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Baba: 'I Speak for All'

Date: Sun 06 Jun 2010 13:03:47 -0000 To: From: "Bhavanath Rajpal" Subject: Baba: 'I Speak for All' Baba "A'lo jhariye madhu ks'ariye a'ndha'r sa'riye tumi esecho..." (P.S. 1233) Purport: Baba, You have come and by Your divine advent You are showering effulgence, exuding nectar, and wiping away all darkness. Baba, You have come-- making the flowers blossom & graciously spreading happiness and bliss to one and all. Baba, by Your august arrival everyone's hopes and longings have been fulfilled. Baba, living beings were awakened by the deep yearning and pain of longing in their heart. And with this feeling, in the anticipation & hope of Your coming, they were awake, watching for Your arrival-- constantly looking towards Your path. Baba, this pain and longing of devotees resonated in Your heart and You could no longer remain distant. Baba, You have come and You are graciously pouring the basket of love-- satisfying everyone's heart. The sleeping humanity has gotten new life by Your grace. Baba-- that river which dried up and evaporated, and that song which was lost in the oblivion-- the current of that very river and the tune of those songs You have graciously brought along with You.* Baba due to Your august advent You have inundated each and every heart with the nectar of devotion. This is Your causeless grace... * The inner idea is that when Parama Purusa comes and He saturates the heart with deep devotion, then all those feelings of love and which had dried up start to blossom. In the above song, the river signifies the flow of devotion and the song and melody refers to that subtler expression of devotional feeling.
Namaskar, As we shudder or even mockingly marvel at the way the current groupist leaders unabashedly ignore Baba's teachings and instead chase after their own personal agendas, one can only wonder how these were the very people who surrounded Baba physically for years and years. They heard all those dharmic teachings yet nothing went inside-- or so it seems. Here below is the explanation how Baba's talks of dharma and inspiration are addressed towards those who understand inside their heart-- and not necessarily towards those who were physically present those days.
There are two types of knowledge. One is transitory in nature; that is called pra'pta va'kya. And that is always changing according to time, space, and person. Today that type of knowledge is correct, and tomorrow it may not be. And another variety of knowledge is absolute knowledge. That is a'pta va'kya; a'pta va'kya is eternal; unchangeable. Baba says, "For a bhakta, only a'pta va'kya has value. What comes from Parama Purusa is a'pta va'kya....As devotees, you should follow only a'pta va'kya." (AV-2, P.7) Baba says, "A'pta va'kya" or "absolute knowledge". Absolute knowledge is the direct message from God...The books in A'nanda Ma'rga philosophy are all absolute knowledge." (PNS-18, p.10) So we all know that Baba's teaching is a'pta va'kya. It is eternal and ever-true. With the change of time, space, and person, it does not change. It is permanent. All the discourses which Baba has given, these are for eternal teaching.
But some people get easily confused and misled. In the wrong way they start thinking that Baba speaks only to the limited audience seated before Him during His discourse. And that the value of the discourse is limited to those in the audience. And that it is beneficial for them alone. This way of thinking has brought some serious dogma also. Thinking that Baba is only speaking for those present, due to this faulty approach, many discourses in 1978 just after the jail period could not get recorded. When Baba scolded and became furious, and He Himself revealed the truth. Baba graciously revealed, "I'm not speaking for the few those who are sitting next to me. I speak for all." The sense was, that these things are not limited to time, space, and person. These discourses are beyond the three factors. They are for all, up to eternity. And at that very time during the scolding in 1978, Baba charge-sheeted the concerning in-charges by scolding, "Why the discourses did not get recorded?..." After that, everyone became more serious to record each and every discourse. This above incident happened just after the jail period, in August 1978. As another example, all are aware that prior to 1970, mostly the DMC discourses were getting recorded. But general darshans, not. And this was due to the dogma that the darshans were only meant for those attending Baba's discourse.
The conclusive idea is, that many times the audience gets confused. And they think that Baba is talking to them alone. Just as in the example of the following discourse from 1979. When Baba gave this discourse, then those present were thinking that they are not only great, but greatest. Because they are going to solve the problems of the society. They are the torchbearers. And they will bring a golden era on this earth. So forth and so on. Everyone was charged, thinking about their greatness. So here below is the discourse which they heard from Baba on that day. Baba says, "I am sure that you boys and you girls must be optimists; and it is your duty to save humanity. And I hope you will be able to save humanity, because, just like me, you are also optimistic. You should know that great, or good, people are few in number, they are not many...So it is your duty to save humanity. And those who are unable to shoulder their own bags and baggages -- their responsibilities are to be shouldered by you. You should remember that the life of a spiritual aspirant is a mission. One's entire life is a mission, one's entire existence is a mission. And your mission is -- what? To save humanity from this crisis. I hope you will be successful. And I not only hope, I am sure that you will be successful." (AV-34, p.77) So listening this, attendees were thinking that they are the torchbearers who will lead the society forward from darkness to light. But unfortunately, some of them after some time, got frustrated and threw away their dress. And started leading negative life.
And still today some of those who attended that discourse, are thinking that they are torchbearers irrespective of their personal conduct. But rational analysis tells that those whose conduct is good, following dharmic guideline, adherent to 16 points and other various conduct rules, they are the vanguards of society. Whether they were present in that Frankfurt airport or not, that is immaterial. We should not forget that Baba's teaching is divine, eternal, a'pta va'kya. Baba speaks for all, beyond the limit of time, space, and person. And the real torchbearers are those who follow these guidelines. Whether they have personally attended the discourse, or not. Namaskar, Bhavanath
There are some who dogmatically think that Baba's discourses are teachings for that very day when it was delivered, and to that very audience who was present that time. In other words, they think in a quite limited way. And the outcome has come as this "Ananda Vanii dogma". The believers of this dogma feel that Ananda Vaniis are for that very day on which they were given. And that now those Ananda Vaniis are useless. They cannot be used as Ananda Vaniis to treat as a special message. That's why those in power are creating fake Ananda Vaniis twice a year. This all illustrates how dogmatic people don't like to believe that Baba's teaching is a'pta va'kya, eternal. Now let us go to our main point.
The first DMC happened in Jamalpur in 1955. And the Subhasita Samgraha discourse is available. But where are the general darshan discourses from that time? It is obvious, they are not available. They could not get recorded in any media. We lost them. All the DMCs in the early years before '66, were like that. And after that, such a minimal number of discourses are available in the printed form, we can see. They are very few in number. And surely they did not all get recorded. And why go far? 1969-70 was the year where Baba has given so many demonstrations in Ranchi. And every day He has to explain all those things in hours lengthy discourses. But nothing got recorded. Dada Vijayanandji was noting down a few lines related with each day. Only those things got printed in one of the Ananda Vacanamrtam books. And those notes are only one or two paragraphs of one particular entire day's darshans. So by seeing the size of the paragraph or discourse, one can see that this is just 5% of the real discourse. And that's also not original, but just notes. Why did this thing happen? Because those days, people were not careful to record Baba's discourses. Many were thinking that Baba speaks for that very audience which is sitting next to Him.
Now it is so ridiculous, that in those samadhi demonstrations of '69-70, in such an odd way it has been written, "In Ranchi jagrti on that day, one devotee got samadhi". Reading this, which reader is going to understand that Baba is giving demonstration? Rather, people will get confused that one devotee got samadhi out of the blue, by his own effort. But that is far away from the truth. The truth is that Baba graced, and the result was samadhi. But it is not mentioned in the discourse. That is unfortunate, and it is a black mark in our scripture. Please read AM philosophy part 5, pages range 323-334. As an example, see below this quoted section from the chapter, "Bhava Samadhi". There it is printed: "On May 10th, 1969, at Ranchi jagrti, a sadhaka experienced bha'va sama'dhi. Sitting in dhya'na'sana he began to practice dhya'na on Mula'dha'ra cakra. As soon as he connected his mind with the Cosmic Mind he felt the sweet waves of cosmic bliss. Then he took his mind to deeper realms, practicing dhya'na in svadhista'na and man'ipura cakras. At this time he directed all his psychic energies to Parama Purus'a...." (p.328 APH-5) By reading this description it looks as though the sadhaka is doing all these things at his own will and on his own. There is no hint by this description, that this entire event is a demonstration given by Baba. And that it is only by Baba's grace on this sadhaka, that the sadhaka began to experience these things. So in true sense the manner of writing this event is ridiculous and misleading. But why did all these things happen? Because those who are responsible, they thought in their dogmatic way that Baba's discourse of that very day was for those persons only there, in that audience. We should go now to our main topic.
Here below is the entire discourse available in AV-34, which Baba has given in Frankfurt Airport on the 19th of September, 1979. It gives deep inspiration. Baba says, "Some peoople say that in the past there have been so many crises in human society. Crisis is quite natural for something moving. Wherever there is movement, there is struggle -- struggle against the inertia of the earth. In the past, there have been crises in the course of movement, crises in different branches of civilization, crises in the realm of education, and so on. But nowadays, the entire human society is facing the crisis of civilization as a whole, and particularly a crisis in the field of existence. Human society is now to decide whether to live or to die. If this mud-slinging and intolerance are encouraged, humanity has no future -- the future is dark, the future is sealed forever. But you know, I am not a pessimist. I am always an optimist. And I want all my sons and daughters to be optimists. And I want them to struggle against this death signal of humanity, and come out successful." "And I am sure that you boys and you girls must be optimists; and it is your duty to save humanity. And I hope you will be able to save humanity, because, just like me, you are also optimistic. You should know that great, or good, people are few in number, they are not many. They do not come within the scope of millions or billions. They are always few in number. And these few, they are the torchbearers of human society, they are the pioneers, they are the vanguards of human society. So it is your duty to save humanity. And those who are unable to shoulder their own bags and baggages -- their responsibilities are to be shouldered by you. You should remember that the life of a spiritual aspirant is a mission. One's entire life is a mission, one's entire existence is a mission. And your mission is-- what? To save humanity from this crisis. I hope you will be successful. And I not only hope, I am sure that you will be successful." 19 September 1979 evening, Frankfurt (AV-34, "To Save Humanity")
*************************************** Everyone Should Know and Practice
Baba says, "The greatest quality of a person at a meeting or debate is the capacity to convince others. The highest quality in the battlefield is 'yudhi vikramam', or valor in the battle. While in danger, one's great quality is patience." (AV-4)

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