-spinner] makes a bow with strings from his intestines, and it
produces the sound Tun, Tun, meaning “You are great.” Thus will fall the
ego ultimately. Therefore the wise will take the “You are great” stance
from the very beginning." (AV-23)
Since the bull thinks it is so strong and walks around all day calling
"hmmm", "hmmm, "hmmm" - similar to the Hindi word "ham" meaning "I" -
Baba is making the joke that a bull is totally stuck in its own unit
ego, touting its own greatness, day in & day out.
However a day is sure to come when it will die and its body parts and
intestines will be used as a string on a machine to spin cotton. Then
the sound of that bull will be "tun", "tun" - similar to the Hindi word
"tum" meaning "You". Thus after its death, when its ego is crushed, then
and only then does the bull recognise Parama Purusa and repeat, "You are
Best then is to overcome the pitfalls of the ego early in life, and sing
His praises each and every day - why wait until death, like the bull does.
This is the humorous yet highly significant meaning of Baba's analogy.
With regards to our human life, we all know how when people gain success
and gather name, fame, prosperity, and fortune, then they often think
that they are really great - then their ego is on the top.
In that case, they are prone to a fall. In social life, their ego will
be a problem. But in their spiritual life it will be deadly.
Because with a big ego, one will forget Him and accumulate all kinds of
samskaras, negative karma, and sink oneself in all sorts of burdens.
When one forgets that the Doership is Him and instead drowns in the
mantra, "I am great - I did this" etc, then there is not an iota of
scope for devotion.
Stuck up in that kind of egoistic superiority complex, they will create
hell in the their personal life and their spiritual life will be nil. As
Baba says below, theirs is a "Himalayan ignorance".
Baba says, "When people perceive something through the mind, they think
that their sight or perception alone is the factor which determines the
existence of an object. This sort of foolish presumption is called
asmita' [ego]. Such people cannot understand that not only behind their
cognition but also behind their sensation there exists the radiant
reflection of an Effulgent Entity. This radiance is reflected not only
in the crude and subtle but in the causal entity as well, and is the
perfect semblance of His characteristic identity. Ignorant people cannot
think of anything beyond what little light reflection they see on their
own unit entities; their sense entities remain confined within that very
limit. And that is why the ignorant materialists do not want to
recognize anything beyond his observable world. This flagrant disregard
on their part is not mere arrogance but Himalayan ignorance." (AMIWL-5)
The only way out is to escape the shackles of one's ego and accept Him
as the sole aim of life. That is the intelligent way to live. And that
should be started from this very moment, not when one is old an gray, or
even worse - dead, like the bull.
By Baba's grace He has given us the perfect recipe for living a life
above the fray of ego and vanity, ensconced in the spiritual ideal that
He is everything and that all inspiration and energy stem from Him. Then
one can serve all without vanity and reach Him by surrendering unto His
sweet will. No one then should live their life like a bull, sunk in
their own false sense of prestige and vanity. That is Baba's teaching to
us all.
Baba says, "Now, this complete surrender, complete self-sacrifice, is to
be done. But how? What is the secret? All human egos, all egoistic
expressions, are based on the vanity moving around the self, moving
around the “I” feeling, the first expression of existence. “I am” is the
base, is the fundament, of all egos and all vanities. You know, when a
man learns much or earns much, his ego, his vanity, gets puffed up. The
man gets puffed up with vanity, and under such circumstances he becomes
so conscious of his little existence that it becomes very difficult for
him to surrender before the Supreme. What to speak of surrender, even if
a logical theory is placed before him, he does not like to accept it. He
thinks that if he accepts that theory, if he accepts that veracity, it
will be humiliating for him. This sort of psychology misguides him under
such circumstances. How to surrender? This can be done internally with
the help of dhya'na [meditation in which the psyche is directed towards
Consciousness], and externally by ascribing Godhood to all external
"While helping the poor people your vanity may increase. You may think:
“I have done this, I have done that. I am not an ordinary man.” This is
a psychic disease. Actually, vanity is a psychic disease, a psychic
ailment. But if, while helping a man, a poor man, or a diseased person,
you ascribe Godhood to him, that is, if you think, “I am not helping a
man, I am helping God in human structure,” then vanity will not be
encouraged. What will be the reaction within the person? “This body,
this mind, this wealth has been given to me by Parama Purus'a, and
Parama Purus'a has come before me, God has come before me, as a
suffering person, and I am paying back that thing to Him. That is, the
actual owner of this body, the actual owner of this mind is He, and His
wealth I am paying back to Him.” So there will be no vanity."
"And I said that the internal process is meditation. In meditation,
Parama Purus'a becomes your object and you become the subject. You
become the seer and He becomes the seen. But the inner spirit of
meditation is that while looking at Him internally with your inner eye,
you should think: “I am not meditating on Him nor am I seeing Him
mentally. What is actually happening is that He is seeing me; that is, I
am the object and He is the subject. He sees whatever I do, He sees
whatever I think, so I am His object and He is my subject.” This idea
helps in freeing oneself from the serpentine noose of ego and vanity."
These below two posting clearly review the entire concept behind the
statement, "the umbrella of vanity", how that ruins one's life and how
one can feel His grace.
These below letters look at other interesting analogies that Baba uses
in His discourses to put forth His sublime teachings.
Practical Aspect of Mysticism
Baba says, "Mysticism is a never-ending endeavour to find a link between
finite and infinite." (AV-23, p.101)
Note: Here Baba is indirectly giving the guideline that in the realm of
devotion one should have a particular personal relation with Parama
Purusa. And these relations are known as "bhava"-- whether they be
sakhya bhava, dasya bhava, madhura bhava etc. So these various bhavas
are that very "link between finite and infinite". Because with the help
of these relations devotees gradually come in closer and closer
proximity with Parama Purusa. Until finally by linking up in this way
the sadhaka becomes one with Him.
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