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In Him,


Baba's Special Approach on Sadhana

Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:25:44 -0000
Subject: Baba's Special Approach on Sadhana
From: "Ishvara"


"Toma'kei bha'loba'si a'mara'..." (PS 3821)


  Baba, You are our everything, our Heart of hearts. We love only You.
Baba, by Your grace we are moving ceaselessly along Your divine path; we
are treading on that very path which You have graciously shown to us. Baba,
day and night we sing Your boundless glories and dance according to Your
sweet rhythms. O' Lord, we always propagate Your grand ideals. Baba, You
have created us: We are Your thought projection; we are Your progeny. Baba,
You are our Father-- Our Ista. 
   Baba, by Your grace we love one and all equally; everyone's existence is
treasured. We do not differentiate between high and low, small and big,
rich and poor, touchable and untouchable, sinner and virtuous, literate and
illiterate etc. All are kith and kin-- all are family members. All are part
of that singular humanity. Baba, we are all bound together with Your divine
love. O' Lord, with Your infinite compassion You always call us to come
close with Your beacon call, which pulls our heart close to You. By Your
grace we hear Your call and move towards You. Baba, You are the Goal. Our
each and every action and deed is aimed toward Your divine stance-- toward
reaching up to You. Baba, You are our Aim and the Polestar of our life. 
   Baba, You have blessed us with the ideals of neo-humanism. Firstly, You
have graciously granted us individual freedom; secondly, You have infused
us with collective spirit; and thirdly, You have spiritualised our minds
with the dhyana of the Supreme One [1]. With these three attributions one
other quality unfolds: We wage a relentless fight against all the evils.
And by Your grace victory is sure. Baba, by these four noble qualities of
neo-humanism-- individual freedom, collective spirit, spiritual outlook,
and fight against evil forces-- we have created one big banyan tree of love
and affection which branches out and extends throughout this vast universe.
O' Baba, by this approach we have made this dusty earth into a golden
paradise, by Your divine blessing.
  Baba, we all love only You; You are our Goal. O' our most Adored One...


[1] "Vya's't'...amara'r". In the third and final stanza of the above song,
Baba describes 4 special principles that are part and parcel of our
neo-humanistic philosophy: (a) individual freedom, (b) collective interest,
(c) spiritual ideation, (d) the fight against injustices. All are four are
needed to create a golden paradise on this earth and build a society in the
real sense of the term. For example, without proper dhyana, then individual
freedom can be twisted to exploit the masses. Such is the case in
capitalism since it is devoid of a spiritual approach. Communism does not
allow for individual freedom nor does it recognise spirituality: Both are
missing. For this reason, collective interest and a loving society could
not be attained in communism. So it is more murderous than capitalism.

Comparatively speaking, communists are worse than capitalists. Then in the
dogma-centered philosophy such as in the crude religions, individual
freedom and perfect spirituality are missing. So the religions are just
dogma-based. There is no true feeling of universal love. That is why
followers of same religion can kill each other. This history has witnessed
again and again. So religious society is also defective-- fake. Baba guides
us that in an ideal society all 4 principles are needed: (a) individual
freedom, (b) collective interest, (c) spiritual ideation, (d) the fight
against injustices. Failing that, this world cannot become a golden
paradise. In the absence of any of these principles, groupism and
factionalism will erupt. So our neo-humanistic approach is entirely
revolutionary. In this God-centered approach, individual freedom is used
for virtuous deeds which bring collective welfare, and all the while there
is a pactless fight against all injustices. This is the speciality of our
neo-humanism and this is the grand ideal Baba is propagating in His above


We all know Baba places great emphasis on spiritual life and doing sadhana.
And in not one but in numerous discourses Baba warns about being firm in
sadhana because often people fail to move ahead in their spiritual life due
to their own deficiencies like procrastination etc.

        Nidra' tandra' bhayam' krodha a'lasyam' diirghasu'trata';
        S'ad'ados'a'h purus'en'eha ha'ntavya'h bhu'timicchata'.

Baba says, "Those who want to prosper in life must destroy these six
defects in themselves: nidra' [sleep], tandra' [drowsiness], a'lasya
[lethargy], bhaya [fear], krodha [anger], and diirghasu'trata'
[procrastination]." (AV)

Thereafter Baba describes that those who want to become great must shun
these negative habits. In particular one must not succumb to spiritual
procrastination. This is most harmful since one neglects their spiritual
practice-- and they do not do sadhana.

And Baba furthermore explains that everyone has the potential to become
great, but often people do not tap into that potentiality-- or that
potentiality does not blossom. Most of the time due to lethargy or laziness
in the spiritual sphere.

So those who want to become great must be conscious of all of this.

And to do proper sadhana, various tips are quick helpful-- one of which is
doing sadhana outside. This is Baba's guideline.

                     TEACHING BY EXAMPLE

Of course what Baba teaches He also does. By His example He shows the way.
And doing sadhana outside was Baba's regular practice. Especially in the
early days, Baba used to regularly wander up to the hills of Jamalpur and
explore the countryside and do sadhana in remote isolated places. And then
come back in the evening time or even in the middle of the night. This was
the way of His usual outdoor sadhana program.

Of course there was no need for Baba to do sadhana at all but just to show
us that doing sadhana outside was good, He did like this.
Baba says, "He needs no sadhana, but just to set an example to others, He
performs sadhana." (DT-2, p.92 / 1969, Ranchi)


Baba says, "I used to go for a walk nearly every day in the mountains east
of Jamalpur. I used to sit on the second mountain. One after another,
several small and large mountains run parallel to each other. The summit of
the second mountain was the highest place among them. I used to arrive
there in the middle of the afternoon and stay there until about eight at
night." (Shabda Cayanika-1, p.93)

Here Baba talks more about His experience of doing sadhana outside:

Baba says, "I was sitting on the peak. It was the bright lunar
fortnight...In front of me, that is to the west, on the slope of the
mountain, was a dense ga'b forest...The mountain in front of me was
completely bare...I was probably the only person for several miles,
completely alone...the peak that I was seated on..." (Shabda Cayanika-1, p.94)


In His various discourses, Baba also talks about the innumerable benefits
of doing sadhana outside: Enhanced concentration, fresh air, mental
sharpness, good for pratyahara, less disturbances, positive microvita,
pointedness of mind. These are but a few of the many benefits.

                  MOVING AHEAD IN SADHANA

By Baba's grace we should all realise our potential and following His
divine example by making it our regular practice to do sadhana outside.
This will be highly beneficial for our spiritual life and progression along
the path of sadhana.

Baba says, "It is desirable to practise various lessons of sadhana alone,
in a lonely place." (GHC, final page)


P.S. I hope all my margii brothers and sisters will write in with their
experiences and realisations of doing sadhana outside.

             Some Tips How to Save Oneself From Psychic Diseases

In this age scientific development has made significant progress, while in
comparison human psychic and spiritual growth is lagging far behind. In
result, mental tension has multiplied in geometrical progression. The final
outcome being that nerve, brain, and heart diseases have become quite
common; and nervousness and insanity are also prevalent, if not rampant, in
the society. And the remedy for all this is as follows:

Baba says, "While doing work one should ideate, 'It is the work of Parama
Purusa; it is not mine. I am doing His work to please Him'. By following
this approach mental tension, nervousness, and psychic diseases will never
arise. And also samskaras will not be formed." (08 April '84, Tattanagar DMC)

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