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Naive People: Issue of Establishing Prout

Subject: Naive People: Issue of Establishing Prout Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 07:55:28 From: "Gaurishankar Agrawal" To: AM-GLOBAL Baba "Tumi esecho, bha'lo besecho, mana jine niyecho..." (PS #1516) Purport: O' my Baba, by Your grace You have come. You are so charming and attractive. I am completely lost in Your bliss and divine love. Your presence is so divinely intoxicating; how magnificent it is that You Yourself have come in melody and dance. Baba, before this I was unaware, just I was surrounded by my own hopelessness. But now, by Your grace, my entire existence is radiating in Your divine light & filled with Your endless bliss. Baba, You are so magnificent. By Your causeless grace You have come and showered Your love on me. Baba, how gorgeous & beautiful You are. You are mine and mine alone. Now and forever, You are always with me...
Namaskar, Lately, a few misguided souls have fallen into the fold of one impostor and they are declaring in their silly manner that this impostor is going to magically establish Prout on this earth by merely through his so-called declaration. Whenever a margii, new or old, is unaware about Baba's teachings, then they are prone to fall into such type of confusion - i.e. they can be easily duped. They will mistakenly believe such things. All because they lack the requisite knowledge and proper understanding of Baba's guidelines, i.e. Ananda Marga ideology. A few days ago a letter was posted on the need for knowledge of AM teachings and that without it people fall into problem and confusion: The same theme rings true here. Some naive people have gotten caught up following an impostor thinking that with the wave of his hand and issuing of a proclamation for so called "dharma yudh", Prout will magically take root on this earth. Of course, no rational Ananda Margii will fall prey to this type of misplaced belief.
Baba's teachings are cent-per-cent practical, rational and logical. Ours is not the path of magic, illusion, and false dreams of grandeur. Whatever, we do in our Marga begins from the ground up - brick by brick - through the practical application of Baba's teachings. This applies to the establishment of Prout as well. Baba says, "Those ks'atriya- or vipra-minded shu'dras who are the pioneers of revolution will have to learn to be disciplined, take proper revolutionary training, build their character, be moralists; in a word, they will have to become what I call sadvipras." (HS-2) And indeed it is such sadvipras who will establish Prout on this earth. But as Baba says, it will not happen overnight, nor without effort, nor through some silly proclamation as one impostor claims. Rather Prout is going to get established from the ground up through: proper conduct, consciousness raising, intense effort, public education, and so much more. In His historic discourse, Nuclear Revolution, Baba clearly discusses many of the ingredients needed for the revolutionary approach that will establish Prout. Baba says, "PROUT advocates another type of revolution called “nuclear revolution”. In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life – social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual – is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era – one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress." (PNS-21) Baba says, "Nuclear revolution can only be brought about by sadvipras who reside in the nucleus of the social cycle. Through their concerted effort, moral and spiritual power and all-round endeavour, they mobilize the exploited sections of society to overthrow the ruling class – the exploiters. This very struggle for mass upheaval liberates society from exploitation and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity." (PNS-21) By the review of Baba's above teachings - and by being familiar with Baba's many discourses on Prout - anyone can certainly understand that Prout will result from a distinct and concerted effort led by sadvipras. Prout will not magically arrive through one impostor's day dream or tall talks. Any right thinking margii understands that.
Now see the ridiculous proclamation of this impostor Chakradhar. "To establish Prout I am going to declare dharma maha yudh...After these 2 months I am going to declare dharma maha yudh on 01.01.2010 at 00:00hrs." - Chakradhar Such is the hue and cry created by Chakradhar - as if by his silly say-so Prout will be established. One or two naive margiis may have gotten befooled. But those proper margiis who do sadhana and read Baba's discourses can never be duped by such an impostor. Baba Himself makes a joke about the false proclamations of impostors like Chakradhar. Baba says, "It is very easy to talk big about revolution. Audiences may be awestruck and applaud, but to actually bring about a revolution is not at all easy." (PNS-6)
Let's just think of it this way. The impostor Chakradhar is saying that he will magically bring about Prout through his own proclamation. However, just as a gold palace cannot be built out of mud - one must have gold. Similarly, this impostor Chakradhar cannot establish Prout with the quacks who follow him - one must have sadvipras. That is why all rational margiis are just laughing at the tall talks of Chakradhar. This impostor just makes one false claim after another so those with the practical understanding of AM ideology can easily see that Chakradhar's teachings are nothing but hot air - period.
The people who are most prone to fall into Chakradhar's fold are those looking for a "quick fix" in life. In every sphere they are looking for a shortcut. Instead of working hard and following 16 Points and studying Prout and educating the masses, they easily get duped into hailing the words of this impostor because it is the easy thing to do. It is just one "quick fix" type of approach. Such persons are the same ones who sit for 2 minutes in sadhana, do not fast, and skimp over all of Baba's guidelines. Following dharma is too difficult for them so they are looking for some other "quick fix". Just as dogmatic people embark on pilgrimmages to some holy land thinking that by this easy way they will attain salvation, those with Chakradhar are think by this short-cut method they can establish Prout.
By Baba's grace He has given all the guidelines and teachings to build up a bright new humanity through the establishment of Prout. That is the only way. Various impostors like Chakradhar will come on and go from this earth. Along the way they may dupe a few people, but in the end all their tall talks and proclamations will come up empty. Only by Baba's practical methodology can Prout be established. Baba says, "We are waiting for the rising sun with crimson rays. Even now the crimson rays are a bit visible. These crimson rays are the rays of PROUT." (PNS-17) Namaskar, Gaurishankar
Baba says, "Before the revolutionary organization gives the clarion call for revolution, there must be intensive preparation. In spite of the presence of all the conditions for revolution, revolution may not take place unless the exploited masses are psychologically prepared for revolution. If the people do not support revolution, the clarion call for revolution will not be heeded. Ideologically educated revolutionary workers will have to channelize the psychology of the common mass towards revolution and inspire them to undertake revolutionary struggle! Such workers must adopt a rational approach inspired by the positive philosophy, have a well-developed socio-economico-political consciousness, and be dedicated to uplifting the standard of the common people. The duty of these workers is to inspire the frustrated masses along the path of revolution. Through their dedication and dynamism, they will be able to bring the collective psychology in their favour." (PNS-21)
************************************************* Truth Behind Mesmerism
Baba says, "This sort of treatment by hypnotic spell, people say, was started by Dr. Mesmer of France, and so this system is known as "mesmerism." But prior to Dr. Mesmer, this system was known to Indians. In India it was named "raksasii vidya." In ancient India (by ancient India I mean the non-Aryans, the natives of India) there was a non-Aryan lady doctor, Karkatii Raksasii. This raksasii was very famous for her mesmeric treatment. This sort of treatment should therefore not have been known as "mesmerism" -- it should have been known as something different." "Hence we find that in the Mahabharata age, there was surgery, ayurveda, vaedyaka shastra, visa cikitsa, and homeopathy ; and people were not unacquainted with mesmeric treatment either. This proves that medical science was not underdeveloped." (MHB, p.25)

1 comment:

  1. chakradhar has indeed influenced many. In a country of a billion people there will be some who are vulnerable to such hypocrisy.
    It is secondary if prout will ever be established, what is in your hands is a choice to do good or bad.


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