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Carya'carya Opposes Expulsion

Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 07:13:01 -0000 To: AM-GLOBAL From: J.Young Subject: Carya'carya Opposes Expulsion Baba "A'lor pathe je eseche a'ndha're se hoy na' ha'ra'..." (P.S. 996) Purport: Baba, those who are treading the divine path never get lost in the oblivion of darkness and staticity. Those who are smiling sweetly, their life can never be like hell-- surrounded by the agony of suffering and crying. Baba, here along with me, You are and I am. And Your love has bound me. In result I have lost everything else. Those who have ascended onto the path of hope and optimism never get lost in hopelessness and pessimism. Baba, by Your grace You have come with Your sweet smile riding Your chariot of panoramic colors. By getting You, the whole universe is purified; everyone's existence has become successful... Note: We are extremely sorry to hear about the recent tragedy surrounding our dear elder brother Dada Parmeshvarananda. By Baba's grace, Dadaji was saved otherwise he could have been killed. We wish Dadaji and very fast recovery back to 100% health. - Eds.
Namaskar, Each and every Ananda Margii knows well that ours is the path of unity-- where all live together as one human family. This is Baba's divine decree. So the entire AM philosophy is moving in this singular, unified direction-- including all of Baba's teachings of Caryacarya. Unfortunately a few do not understand and have gone on to wrongly pronounce that parts of Caryacarya can be used to divide the society by supporting the dogmatic expulsion theory. They think that taking away someone's acaryaship or revoking their certification means that the particular worker is therefore expelled. But that is not at all the case. In a nutshell, losing one's acaryaship or taking away their certificate only means that the specified worker may no longer-- temporarily so-- be allowed to perform initiations or teach various sadhana lessons etc. On the whole though losing one's 'ship' has no bearing on their existential standing as a worker. That is: One will continue to hold their usual post and engage in all kinds of organisational duties and social functions etc. So there should not be any confusion about this. None should think that losing one's certificate means that they are therefore an ex-wt or a so-called expelled worker etc. It is not at all like that. In truth 99.9% of the workers do not even have a certificate-- nor is it needed in the true sense. With our rational minds we should properly understand Baba's guidelines about this and set the record straight.
In chapter 40 of Caryacarya part 1, Baba has beautifully issued one special mandate to help maintain the standard of all acaryas. There Baba guides us that if any tattvika, acarya, or purodha "is unable to discharge his respective duties" then their 'ship' or "certificate" can be taken away. That means if one is not properly fulfilling their responsibilities as a tattvika then they may temporarily lose their tattvikaship. And the same is the case with acaryas and purodhas; they can lose their acaryaships and purodhaships. That is what the rule states. And this is exclusively done with the benevolent motive to bring those WT's' back up to the proper standard. It is not designed as a mechanism to "expel" anybody. All in all, it is just like how medicine is prescribed to cure a problem and make the patient healthy and normal again. That medicine is not meant to kill anyone. Same is the case with the taking of a worker's various ships. That procedure is done to make that Wt a better worker, not to permanently terminate their role as a Wt etc. That is not the aim. So taking away one's ship's is not designed to expel that worker. The proof is that on many occasions Baba Himself with His Supreme Benevolence has revoked the acaryaship or purodhaship from various workers but that did not mean they were expelled. Rather over that period those Wts maintained their usual close link with the organisation-- trying hard to fulfill all their normally assigned social duties etc. Therefore none should think that any aspect of Caryacarya-- such as chapter 40-- is meant to go along with the dogmatic and divisive tactic of expulsion. The two are not at all related. Following is more about the solid organisational standing of those workers who lose their various 'ships'.
Here it should be clear to all that the concerned individual who has lost their acaryaship will continue to function as a WT and engage in all their social work and simultaneously strive to do all their allotted duties. Indeed they even maintain their same posting. If they are Regional Secretary they will remain as RS; and if they are a Sectorial level Prout worker they will keep that very post. So whatever posting they have, they will keep. This is the system as per Baba.
By this we can understand that such persons who lose their 'ships' are still very much a part of the organisation and are expected to participate in all types of functions from the weekly dharmacakra to various types of organisational activities. So they are still very much involved and an integral part of the collective Marga flow.
So if someone loses their 'ship', such as their acaryaship, it does not at all mean that they are therefore expelled. That is not at all the case. In fact, 99.9% of the time when one loses their ships then those around them are not even aware that that individual lost their ships. Because that concerned worker is still involved in all their normal duties. Actually it is only evident when one loses their avadhutaship for the simple reason that the colour of their lungi changes from orange to white. So then obviously others are aware that the person temporarily lost their avadhutaship. Because their external dress is different-- not because their way of life is different. That is if one of the other ships is lost then others do not even know. Because the dress stays the same, as does one's regular routine.
Qualitatively, by losing their acaryaship it simply means that during that period those persons may not do certain things that are the speciality of an acarya-- such as teach the various lessons of sadhana. That is the main thing one cannot do if they lose their acaryaship. But they can participate 100% in all the collective functions of Ananda Marga and keep the very same posting which they had earlier. So there is no question of their being expelled from Ananda Marga. That is not at all the case.
Many may recall the time in October 1990 when Baba Himself withdrew the 'ships' of so many Central Workers-- around one dozen or so. He took away their avadhutaships and acaryaships etc. This is a well known incident because during that time a large DMC was held and various Central workers like Keshavananda were moving around on the stage wearing white lungis. They were wearing their orange shirts but were wearing white from the waist down. Because their avadhutship was taken. This was the case with around one dozen Central Workers like Keshavananda, Bhaveshananda, Nigamananda, Mantreshvarananda, and so many others. They all lost their 'ships' and were moving around in white lungis that time, but keeping their same post etc. This all goes to show that when one's 'ships' are taken away then they keep their same posting and discharge their allotted duties. Per Baba's practical example this is how it works. Because that time in October 1990 when Baba took away their avadhutaship etc, then all those Central Workers kept their very same posts. Keshavananda even remained as Baba's PA. And they all participated fully in that DMC as well as all the related meetings and festivities etc. So there was no question of their being expelled from the organisation. It was not at all like that. Only they were temporarily restricted from teaching the various lessons of sadhana etc. That was the main thing that was affected.
Hence, all in all, the whole procedure in Caryacarya about taking away one's certificate or 'ships' is a benevolent rule designed to rectify and improve a worker-- not alienate him. It is all done with the intention and hope that such deficient workers will succeed in overcoming their defects and ultimately regain their full status. In contrast, if for their groupist interests, those in the helm attempt to use chapter 40 of Caryacarya as a way to expel and marginalise any worker, then that is a clear-cut case of the misuse and abuse of a good rule. And that cannot be tolerated.
As the divine Sadguru Baba has come to form that one, singular human society where there are no outcastes and all are part of the same collective flow. And all the teachings of Caryacarya are working in this same magnifcent direction. Baba says "The unity of Ananda Margiis should not be allowed to be jeopardized for any reason. Unity should be maintained even at the risk of your life." (Caryacarya-2, 'Society', pt#13) By His above teaching and indeed on numerous occasions in Caryacarya itself Baba directs us to from that unified humanity where there is no possibility of expulsion. Baba says, "The meaning of the sam'gacchadhvam' mantra should be realized in life. Always remain united. Solve all problems, big or small, with unity. Consider misfortune of one as the misfortune of all, an injury to one as an injury to all." (Caryacarya-2, 'Society', pt#34) Here is another of Baba's divine decrees from Carya'carya. Baba says, "Do not allow distinctions to crop up among Ananda Margiis. Unity should be maintained even at the risk of one's life." (Caryacarya-2, 'Misc', pt#3) And indeed throughout the entire AM philosophy the idea comes again and again that we are to form that one human society where no one is declared an outcast, shunned, or excommunicated etc. Such dogmatic beliefs and dirty terms are the very things which Baba wants to wipe away by creating one human society. And His divine teachings of Caryacarya echo this same noble endeavour.
The crude and sinful act of expulsion has no redeeming quality. Expulsion is fundamentally against the neo-humanistic teachings of AM philosophy. Thus there is no place for expulsion in our Marga and Carya'carya certainly does not condone such heinous acts like expulsion. The sooner everyone in our AM family understands this truth, the better it will be for all. So those who are having trouble incorporating this point into their outlook should quickly seek help from others. And if we see that such and such person is not getting it, then it is our duty to bring them on the right path.
By and large we should take an important lesson from the post-1991 AMPS history. Because Baba has pointedly warned us that expulsion is such a divisive tool which leads the outcasted party to revolt and consequently divide the humanity. Baba says, "Suppose somebody is suspended from his job. In his mind the seeds of revolt germinate. He files a court case, contacts so many people, organizes a demonstration, etc. That is the natural reaction to suspension." (AV-3) Unfortunately since 1991 various groupists have issued so many dogmatic expulsions and this is itself the very cause of the splitting of our Marga society. So we should learn from this mistake by correcting it and not repeating it again. We must overcome and rectify those wrongful expulsions and form one monolithic AMPS society.
By Baba's divine grace the whole humanity will embrace the concept that we are all one. With that neo-humanistic outlook we will all live harmoniously side by side-- together. Baba says, "So the important thing is that all are the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor. According to this, there will be unity in the physical stratum, and so will there be in the psychic and spiritual strata. But to strengthen this unity yet more, there is one more factor which should be there, and is there - that factor being the common goal for all the children of the Supreme Father - the merger of all in Him. All have come from Him and are in Him; therefore, all people will have to live together." (Disc on MHB: 'Planning for the Mahavishva') Namaskar, Jagatmitra
Here in His below teachings Baba warns us about how the various dogmatic religions issue crude edicts and decrees which divide humanity. Baba says "Notions of vice and virtue, codes of justice and scriptural texts - which are claimed to be the word of God - have been formulated by different religions to further vested interests. Those who oppose the scriptures or the system they propound are subject to severe punishment. To socialize with a person of a different caste is a great sin and those who commit such sacrilegious acts will be excommunicated. They will have to make atonement according to scriptural decree, and sometimes the magnitude of their penance maybe the cause of their death. If they plead for a milder dose of punishment, the priests express their helplessness: one cannot defy the scriptures!" (PNS-7, p.52) Thus what is the difference when one religion self-righteously blasts someone on the point of caste and when one groupist regime uses their selfish agenda to oust and expel a Wt or margii. Answer: There is no difference; both are sinful.
In Baba's below teachings He guides us that all are part of the same human family-- and everyone should be made to feel included and part of that larger humanity. Baba says, "You should always be vigilant that not a single individual of our collective body is in the least neglected or ignored. Let not a single boy or girl feel within them that no one is concerned about them-- let not a single person be allowed to think: 'No one cares whether I have taken my food or not'. You must pay special heed to this." (PNS-14, p.4) Unfortunately if a worker or margii is expelled then they are just left alone to rot. They are forgotten about and left to die-- psychically if not physically. That is the hellish result of expulsion and that is why Baba has declared again and again that there is no place for expulsion in our Marga. Ours is a neo-humanistic society.
*************************************** One Should Always Remember
Baba says, "However little one's capacity might be, if one constantly remembers that Parama Purus'a is always with him, that they are in the closest contact with Parama Purus'a, they will be able to do everything. They are not as small as they think themselves to be. And as long as they remember this closest association with Him, they can do much more than ordinary human beings. When this idea becomes permanently established in their minds, they become great. This is why no one should be disappointed or depressed in any circumstances; let everyone constantly perform great deeds, remembering that the flow of their capacity is coming from Parama Purus'a, and thus they can do everything." (AFPS-3, p.62)

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