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Re: Old Hindu Dogma Getting New Colour in Ananda Marga #2

Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2012 20:32:58 +0200 
From: Shankar Panigrahi
Subject: Re: Old Hindu Dogma Getting New Colour in Ananda Marga #2



(Note: This is the second letter in this series. A link to the initial letter is appended below. In addition, all below sections in brown italics are excerpts from that first letter. - Eds)

The existing Hindu dogma of shraddhanjali or punyatithi (annual death ceremony) has been redecorated and given a place in Ananda Marga - not just in the form of so-called mahaprayan but also as an annual death day ceremony for Ananda Margiis who have passed away.

Unfortunately this has become a general trend in our Ananda Marga society.

Some may think this is something glorious, but when it runs contrary to Baba's teaching, then there is no question of it being something good. Rather it is a dogma that should be removed.

The new dogma is that some are turning the death day of their dear relative into an annual death day ceremony.

Since 1990, there have been innumerable cases wherein margii families choose to observe the anniversary of the death of their cherished relative.

For instance, someone dies on July 1st, then the prescribed system is to mourn and observe death death for no more than 12 days. That means, by 13 July, all public ceremonies and gatherings related with the mourning of the deceased must be completed. That is Baba's system.

But some families are opting to celebrate the death for years and years, by honoring the anniversary of the death each year on July 1. They mark those celebrations by reciting shlokas, distributing food and clothes, and garlanding the deceased margiis's photo etc. Just as is done in the Hindu dogma of punya tithi / shraddha.

To some naive persons this may sound "honorable" or "respectful", but it is 100% against Baba's system.



Unfortunately, here are a few recent examples of "prominent" margii families that are going against Baba's teaching.

[A] The family members of Ac Harishankarji of Ranchi performed first shraddha divas (annual death day ceremony) by feeding the margiis & relatives. Then every year since on the death anniversary of Ac Harishankar they put garlands on the samadhi (tomb) which is inside their house premises. These are "important" margiis yet they are doing such activities each year on the anniversary of Ac Harishankarji's death.

[B] Similarly, an important margii, Lokanath Pradhanji of Debagad, Sambalpur in Odisha state, is involved in death day ceremonies. Pradhanji was a college professor who was blessed with microvita sadhana by Ba’ba. But on the death day anniversary of his father, he performs akanda kiirttan for 12 hours in his residence, feeds the kiirttanites & relatives. This occurs every year on 13th June which is the occasion of his father’s death anniversary.

[C] Another margii, Pratap Nayakji is also involved in dogmatic shraddha or annual death day ceremonies. Nayakji is well-versed with Caryacarya, yet on the anniversary of his wife's death, he performs kiirtan of Baba nama kevalam for 3 hours and feeds people. All done on the death anniversary of his wife. Indeed, every year he is honouring his wife with garlands. Ironically, before his wife’s death he was against mahaprayana, now he is in favour of it. By the way, Nayakji WT sanyasi before emergency period. He knows the rules, yet still he indulges in annual death day celebrations.

[D] Other important margiis like Bhaskar Jenaji does annual death day on the shraddha divas of his mother by doing mass feeding, akhanda kiirtan etc. Bhaskar Jenaji received microvita sadhana and other experiences, yet now he is plunged in dogmatic annual death-day celebrations.  

[E] Likewise, Prof Aditya Mohantyji does annual death day celebration for both his wife & his father. He too was blessed with microvita sadhana, but performs akhanda kiirtan, and feeds the people on shraddha divas (yearly death day) of his deceased relatives.

In particular these three - Loknath Pradhanji, Bhaskar Jenaji, & Prof Aditya Mohantyji - are samaj leaders who go to conferences and seminars preaching the gospel of Prout and neo-humanism. Yet, see how they are sunk in hypocrisy.


Actually, all of the above are so-called important margiis - holding important posts - but see their standard. They got opportunity to see Baba and get His blessing. When they were close to Baba they understood His guidelines, but as soon as they were apart from Baba they did keep His teachings in mind. Such persons are the worst type of devotees.

Baba says "According to Tantra, disciples are of three categories. The worst category are likened to pitchers placed inversely in a tub of water. Such pitchers contain water as long as they are kept in the tub, but as soon as they are taken out, all the water pours out. These disciples acquire spiritual knowledge when they are in close contact with the preceptor, but as soon as they are apart from the preceptor they forget all his teachings." (Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Tantra and Sádhaná)

That is the state of the aforementioned so-called senior and great margiis.


According to Baba, greatness is based on something else.

Baba says, "It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sádhaná, by your service, by your sacrifice." (Ananda Vanii #20)

According to Baba, greatness is not determined by being senior citizen or gaining a top university degree, or any other worldly quality. Greatness comes from one's sadhana, service, and sacrifice.

The aforementioned persons think they are following so-called mahaprayan, therefore their dealing is good. But nothing could be further from the truth. They are drowned in dogma yet do not realise it. Such is their unfortunate state.


Note: In Ananda Marga, shraddha should be done once within the 12-day mourning period and money must not be spent on food / feasting or charitable donations. Just we follow Baba's given ceremony in Caryacarya. Spending money on shraddha means succumbing to Hindu dogma. So if one does a mass feeding in honour of the deceased during the 12-mourning period, then that is bad. Then there are those who do annual death day ceremonies and spend lavishly on food / feasting and donations. That is a second scenario. Both situation are bad, but doing a dogmatic Hindu-style shraddha on the anniversary day is worse. Any of the above margiis falling in either of these categories are living representations of Hindu dogma. They should change their ways immediately.


Since long, because of this death day dogma, Indian society has been exploited financially by Hindu priests. The common people incur huge loans and are forced to feed their entire village on annual death day celebrations. Plus they pay those priests enormous sums of money. If all this is not done, then they will not go to heaven. In turn, many lead miserable lives trying to repay these huge loans. Spiritually this is very bad and socially it is crippling. There are many reasons why this death day dogma is poisonous for society, but this is one of the major ones. Because of this, centuries ago led by Carvak, atheism was on the rise in India. People were getting exploited by the priests and Carvak stood up against those religious exploiters. Even then he could not root out this dogma completely. So still society is suffering. Now is the time for all Ananda Margiis to wipe out this dogma with our dharmic, God-centered approach, by Baba's grace.

Baba's system is a 12-day mourning period.

Of course we all know that Baba has firmly declared in Caryacarya that the period of mourning shall be 12 days - no more.

Baba says, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (Caryacarya - 1)

Thus to observe an annual death day ceremony is against Baba's guideline and against His wish.

All this type of dealing is not at ll pleasing to Guru.

However, certain families justify that when so-called mahaprayan is observed every year as shraddhanjali (dogmatic Hindu shraddha ceremony) in Tiljala, then why can't we (i.e. the family) observe the death of our dear loved one, each year on the anniversary of his death.

They innocently think that by honoring the death day annually, they are pleasing both Baba and their deceased relative. But in true sense they are satisfying neither. Because to please Baba one must follow His teachings and to please a deceased person one must honor their wishes. And most often, in the case of a Ananda Margiis, honoring their wishes means following Guru.

Thus by observing the annual death day, neither party is pleased. The deceased is not pleased nor does Guru approve.

Yet people have fallen into this trap because that is the prevailing Hindu dogma and that is what groupists like Sarvatmananda have popularised in Ananda Marga.

This is the predicament and the new dogma that is taking birth.


These people forgot Baba's slogan:

Baba says, "You boys, you girls, you the spiritual aspirants, must always remember that you must never surrender at the altar of dogma. In the past, dogma committed so many nuisances, dogma created so many fissiparous tendencies in this human society. Your slogan should be “Dogma – No more! Dogma – No more!” Establish yourselves above the boundaries of dogma, and be established in the excellence of human glory." (A Few Problems Solved - 4, Dogma – No More)

We must not succumb to the dogmatic Hindu beliefs of mass feeding on the initial shraddha ceremony nor observing the annual death day ceremony with feasting and public donations. As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, we must glorify Him by adhering to and practically following His divine teachings.

Shankar Panigrahi


For their welfare, please forward this email to any of the margiis mentioned in this letter, so they can adhere to Baba's teaching fearlessly.



"Toma'r a'sa'-ja'oya' hoy na' kabhu, prabhu ekatha' jeneo na' ja'ni..." - P.S. 274


Baba, You always remain with me & with everyone eternally; that is why it is said that Your arrival and departure never happens. I am aware about this eternal truth, but even then I do not know and I remain forgetful. I know this very fact, but also I do not know. Your welcoming and Your farewell are not possible because You are eternally present. This is such a mysterious notion that I know, and even then I do not know. I do not like to believe. Sometimes I think You are near and sometimes I think You are far. That is my misunderstanding.  

Baba, You have created this world in such a way that when anything is flourishing or blooming, the seed of destruction is hidden within. In due course it perishes. This type of divine play is going on in this cosmic cycle, eternally.  On the one side with Your two eyes You saturate everyone with Your love, and on the other side from Your third eye the flame of fire burns everything.

In this creation of Yours, the sweetness of effulgence is always accompanied by the black shadow of death, which falls gradually. But in this entire divine play You are the black shadow and You are also the effulgence; You are everything. Baba Your welcoming and farewell never happens because You are omnipresent...

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