Subject: Devotee Story: Three Boons
Date: Fri 26 Nov 2010 07:46:32 +0530
"Diner a'lote a'so ni, ele tumi a'ndha're..." P.S. 2073
Baba You are so merciful, You are so divine. Earlier when my life was
full of happiness then that time You did not come; but now in this
period of darkness You have come. It is Your grace. During my good days
I wanted You to come and rejoice the occasion. But that did not happen--
in the effulgence of the day You did not come. But now in the darkness
of night You have come.* Baba, how You play Your liila.
Baba in the smile of the moon, You do not present Yourself. But when I
was suffering in pain, then with the soothing balm You came and relieved
me of my suffering. Baba, You have come in this cimmerian darkness when
I am crying. Baba, everyone knows that You are most-loving; and everyone
knows that You think about one and all. Even then they involve in
logically analysing and reasoning about Your ways in order to strengthen
their love for You-- to love You in a deeper way.
O' Baba, You are beginningless and Your abode is in infinity. In all the
twelve months You remain constantly along with me-- in pain and
pleasure. Baba, You are the divine shelter of everyone; You are the
heart of everyone, the Soul of souls. And by Your grace You pull
everyone close to You. You never discard or ignore anyone-- irrespective
of how high or how low they are. Baba You have only come in this time of
crying and suffering. In the good days when I was calling You then You
did not come. Baba, Your glory is unfathomable; Your liila is beyond
imagination; Baba, You are so gracious...
* Here Baba is using effulgence to represent those days of happiness and
darkness symbolizes those periods of tears and sorrow.
Devotees have a special characteristic that separates them from ordinary
people. That is Baba's explicit teaching.
Rregardless of a bhakta's behavior, whether he commits a right or a
wrong, we must not think that thr devotee is therefore useless or worse
than common folk. Because still that bhakta has the special quality of
devotion. Baba Himself places tremendous importance on this.
Here below is one famous story about a devotee from long ago. The inner
meaning of the story lends itself well to life in Ananda Marga.
Thereafter are two dramatic Baba stories wherein He vigorously defends
the honor of even bad bhaktas after they were condemned by others for
their faults.
All these stories point in the direction that Parama Purusa holds a
special place in His heart for all devotees, even bad ones who commit
Baba tells the story of King Tripasur who was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu.
After launching a crusade, King Tripasura met his untimely death.
His son, Gaya'sura inherited the throne and followed in his footsteps.
King Gaya'sura too was an ardent worshiper of Lord Vishnu. He prayed
endlessly and finally achieved the gift of immortality, granted to him by
his chosen Lord Visnu. King Gaya'sura promptly launched a heinous offensive
wiping out innocent people in all lands. The wrath of Gaya'sura was terrible.
And no one could kill him.
King Gayasura even attacked the devotees of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu Himself
came to defend them, but the Lord too was defeated.
Lord Vishu's followers pleaded with Him to do something.
Lord Vishnu then askeda boon of King Gayasura. The King agreed. Lord
Vishnu then asked that Gayasura be turned to stone.
Gaya'sura replied, "So be it", but then made three pleas:
1) The Lord should put His feet in Gaya'sura's heart;
2) All those with the Lord's feet in their heart must be granted liberation;
3) If anyone with the Lord's feet in their heart does not get
liberation, then King Gaya'sura will again be granted life on earth.
Here Baba describes these boons in full:
Baba says, "First, the Lord will seat Himself in the heart of the
devotee without bothering Himself about the nature of that person, good,
or bad. It is enough to be a devotee, in order to have the Lord inside.
Second, all those who have the Lord’s feet in their hearts are bound to
get liberation – liberation is a sure guarantee for them. Third, since
Gaya'sura had been turned to stone by the Lord, and since He would again
arise if anyone having the Lord inside failed to be liberated, the Lord
would have to grant liberation to all such persons for all time to
come." ('The Lord's Feet)
By the above story - which Baba Himself has recounted on various
occasions - we can understand that Parama Purusa places great value on
Baba says, 'This devotion is a heavenly attribution." (1 June 1986 DMC)
Even though King Gayasura was a ruthless warrior, due to his devotion
he was able to keep the Lord's feet in his heart. Such is the quality of
devotion and such is the grace of the Lord.
Devotion then is enough to gain the favour of the Lord, despite what
other bad qualities a bhakta might have.
With all the groupism, difficulties, power mongering and so forth, it is
very easy to think that certain people in AM are total garbage. But we
should never harbor such ideas.
Some may have made mistakes and committed gross sins, yet still all are
our brother and sisters. We must develop a relationship of love with them.
We must remember that all have come into Ananda Marga - and they have
come for a reason. In the the near or distant past, they established an
inner link with Parama Purusa, by His grace. They have a place for Him
in their heart - so they have come once again to sacrifice in some way
for Him - and they are going to be granted salvation.
So all in AM are not just our brothers and sisters, but they are
devotees of the Lord and that in itself has great meaning. They have a
special connection with Him.
Regardless of what faults they do or what hell they create, we must not
banish such persons from our minds or think ill of them. Rather we are
to love them.
No doubt such persons may have to undergo rectification in the social
sphere - they may have to stand before the court of justice - but their
spiritual well-being is safe and secure, just as was the case with King
Gaya'sura. Parama Purusa has saved a place in His heart for even bad
So we must appreciate all who have come to do something for Baba,
despite whatever shortcomings they may have. Their arrival onto the path
of AM has great meaning - that is enough to make one's life successful.
We should not just think this way about others but about ourselves as
well. Baba has graciously has blessed us with the special gift of devotion.
We all know that in the 70's when the mass of Wts were called for reporting
and RDS with Baba, then it was so crowded. The rooms were small and
everyone had to squeeze into just a few rooms.
During one such occasion, Dada Sharana'nanda arrived and was told that
all workers should place their bags and blankets into a particular room.
There was hardly any space as hundreds of workers were putting their
belongings there.
Anyway, somehow Sharana'nandaji found a tiny space. He spread his
blanket halfway and placed his bag on top. Then he went off to attend
his various meetings etc.
That evening when Sharana'nandaji returned, he saw that one Dada had
tossed his things aside and taken his spot. When he awakened that Dada
and told him, the Dada did not care at all.
Sharana'nandaji was extremely frustrated. In addition, it was a fasting
day and that made his frustration grow even more. Internally he was
thinking that many of these other Wts were just like monkeys, totally
uncultured and uncivilised. He was thinking they were just worthless
He did not complain openly but those were the thoughts floating in his
The next day Sharana'nandaji was called before Baba for reporting.
Baba looked at him and in His loving liila He abused him openly. Baba
strongly rebuked him and said that those who have come in AM are not
ordinary. They may have bad manners and their conduct may be irregular,
but I have specially called them and they have come. So you must adjust
with their behaviours. They have a special samskara. Do not
superficially judge them by seeing their bad qualities or rude behaviour.
Baba lovingly scolded Sharana'nandaji in this manner.
Dada was shocked to hear this. First because he had not complained to
anyone, just Baba was peering into his mind. Secondly, he realised that
he must reconsider his relations with other workers and adjust with
their poor dealing.
Certainly Baba must have strongly scolded the Dada who threw away
Sharana'nandaji's blanket. Sharana'nandaji did not know. All he knew was that
he must have respect and love for all in the Marga because of their link
with Baba. That is Baba's wish and explicit direction.
This above story shows how Baba never judges any of His disciples based
on external affairs but rather looks at their inner essence and feeling.
And when He Himself says that all in AM have come because I have called
them and that they have a special samskara, then we must always look
favourably on everyone in AM - and love them.
That does not mean that we cannot point out their wrongdoing. We can in
the social sphere, only with the sweet motive to clean them of their faults.
Good margiis do like this because they know that all in AM are part of their
kith and kin. So in our heart we must not have ill will toward them.
Whether they do wrong or right, we must remember that they come to serve
Him in some capacity and they have Baba's love.
This next story leads in the same direction.
One family acarya from Gorakhpur came to Baba to complain about one
young Wt. The family acarya was telling about all kinds of incidents.
Baba immediately interjected and began scolding the family acarya and
told him to look upon that young worker as his own son. Then Baba
pointed out that the family acarya's own son did not become a WT and was
not even a margii. And not only that, Baba said that, "While you
yourself were eating and enjoying at your house, this young worker was
not even able to find any proper food in the jagrti."
Baba continued, "But you never cared about that and never checked to see
if he is alright. And now you are complaining to me about the behaviour
of this young worker. Such is your audacity. You should be ashamed of
Baba concluded, "I am His Father and I have to take care of Him. And you
also should have love for him."
After this incident, everyone stopped complaining about Wts - at least
on the external level.
Again, here the point is not that wrongful behaviours should be
overlooked entirely. We are to point out and seek the rectification of
those bad devotees. But at the same time we should not harbor any
negative feelings in the mind toward such bhaktas. Because all have come
because of His call. They are not ordinary people and we should love
Just as a mother has inherent love for her progeny -- regardless of what
harm their children might cause, same is the case with Parama Purusa. He
has innate and unconditional love for His children.
The mother may abuse and scold her children but she has love. Likewise
Parama Purusa also may scold but His quantum of love is always present.
In the spiritual sphere, love is not unilateral. The bhakta has love for Him
and in return Parama Purusa has much more love for His devotees.
Baba does not look at the qualities or conduct of bad devotees. His love
is based on seeing the feeling in their heart. We should do the same.
This explains why despite all the mischief caused by some Central Dadas,
even then Baba has blessed them and kept them close.
By Baba's grace He loves, cares for, and looks after all His devotees,
whether they be good or bad. All have a special place in His heart.
Here we must remember the story of King Gayasura and how Lord
Vishnu granted him three boons - keeping His feet always in his heart.
And Baba Himself approves this story.
Although this is the story of King Gayasura and Lord Vishnu, yet in reporting
Baba Himself told and promised that He grants these same boons to all His
Then when Lord Vishnu granted the boon that the Lord's feet will always be
in the heart of the devotee, irregardless of their good and bad deeds, we must
know that Baba has promised and guaranteed the same. That is the first boon.
Secondly, Baba also promises that those who have the Lord's feet
in their heart will get salvation. This is His second guarantee.
Lastly, if anyone with the Lords' feet in their heart does not get liberation,
then the Lord's prestige is at stake. Thus He is bound to fulfill them.
So Baba guarantees the above boons for all devotees up to eternity and
the only prerequisite for these boons is devotion. Then liberation is sure -
and the noose of maya will be shattered.
All this Baba has guaranteed and by His grace I was there that time in reporting
and by hearing Baba's loving promise, then tears began flowing from all those
present. The room was completely vibrated; Baba's immense love and grace
was emanating. We all felt especially graced by His infinite love and special
promise. And this guarantee Baba has granted to every devotee - for all who
have love for Him, irrespective of what wrongs and rights one commits in life.
Such His the nature of His loving and unconditional boon.
Thus when Baba does not judge bad devotees poorly, neither should we.
Their mistakes must be corrected in the social realm, but on the
spiritual plane, we must think of even bad devotees as our kith and kin
and love them, and know that Baba will take care for their salvation.
We should not judge any bhakta or even ourselves based on past sins. We
should think about Him and cultivate love for all.
So the lesson given in the Gaya'sura story of old applies equally well
today. That is why Baba has given this story again and again in His
discourses. Because all bhaktas - even bad ones - have earned a place in
His heart.
May we all focus not on the the poor behaviour of bad devotees but
instead adopt a high spiritual ideal.
Baba says, "Cherishing a strong desire to know and understand Him, think
of Him, ideate on Him, meditate on Him – You will certainly attain Him."
Baba says, "...The wise and intelligent ideate less on their defects and
demerits and more on the Supreme desideratum." (A'nanda Va'nii #66)
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