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Japa on Enemy

Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 20:42:39 -0000
From: V. Rajpurhit
Subject: Japa on Enemy


"Tava path dhare, tava na'm kare, toma'r pa'nei cale thaki..." (P.S. 2180)


Baba, by Your grace I am treading on Your path by singing Your name and moving towards You. You are my Goal.
O' my Dearmost,  I am moving closer and closer towards You - to reach You. Baba, except You, in this universe who else is mine - no one. Because of this I am always calling You, seeking Your shelter.

O' Lord, O' Baba, in this decorated universe of Yours, You have provided me a special place according to Your liking. You have bestowed everything; and, You do not desire anything from anyone. Just You go on pouring Your divine grace eternally.
The demerits such as lethargy only come from my side. Plus all kinds of lame excuses I give in self-justification. Hence all the lacuna belong to me; whereas, You Yourself are ever-gracious.

Baba, You have situated my mind in the corner of Your vast cosmic mind. And from that corner it receives Your divine vibration. With the attraction and resonance of Your divine vibration, the lotus of the love, which has blossomed in my heart, is looking towards You with deep yearning.

Baba, singing Your Name, I am moving on Your path. For me, Your grace is everything...



Baba says, "If anyone's name is to be chanted in japa, it is the name of Parama Purus'a. What is japa? A word has a particular meaning; repeating the word inwardly again and again, after having understood its meaning, is what is termed japa. As a result of the prolonged repetition of a word, whose inner meaning is clearly understood, its ideation becomes permanently imprinted in one's mind, and consequently there occurs a radical change in one's mental arena. The extroversial tendencies of the mind gradually become introverted. This is the benefit of japa. And if anyone's name is to be repeated, it is the name of the Lord."

"Usually worldly people constantly repeat-- do the japa of-- their earthly joys and comforts, or do japa on the names of their enemies. But that is all useless. Only the name of Parama Purus'a should be repeated in the form of japa, for ultimately one will have to reach Him, to merge in Him. Ultimately one will have to reach Him. There is no other way. Hence wise persons take only the name of-- do the japa of-- the One and Supreme Lord, and never the name of any other entity." (12 November 1978 DMC, Kolkata)

Usually people do not realise that they are doing japa of something which is meaningless, silly, or sometimes even harmful. But it happens because the general tendency of the mind is to degenerate towards crude thoughts. For example, if someone is plunged in worldly problems or court case or enemy, then in that case they are unknowingly doing japa of that problem or enemy etc.

Another feature of the mind is that when the mind is empty then the mind often starts thinking of something which is meaningless, stupid, or harmful etc. Or it will think of something that will bring degeneration. Hence, without even their own awareness, countless people are getting adversely affected and getting poisoned by doing the japa of crude things. In His above teaching Baba says that, at any cost, this should be avoided - averted. Repeated thinking or japa should only be done on the name of the Lord. That will bring ultimate salvation and bliss.


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