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Story of Great Devotee & Mantra Japa

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 07:22:17 -0000 To: From: "Hariish Dev" Subject: Story of Great Devotee & Mantra Japa Baba "A'loker utsava eso sabe..." (PS 2218) Purport: Baba, by Your grace I am inviting all family members. O' my family members of the Great Family, come one, come all to this grand festival of light. Baba, by Your grace, I am awakening all with the divine knowledge. On this great occasion, let us all work collectively. By His grace, we will bring heaven on this dusty earth. No one is distant: All belong to one family; all are my own. In the absence of this divine truth-- unaware of this ideological understanding-- even close people go distant and far away and they try to destroy each other. Let human beings know who they are; they should know they have come from Parama Purusa. They are the divine children of Parama Purusa. All are kith and kin. Baba, by Your grace on this grand festival, I am preparing and arranging everything so that everyone will know who they are-- that all have come from Parama Purusa. By Your grace I am making everyone aware of their divine relation. Baba, by Your grace I will not lag behind-- not even for one second; and by Your grace I will never look back. I will keep my eyes fixed on the Goal, on You. Baba, I will not allow even a single person to fall back-- to lag behind. By Your grace, this is my sadhana-- along with the entire humanity. This grand effulgence will destroy all accumulated dirt and stains. We will enlighten the entire universe, by Your grace. Baba, by Your grace the impossible becomes possible. You are my Goal; You are my everything...
Namaskar, This entire email has a few parts and begins with this following story.
Baba says, "Once a child named Dhruva started doing sadhana and singing bhajanas at the early age of five. This scared the eminent rsis and munis. They thought that this young boy would surpass them in spiritual excellence. So, as devotees, they all implored Narayana to save them from being defeated and humiliated. Narayana sent Narada to resolve the issue. So Narada came to the boy Dhruva and tried to allure him with toys, sweets, a kingdom, and things of that sort. He inquired why the boy was so enthusiastic about sadhana and bhajanas at such an early age, especially when he had a whole lifetime at his disposal for spiritual pursuits. Dhruva replied,"
Kaomara acaret prajinah dharman Dhgavataniha Durlabham manusam janma tadapyadhruvamarthadam
"'O Narada! You are a sage, you know much more than I do. Yet I wish to mention, in order to clarify things, that we get a human form after numerous animal lives.' 'Sukrataer manavo bhutva.' This human life is attained through the medium of lots of clash and cohesion. Of all creatures' existence, this human existence is the most rare. But even rarer is the human body that has been perfected through sadhana..." "Dhruva further said, 'Narada, who knows what will happen tomorrow? You have become old and you got the opportunity to do sadhana and sing bhajanas at this age. But in my life, the sun may or may not rise tomorrow. Suppose I die tonight? So how can I wait till old age?'" "Then Narada went away silently." "'Dharman Bhagavataniha,' Dhruva said. Everyone should try to become established in Bhagavata Dharma in childhood." (AV-3)
Now here is Baba's expressed guidelines about the unique importance of breathing. Baba says, "One's life is determined on the basis of a few pulsations, and these pulsations depend on a specific number of inhalations and exhalations. The number of such inhalations and exhalations-- on an average, from twenty-one thousand to twenty-five thousand per day-- varies from person to person. The process of breathing has a great influence on the human mind and self, or soul." (NSS, '95 Edn, p.25) We all know that breathing is an intrinsic part of human life-- it is something we do 21,000 to 25,000 times per day. And it is also well known that people do not die while inhaling, but rather when exhaling. So during death, everyone does their final exhalation and then they do not inhale again. Therefore, at the time of death every Ananda Margii will certainly be ensconced in the ideation of Brahma. Because in our AM system, each and every Ista mantra has two parts, or two syllables. As we all know the first syllable gets repeated during our inhalation and the second gets repeated during exhalation. And in each and every Ista mantra, the second syllable, i.e. the exhalation, is related with Godhood or Brahma bhava-- not one's unit 'I feeling'. In that case, no matter when death arrives and one's final exhalation occurs, then in that course one is ensconced in Supreme ideation as they repeat the 2nd syllable of their Ista mantra. That is why we should be very particular to know the meaning of our mantra and to repeat it during our each and every breath. In select circumstances, the mantra itself is repeated in reverse order in order to gain the proper ideation: I.e. so that the ideation of Brahmahood is linked with the 2nd syllable, upon the exhalation. These are some of the technical points related with sadhana. On these matters any further questions can be asked directly to a proper acarya. Namaskar, Hariish
*************************************** Next Life: Greed for Name and Fame
Baba says, "Those engaged in social service devoid of ideation on Parama Purusa, then when performing their good deeds they become greedy for name and fame. And they like to see the newspaper coverage of their great works." "So in this case the person falls under the instinct of greed-- because he is greedy for the popularity of his own unit name and fame. And due to the domination of this greed instinct, in his next life he will be born according to those reactive momenta-- which is depending upon the dominance of a particular vrtii." "So in natural course the Creative Principle will provide him with the body of a cat which is always greedy for food. A cat is so greedy that when sneaking into the kitchen to devour some food, even if the cat gets hit and jumps out the window; then just a few fractions of a second later that same cat again tries to enter into the kitchen via the door-- to again try to get some food. All due to its avaricious nature." "Thus this is the fate and next life of those who cannot control their reed. Here it should also be noted that Parama Purusa did not do anything o create this situation. Rather, according to the desires of the jiiva they will get their new life." (AV-10 (B), 22 April '79)

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