Subject: Two Names, One Divine Entity
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 21:13:26 -0700 (PDT
On and off the topic comes about why some of our AM books are signed as Shrii PR Sarkar whereas other books are signed as Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. People were going back and forth wondering if these are two personalities or one personality.
In addition there is general confusion about this as some think and distrbute their propaganda that Shrii PR Sarkar and Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji are two different entities.
So here are some points related with this question:
(1) Look at it this way, Shrii PR Sarkar and Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji certainly refer to one singular Entity.
For example, in the mundane sphere it is just like the situation of my mother. I call her mother; my sons and daughters call grandmother or grandma; my cousin calls here Aunty. And like this it goes on. But that does not mean that mother is really three different personalities or more. And further when she was working in office she has her official designation also. Official persons were calling her yet a different name. So that
single personality, my mother, has so many names according to their relation and work. And indeed this is the case with most people. According to the situation they have a given name, yet all along they are the same person and personality.
(2) Baba's following graphic example is moving in this same direction:
Baba says, "I told you that the same man, Ramajiivana, is known as Rama to his father, as Ramu at work - and his children say `Babujii', and his students `Master Sahib'. and when he is moving along the street wearing a topii, the taungavala will say ,`Hey topii! Hey topii! Hey topii! He becomes a topii. But the man is that single man Rama." (Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 3)
So here again Baba is guiding us that it is very common for one entity, like Ramajiivana, to have several different names. But all along Ramajiivana is but one entity.
(3) Who does not know that Parama Purus'a has an infinite number of names. He has so many names because He has an infinite number of attributions. Each attribution carries a different name. In an Ananda Vacanamrtam discourse,
Baba says, "So Paramashiva, the Sadguru and Ta'raka Brahma are beyond the scope of the gun'atrikon'a... O Lord, Thou are the controller of everything, but there is nobody to control You. Your gun'as are beyond the scope of counting. Nobody can count how many gun'as are there. " (Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 3, 'Sadgurum Tvam Namami', p.46)
Despite the fact that Parama Purusa has so many gun'as (attributions) & hence so many names, no rational person thinks that those names refer to different divine entities. Rather all those names refer to Him, that singular Parama Purusa.
(4) Seer, poet & devotee Padmadanta expressed a similar idea. When devotees asked Sri Padmadanta to write a poem about the glories of God, he told that because the Lord has infinite gunas (qualities), it is not possible to write such a poem.
Then he wrote one shloka. In that shloka Padmadanta declared that only Parama Purus'a can tell about His infinite attributions. And that Parama Purusa is One.
(5) Thus it is clear that Parama Purusa has an infinite number of attributions and hence an infinite number of names. But this does not mean that Parama Purusa Baba is not singular in nature.
About Lord Shiva we know that He has so many names and so many we do not know also. But at least more than 2 dozen well known names are there like: Pashupati, Nata'raj, Trilocan, Vya'gra'mbar, Paincca'nan, Vireshvar, Mahadev, Vaidyana'th, Shiva', Maheshvara, Ma'ya'diish, Niil Kanth, Ganga'dhar, Gaoripati, Deveshvar, A'dipita', Mantresh, Mahakoala, Ta'rak Na'th, Liila'dhara, Shankar, Kalbhairav, Adinath, A'shutosh, Vajradhar, Hara, Shambhu, Vibhu'tinath etc...
Interestingly, nobody amongst those dogmatic Hindu worshipers of Lord Shiva, raises the point that Shiva has different / multiple personalities according to the attribution and name.
(6) So the whole idea is that Baba is Parama Purusa. HE has an infinite number of names-- one for each of His infinite attributions. But no one should think that these names refer to different personalities. Parama Purusa is one Divine Entity with different names.
(7) Ultimately then, the conclusion was easiliy reached that Shrii PR Sarkar and Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji are the same. One personality with two names.
(8) And top of all we know that the name Shrii PR Sarkar is for non-Margiis and the name Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is for Ananda Margiis.
Here following is Baba's blessing:
Baba says, "O human beings, O' painstaking human beings, don't be afraid, dont' be disheartened, I am for you. O' human beings please come, you please come, I am for you." (SS-12, p.78)
"A'lo jhariye madhu ks'ariye a'ndha'r sa'riye tumi esecho..." (P.S. 1233)
Baba, You have come and by Your divine advent You are showering effulgence, exuding nectar, and wiping away all darkness. Baba, You have come-- making the flowers blossom & graciously spreading happiness and bliss to one and all. Baba, by Your august arrival everyone's hopes and longings have been fulfilled.
Baba, living beings were awakened by the deep yearning and pain of longing in their heart. And with this feeling, in the anticipation & hope of Your coming, they were awake, watching for Your arrival-- constantly looking towards Your path. Baba, this pain and longing of devotees resonated in Your heart and You could no longer remain distant.
Baba, You have come and You are graciously pouring the basket of love-- satisfying everyone's heart. The sleeping humanity has gotten new life by Your grace. Baba-- that river which dried up and evaporated, and that song which was lost in the oblivion-- the current of that very river and the tune of those songs You have graciously brought along with You. [1]
Baba due to Your august advent You have inundated each and every heart
with the nectar of devotion. This is Your causeless grace...
[1] The inner idea is that when Parama Purusa comes and He saturates the heart with deep devotion, then all those feelings of love and which had dried up start to blossom. In the above song, the river signifies the flow of devotion and the song and melody refers to that subtler expression of devotional feeling.
Dirty Habits Die Hard
Baba says, "[After] taking a bath...soap, oil, and comb should be used every day." (Caryacarya-III)
Note: All around the globe every margii is aware about 16 Points and all of Baba's teachings on health and hygene. Even then a few do not incorporate all these guidelines into their practical lives. Means some do not apply oil to their joints etc. So on paper they are aware about everything yet at retreats one or two may even tell others to follow those things when they themselves do not do this.
So in total there are 4 categories. Those who are aware; those who are not aware; those who point out others; and those who do not recommend this to others. And there may be some other categories also.
However, Baba has made it mandatory that after bathing one should comb the hair of the joints of the body and also apply an ample amount of oil to those regions well. This is Baba's distinct guideline and most margiis and wts strictly adhere to this teaching.
But a very small population of Ananda Margiis shy away from this practice-- for one reason or another. It is sometimes seen that those stuck in a dogmatic western approach to life do not like to use any oil because they got addicted to using scented perfume etc. And there may be other reasons why in so-called advanced countries people do not follow this point of using oil-- neither they apply it to their joints nor on their head. And in other parts of the globe a few have their own private reasons why they avoid using oil.
In contrast in those countries where oil is used more regularly used, then new margiis readily adapt to the practice of putting oil on the joints. Means they quickly adopt this new practice. Because their mind is naturally open to this idea; whereas in some western nations a couple people are reticent to ever use oil-- that is why it is commonly proclaimed that this is one of the dogmas of the west.
But most Ananda Margiis practice the use of oil and certainly there are some sectors where it is even more widely practiced. And in that case those practitioners naturally get all the special benefits. And indeed there is a very significant reason behind all this which Baba has given. Namely that the lymph glands are located there in the joints and by applying oil to those areas then the lymphatic glands get the nourishment they need.
Note 2: One need not spend a lot of money purchasing oil and it need not be an imported variety. Rather in each area of the globe margiis should use that type of oil which is commonly available to them at at reasonable price. At the same time the oil should not be low-grade either. It should be a standard variety from that area. In India many use coconut oil while in the Mediterranean olive oil is more widely available. And like that from place to place it will vary so everyone should experiment and use one of the locally produced oils and find one they like best. this is the Proutistic way.
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