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Neither is Absolutely Good...

From: "Marc Pele"
Namaskar, These days east is becoming more like west and west is becoming more like east. That is the general trend clearly visible in the daily living patterns of modern society. In India, western fashion and corporate life, not to mention fast-food & cocktails, are becoming highly sought after things, whereas in the west, more and more are turning to eastern philosophies and even adopting practices like idol worship etc. So a "grand melange" or big mix is going on. However to blindly jump from one side of the spectrum to another is just to fall into another dogma. So all should pay heed and be astute, lest one fall into a new pothole. At the same time we should remember that our AM is entirely new and quite different from the on-going patterns of east and west. Baba says, "Ananda Marga is a revolution. It is not only a spiritual revolution but also an economic, social and mental revolution. The economic system, the social structure, the trend of thinking and the spiritual practices prescribed in our Ananda Marga are not only new but something quite different from the established ideas and practices in these spheres of life." (PNS-11) Thus while our AM teachings reflect dharma in all respects, totally free from dogmas and hypocrisy, the ways of the east and west are riddled with such incongruities.
1. WOMEN IN INDIA: In India, for centuries females have been honored and revered as mother and worshiped as those who grant life to others. Thus women seemingly enjoy a goddess-like stature in India, yet side by side those very same females are bared from leaving the home, and not given even basic human rights. Plus people are willing to pay huge dowries to marry their daughter bur are then unwilling to spend one rupee on the education of that female. So from top to bottom females are not treated as equals in day-to-day life and instead are often forced to live the life of a subservient being. Clearly, then this is one living contradiction or incongruity. 2. CLEANLINESS IN THE WEST: On the outside, everything in the west looks neat and clean, i.e. well-organised and taken care of. The roads and houses are well-maintained and most things are quite orderly. One might be led to believe then that the standard of shaoca in the west is quite high. Yet on points of basic hygiene the west suffers quite terribly. For instance, toilet paper - not water - is used for cleaning the backside and that is certainly a dirty manner. Then there are other common problems that are fairly common such as not clearing the bowels upon awakening, long and dirty finger nails, obesity, and other such habits and illnesses. 3. PETS IN USA: At present in the US, people's pets (dogs, cats etc) are treated extremely well. People feed their dog organic dog food, bring their pets to spas for massages and shampoo, and when they go on vacation then their bring their dog or cat to a pet resort so their pet will get treated like a king or queen. All of this costs big bucks too. And if anyone abuses their dog then they may even be sent to jail. So from the outside it looks like animals are treated very well in the US. However, in this very same land, most of the people eat animal flesh on a daily basis, advocate hunting, and allow millions upon millions of innocent animals to live in factory farms where they are tortured, poisoned, debilitated, drugged, and ultimately butchered and killed. So there is extreme hypocrisy within the US about "animal rights". 4) SPIRITUALITY IN INDIA: As we all know there is a long-standing tradition of high spiritual values in India where reverence to God and oneness of the universe are quite pervasive ideals. Yet in the same land where all are acknowledged as being reflections of the Supreme, the terrible caste system was put in place which differentiates the value from one human being to the next. Thus there is the inherent contradiction of oneness of life and a completely stratified society. 5) RACISM IN AMERICA: In the past year, an African-American was elected President of the US. It looks like then that the US is a land of equality and equal opportunity where all races are honored and respected. But in this same land, racism rages on a daily basis in the form of hate crimes, murders, cheating, theft, hirings and firings, violence and hatred. This stands as a clear-cut manifestation of the duality with regards to race, equality, safety, and opportunity. 6) RELIGION IN THE US: The world over the US is looked upon as the most technologically developed nation where so many inventions & innovations have taken place in the material sphere: space travel, cars, planes, computers, etc. Technology is king, logic is supported, and superstition is disregarded. That said, within this same land, so many schools are barred from preaching the scientific theories of Darwin and instead religious fundamentalists insists that the dogma of creationism be preached in the classroom, and not scientifically supported studies. By all of the above, it is quiet clear that neither east nor west has their stamp on the truth. Both are lopsided in their own ways and both suffer from serious contradictions, despite their good qualities.
However, at present both are in the mode of copying one another. Copying the good points is fine, such as vegetarianism, women's rights, human suffrage etc, but it does not stop there. They also copy each other's dogmas and ways of pseudo-culture. With the spread of eastern philosophies in the west, so many false ideas are being adopted in the name of yoga and spirituality. All of a sudden, dogmatic kiirtans and idol worship are grabbing the attention of America's youth and young professionals and on the other side of the planet, anything & everything remotely related with Hollywood and cheap pseudo-culture fashion like dating and open sex is being gobbled up in India. And there are so many other examples from dress to language to food to you name it. So by copying one another, it is not just the good things that are embraced. All too often dogmas are also emulated due to people's blind attraction for either "anything American" or "anything Indian". Of course this entire phenomenon is not just limited to the US and India. Many other places and communites are involved in the sharing of each other's dogmas. Every country is involved to some or more degree. This letter focused on the US and India as these two lands historically represent polar-opposites, or the extreme opposite of one another.
Here we have to remember that no society is wholly perfect and proper - goaded by service mentality, high-minded ideals, and rationality. Rather, both in the east as well as in the west, so many degrading and backward things are prevalent. And now with more travel and internet access, those bad things are also getting spread around the globe. Only, by Baba's grace, is our Ananda Marga way of life totally new and original and beyond the limitations and distortions of east and west. Baba says, "Ananda Marga is not a change merely due to the cycle of time but a revolution, a radical change – in the true sense. Never before in the entire history of this world or the universe, if it could be known to mortals, has a system of life fully embracing the economic, social, mental and spiritual spheres ever been correlated in such closely knit society as in Ananda Marga." (PNS-11) By His grace, our Marga ideology is entirely new. It did not merely a collection of the various things of east and west - both good and bad. Rather AM is based purely 100% on rationality. What things from the east and west that were in harmony with AM ideals were adopted. But not just that - so many new things have been given. Sixteen Points is new - the idea of having a spiritual path also give socio-economic teachings is totally new - many of our sadhana lessons are new - and so much more. When neither east nor west is entirely good, then it demands that something different, i.e. the teachings of Ananda Marga given by Taraka Brahma, be placed before the humanity. This is the only way to make progress and move ahead.
No society is wholly perfect, only our AM ideology is perfect so by Baba's grace we must strive to follow His teachings and not anything from east and west per se. Doing the latter means only inviting more dogma. Baba says, "Though the human society is one and indivisible, still there are certain differences in the attitudes to life and the world between the East and the West. Both have their distinctly different mentalities. The East is predominantly subjective in outlook, whereas the West has a mainly objective bent of mind. The East, throughout its development, has maintained a subjective approach, whereas western countries put great stress on objective development. Too much emphasis on either one of these approaches is not conducive to the all-round growth of the society. We can build up an ideal society only on the basis of a happy adjustment between the subjective and the objective approaches. Here is the greatness of Ananda Marga ideology." (PNS-18) Namaskar, Moksa
For years and years in the US, so many people spent money on "extras" when in fact their basic necessities and needs were not met. Money went to cigarettes and alcohol as opposed to household needs and clothing for the children. People spent extravagantly on cars yet overlooked buying proper, healthy food. People spent huge money on cosmetics to "look good" rather than affording themselves the opportunity to lead a healthy life. So money has mostly been misspent, chasing after prestige and superficial things instead of truly making one's life better. And now, that same dogma and misunderstanding is spreading across India as they take the internal vow to become like America. Plus there are so many issues like this one: For instance the US government and its citizens draft so many public policies to help the "poorer nations" yet within their own borders of the US, there is homelessness and starvation in nearly every city, not to mention a slew of other social problems.
Note 2: OUR DUTY
Thus none should think that any country is perfect or good. Peace and unity will only result where AM ideology is followed - nowhere else. Baba says, "Remember, until every person in the universe accepts the Ananda Marga ideology, you have no opportunity to rest." (CC-2, 'Miscellaneous', pt#6)
****************************************** Sadhana?
"Baba says, "Whatever a man is to do in his spiritual life he is to do-- why? Because he is in love with the Supreme Entity. Love is the first word, love is the starting point, and love is the last point." (AV-12, p. 13) Note: Baba's above guideline is very beneficial for sadhana. However these days some innocent or simple people just do meditation for "mental peace". And ever worse some wts do sadhana for show-- to pose themselves as someone great. Such workers do hardly an ounce of sadhana when they are alone; but when they go to margiis' houses then in Hollywood style they sit in meditation for a long time. All done in order to put themselves on display and create one show that they are highly elevated sadhakas. Certain margiis do a similar thing when they attend retreats. But by looking at the on-going conduct of such margiis one can understand how far they are really doing sadhana or not. It is just like if you are approaching one animal at night. At first you may think that it is a tiger or a lion, but when that animal makes its weird 'Huan, Huan' sound, then you know that it is just a jackal. Same is the case when being around those types of few margiis and wts who put on a show of sadhana. By their conduct and dealing they just expose themselves etc.

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