Subject: Baba Demonstration: "Show Me Your Mind"
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2010 15:08:19 +0100
~ 15 JUN 1979 ~
Note: This posting is related with the letter, "Pathetic Understanding About Oneself".
After one discourse, Baba graciously conducted the following demonstration with one margii brother, creating a very loving and sweet atmosphere, as well as reminding us of one very important teaching.
BABA: What is this?
Margii: Hand.
BABA: Hand.
BABA: And what is your name?
Margii: Mohan.
BABA: Whose name?
Margii: My name is Mohan.
BABA: Whose name is Mohan?
Margii: My name.
BABA: Touch that man whose name is Mohan.
[Margii remains quiet.]
BABA: Touch that man whose name is Mohan.
[Margii points to his own chest.]
BABA: It is the chest.
[Laughter from Margiis]
BABA: I want you should touch Mohan. Please touch, touch. Touch him
whose name is Mohan.
[Margii touches his head.]
BABA: It is the head.
[Laughter from Margiis]
BABA: Not Mohan.
BABA: Touch him whose name is Mohan.
[Margii shows his palm.]
[Laughter from Margiis]
BABA: No, no, no, no, no.
BABA: He said his name is Mohan. Sometimes he is showing the palms,
sometimes chest, sometimes the head. I know the names of all those
portions of the body, I know. I want to know the name of the entity
whose name is Mohan.
BABA: Can't you show me? Yes or no? Can you show me?
[Margii nervously answers by indicating towards Baba Himself.]
Margii: You are Mohan.
BABA: No, No [Baba laughs] I am Baba.
[Margiis laugh.]
BABA: Just show the spectacles.
[Margii shows his spectacles to Baba.]
BABA: Yes. Whose spectacles it is? Whose, whose spectacles?
[Margii remains quiet.]
BABA: Whose spectacles?
BABA: Say [Baba says gently]
Margii: Mine.
BABA: Mine - everybody will say "mine". But what's the specialty of
that "mine"?
BABA: Whose spectacles? Let me have the name of the owner of the
[Margii pauses.]
BABA: Name of the owner. What's the name of the owner of the spectacles?
[Margii remains silent.]
BABA: Hmmm?
[Baba awaits patiently for quite some time for the reply, yet the Margii
remains silent. So Baba gently coaxes further.]
BABA: Just show me who is the owner of the spectacles.
Margii: I don't know.
BABA: Who is the owner of that shirt?
BABA: What is the name of that gentleman who is the owner of the shirt?
Margii: It all belongs to Parama Purus'a.
BABA: Just now you said that the spectacles belong to a particular man.
You used the word, "mine". Do you own anything? Are you owner of anything?
Margii: No.
BABA: Just now you said "mine, me, my" so many things. Then? He could
not show himself. It is the case. It is not your entire entity. You can
show your entire entity? Show me your entire structure.
BABA: From head to foot.
BABA: And that is Mohan? No.
BABA: Have you got any mind, or not? Have you got any mind, or not?
Have you got any mind, or not? Or you have got only this physical body,
head to foot?
Margii: Yes...
BABA: This much, or you have you got a mind also?
Margii: Mind also.
BABA: Mind also, then do one thing for me. Just show me your mind.
Margii: I can't show it.
BABA: Then? How, why I am to believe that you have got a mind? And how
can I believe that you have got a mind, when you cannot show it to me?
Then you have got no mind. Have you got a mind, or not? Give the reply
[Margii gives affirmative reply.]
BABA: You have got? And how could you know, that you have got a mind?
[Margii hesitates.]
BABA: How could you know that you have got a mind? How could you know
that you have got a mind?
Margii: I cannot...
BABA: Hmm?
Margii: I cannot...
BABA: You cannot...
Margii: I cannot say.
BABA: You cannot say?!
[Speaking slowly, gently]
BABA: Then what is your decided opinion? Have you got a mind, or you
have got no mind?
Margii: I am having mind, but I cannot show it.
BABA: You cannot show it, you can feel it. You can feel it. You yourself
can feel it, that you have got a mind. Eh?
Margii: No.
[Laughter from Margiis.]
BABA: Don't you feel, that you have got a mind? You can feel it,
ye-e-e-es, yes. You feel it, but you cannot show it. Regarding your
Parama Purus'a also, you can feel it, but you cannot show it. Do you
BABA: If Mr. X, suppose Mr. X says, that you have got no mind. Will you
accept his view? No. No, you will say, "I have got my mind. I know it, I
feel it." Will you say like this?
BABA: Similarly, your Parama Purus'a is also an object of feeling, not
showing. Do you follow or not?
BABA: Yes or no?
BABA: You see, in India, there are two styles of saying yes and no.
[Baba gives some physical demonstration. Margiis laugh.]
BABA: This is yes, and this is no.
[Baba demonstrates with His head, tilting his head toward the left and
right sequentially for "yes", and nodding his head up and down for "no".]
[Margiis laugh].
BABA: You are doing like this.
[Baba nods His own head up and down to demonstrate what the Margii
himself had done, to indicate an affirmative reply. And the Margiis are
laughing because Baba has just explained that many in India (in the
South) use that very gesture to indicate the negative also, which would
be a humorous reply to the question.]
BABA: In India there are two systems. To the north of the Vidhyas, "yes"
means [Baba nods his head up and down], "no" means this [Baba shakes his
head to the left and right].
BABA: And to the South of the Vindhyas, "yes" [Baba shakes his head to
the left and right], and "no" [Baba nods his head up and down] [Margiis
laugh at this way of expressing, as most present are from the North
rather than the South, and so are not accustomed to the Southern style].
BABA: Do you follow? [Baba laughs]. Haan.
BABA: What do you say, yes or say no? Can you show your Parama Purus'a,
your God, to anybody else?
BABA: You can feel it. Similarly your mind, you feel that you have got
the mind, but you cannot show it.
BABA: And in case of underdeveloped creatures, they do everything as per
their instinct. They do not even have the feeling that "I have got a
mind". But they do everything, and that doing is done as per mind's
support, but it is done-- what, how? Due to inborn instinct. They cannot
go beyond the periphery of instinct.
BABA: But because you are a developed human being, that's why you feel
that you have got one mind. And everything that you do, you do with the
support, direct support of your mind.
BABA: When I said "Stand up", then this sound created a sympathetic
vibration in your nerve cells, through nerve fibers. And due to that
vibration in nerve cells, a similar sympathetic vibration was created in
your mind. And then the power of discretion, that is, a subtler portion
of the mind says, "When Baba says, then I should stand up". Then you
stood up.
BABA: Do you follow?
BABA: But in the case of undeveloped creatures, or, say, any protozoic
creature, they won't understand these things. It is possible only in the
case of metazoa. And you are also a metazoic creation of Parama Purus'a.
BABA: So for this day only, or for this moment only, I accept the view
that that shirt belongs to you, and the spectacles belong to you.
BABA: Do you follow? You have followed everything. Very clearly.
By Baba's grace in His above demonstration, He has clearly shown and given proof that we are mind oriented beings and that our mind is the essence of who we are - even if it cannot be seen or shown.
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