Subject: They Were Trustless
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 22:07:12 +0000
Note: A sound file has been placed on the AM-GLOBAL blog that serves as an accompaniment to this below letter. That sound file is called, 'One Oath Taking Ceremony'. Visit:
To prepare oneself for this entire topic, please consider the following.
Suppose there is one guru who knows that some of his disciples suffer from certain flaws. That guru calls those disciples near and says, "From tomorrow onwards, you will be given greater responsibility to run the ashram and its activities; promise me that you will not sell the ashram and destroy all the programs. Can I trust you that you will not ruin the ashram?"
Keep the above idea in mind as you read the remainder of this mail.
The present scenario unfolding now in our organisation did not come out of nowhere. There was every indication that such a splintering could and would take place. Baba certainly knew; and if we all think a little bit, it should not have come as a surprise to us either. Please understand that I have full regard and respect for our dear Dadas, only I wish to bring something to the table for everyone to consider and review.
In 1990, as you may remember, Baba was calling Dadas-- groups of Dadas, especially Central Workers and other top Dadas-- to Him so that they could take an oath in His presence. There was no secret this was going on, as many have heard about this program.
Those days, Beloved Baba was calling several workers or more at a time and asking them, 'Do you promise to work for the welfare of the mission? Can I trust you to spread my ideology? Are you committed to serving all peoples? Will you keep this organisation unified? Are you to be trusted?'.
To each of these types of questions, all the Dadas present-- ie the top Dadas which Baba had called before Him-- were required to take an oath to that they would solemnly swear to fulfill their duty to Baba and the Ananda Marga mission. This was the scene which was unfolding in 1990. And those respected Dadas were quite proud to have been called before Baba to take such an oath. They took this to be an honor and and indication of their high commitment to Baba.
With all due respect, however, we should apply a little bit of our own cognitive abilities-- by way of analogy-- to understand the real meaning of having to take such an oath in the first place.
Suppose there is one guru who knows that some of his disciples suffer from certain flaws. That calls those disciples near and says, "From tomorrow onwards, you will be given greater responsibility to run the ashram and its activities, promise me that you will not sell the ashram and destroy all the programs. Can I trust you that you will not ruin the ashram?" By making this type of statement and posing this sort of query, it is very evident that the guru does not trust his disciples. Such a statement does at all convey a sense faith in his disciples.
With respect to our dear Dadas, I think all readers are by now getting the idea why Baba requested such top WTs to take an oath before Him. Before discussing this further, let's take a look at another analogy.
Suppose, one day when a father is about to retire from his business and he is going to pass the torch of ownership of all his entrepreneurial interests and land holdings to his son, and the father says, 'Son, I have worked hard all my life, please promise me that you will honestly watch over my affairs and take care of the family', then does this not indicate that the father does not have full faith in his son. Otherwise, what was the need for the father to ask such a thing of his son. Such a statement or oath only comes into play, when a father feels that the son cannot be entirely trusted-- or not trusted at all.
Or it is just like if there are two friends, and if one says to the other, 'Listen, I have to go out for a few minutes, please promise me that you will not steal my belongings while I am gone', then who is going to really think they have any friendship at all, or that the other person can be trusted. And certainly we can all think of so many other such examples-- all of which point to a blatant lack of trust for the other party. In essence one is saying, 'You are not trustworthy'.
Yet this is the very same type of oath which our All-knowing Baba requested from those top Dadas.
Please excuse me for saying so, but this oath was done because Baba was well aware about their inherent tendencies of groupism, division, and power mongering etc. With such ideas floating in their mental plates, how is it that those top Dadas were going to be able to care for the AM mission. Hence, Baba requested them to take an oath-- to help steer them away from their negative desires. Yet we all know what happened, we all know how far those our revered Dadas could live up to the oath or not.
From another perspective, various other acaryas and senior margiis who were NOT asked to take such an oath in front of Baba were relieved, because they felt that having to take such an oath meant that such persons were not up to the proper standard. And indeed it looks like that is the case. There are so many decent acaryas and margiis who are truly committed to the ideals of AM, and Baba knowingly never asked them to take that oath in front of Him. Whereas those who were requested to take an oath back in 1990 are the very ones who have pillaged our AMPS and cracked it into pieces for their selfish ends.
But as life would have it, those top Dadas who took the oath-- 'I can be trusted to watch over the mission'-- had their own perspective of the matter. With all due respect, those esteemed acaryas felt that it meant that they were the ones who were true to Baba.
Hence, they told everyone they knew that Baba took a special oath from them as they thought this would impress others. Indeed they traveled all over Delhi Sector and the entire globe, describing how Baba had specially called them and asked, 'Can I trust you' etc. So through their own eyeglasses, they thought that this was Baba's way of telling them that they are the great ones to run the organisation. But those with a balanced mind can understand the inner truth: That having to take such an oath means that they had a weakness or mental defect. That Baba was saying, 'You are not trustworthy'. Otherwise Baba would not have been concerned about them in that way.
And indeed, seeing what these oath-taking Dadas have done to our organisation since 1990, it is quite apparent that the all-knowing Baba did not trust them from the outset. That is why He was again and again asking them, 'Can I trust you, can I trust you'. Please excuse me for saying so, but that is what rationality says. Many of these Dadas are our friends, but that does not exclude us from taking a proper look at the situation. After all we have come to establish AM ideology and serve the humanity, not any other reason.
Note: In AM oaths are taken when a person gets diiksa of various types. We remember our oaths everyday, but this query - "Can I trust you" - is unusual and displays a lack of trust.
Regardless, our esteemed top Dadas viewed that oath as their entitlement to running the organisation. And not only that, they thought that they should then take similar oaths from the margiis. And that is the very tradition that they started.
After 1990, thinking of themselves as the great ones, those top Dadas began calling all the margiis to their various dogmatic programs like Mahaprayan, and requested those arrivees to take an oath. Such is the grand hypocrisy that has been going on since 1990. See the irony of it all.
Those top Dadas have ruined Baba scriptures, broken the organisation into pieces, created dogmatic tiirthas, pilfered so much money, expelled so many innocent margiis, destroyed the BP system, and countless harm they have done to our Marga, yet they see themselves as being fit to insist that others be true to Baba's teachings. As if they are the golden watch-bearers to ensure that everything is proper.
For your review, here is the oath which our revered Dadas have been taking from other general acaryas and margiis since 1990. They do this oath of 'dedication' or 'rededication' at their dogmatic Mahaprayan ceremonies and at other gatherings. The audio version of the oath has been put on the AM-GLOBAL blog:
So go to the blog and listen for yourself what they are doing, and for your convenience here below is the transcription of that very oath.
"We, say on oath, in the name of Parama Brahma and Marga Gurudeva, that we shall observe uncompromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Ista, Adarsha, Supreme Command and Conduct Rules. We shall actively endeavour to promote, individual and collective well-being, to perform all sorts of actions as desired by Revered Marga Guru. We shall not allow the unity of Ananda Margiis to be jeopardised for any reason. We shall maintain the unity, even at the risk of our life. We shall not, under any circumstances, allow individual interest to stand in the way of collective interest. We shall protect, in all respects and all costs, the dignity of Margiya treasures: The sublime ideology, universal love, and unshakable unity, and the sanctity of our flag, our symbols, and the pratikrti [photo] of Marga Guru." (Oath taken at dogmatic Mahaprayan programs)
Again there is nothing wrong with the above oath per se. Just it is painfully amusing that the ones administering this oath have utterly destroyed our Marga. They have made a mockery out of unity, they have tossed AM ideology in the dustbin, they have gone against Ista in countless ways, they have stepped on and torn up our flag, and they have time and again put their own selfish and individual interests ahead of the common good-- ahead of collective interest.
Thus it is an absolute mockery for them to be administering this oath to well-intentioned margiis and acaryas. And again, the only reason Baba was asking them in 1990, 'Can I count on you, can I trust you' was because He was indirectly saying, 'You are not trustworthy'. That is what He was telling those top Dadas.
Please excuse me as I know how this sounds. However, do not take my word for it, take a look at what has occurred in our organisation since 1990. All because of the lust, deceit, and selfishness of certain people whose names need not be mentioned here. You know who they are.
Here is Baba's clear-cut warning that if the people responsible for implementing an ideology are not up to the mark, then there will be hell to pay-- the society will suffer.
Baba says, "Even if there is no defect in the philosophy but the person who takes the responsibility of implementing the philosophy is full of defects, then that high philosophy will remain confined to books only. The society will rush headlong to the depths of degradation, and no one will remain to save it. The people’s copious tears will drench their clothes, and they will die, banging their heads against the closed doors of human liberation. For them there will be no escape." (NSS, Disc 14)
Because our revered top Dadas could not implement AM ideology in their own lives, our organisation has paid the price and indeed the greater society has suffered needlessly at the hands of so many exploiters-- because our Marga could not come forward and save them.
By Baba's grace those true to Him have taken the internal vow to establish His ideology on this dusty earth. Such persons will always be strict in following His teachings. Whereas those who merely brag, that Baba asked them, 'Can I count on you', we now know their status. By His grace, a new era of ideology is coming in our Marga.
Baba says, "Where the question of benevolence and malevolence is concerned we will not deviate an inch from our ideology, nor will we allow others to do so." (NSS, Disc: 14)
If anybody is having difficult and still could not understand the essence of this posting then this analogy may help.
Let's say a husband and wife were at the airport as the husband was about to go away on a business trip. When saying good-bye, just before he was to board the plane, if the concerned husband says to his wife, 'Please promise that you will be true to me', who is going to think that their marriage is based on trust and fidelity.
Rather, one gets the distinct idea that the husband knows well that his wife has loose behaviour, or that she has been untrue in the past, or that she has interest in someone else. It gives the distinct feeling that 'You (i.e. the wife) are not trustworthy'. And it is for this reason, with this doubt and uncertainty in mind, that he is requesting her to promise to be faithful. All because the wife has a distinct tendency to be unfaithful. Otherwise what was the need for the wife to take such an oath when there is a deep & trusting commitment between the two parties, between the husband and wife.
In other words if trust each other and if husband says like that there will be huge disappointment. She will cry out and be angry why he is accusing me, rather than be happy.
Baba, You are hiding deep in the recesses of my mind. What You are actually doing there I cannot say. Just You are sitting in the depths of my mind-- listening to all my thoughts. Baba You are everywhere: omnipresent. Nothing can remain hidden from You. Baba, it is impossible to hide anything from You -- what a torture this is. Your liila, Your divine play, is very vast-- verily immeasurable like the infinite ocean. To understand Your divine liila, is very difficult. When I go to measure the depth of Your liila, then my whole existence is lost. Only consciousness remains floating. Mind becomes one with You. And "I feeling" is lost. Baba, if You do not want to be held, please tell me what You want. Your desire is my desire, don't you know this very fact? Baba, You are eternally hiding in my mind and heart. Nothing remains unknown to You...
Wealth and Sin Live Side by Side
Here is something to keep in mind when viewing those capitalists who are now ruling this earth.
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