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Misleading Baba Story & More

Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 22:21:09
From: Govinda
Subject: Misleading Baba Story & More


This entire email is composed of 4 parts:
(1) Prabhat Samgiita #2209;
(2) Posting: Misleading Baba Story & More
(3) Comment From Reader: Misuse & Abuse of Public Funds #2
(4) Trailer Quote:  Shortcoming of English Language

 Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).

**** Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita ****


"Mor ma'nas sarovare tumi son'a'li kamal..." (PS 2209)


O' Parama Purusa, in the pool of my mind You are the golden lotus. Looking towards You – ideating and meditating on You – is my dance and my life. I dance keeping You as my Goal. Baba, You are the sweet vibration of my heart. I dance keeping You fixed as my Goal. You are the very hope and vitality of my life. You are the golden lotus.

Baba, the garden of paradise is filled with the sun’s rays; the glow of Your beauty is resplendent. Your beauty is expressed in every particle of Your creation. In grove after grove, the buzzing bees get the pure, sweet honey from that lotus. Baba, You are the golden lotus.

Baba, pleasing You is my sadhana. You are my Goal. Except You I want nothing. I will act according to Your desire. By Your grace, I will follow Your every direction. O' my Dearmost, O' the Liila Personified, please fulfill the longing of my heart. You are the golden lotus.

O' Parama Purusa, please be gracious and shower Your causeless grace on me...


One writer has expressed in his book that Baba would use avidya tantra on some sadhakas during those Jamalpur days.

Let us see what avidya and vidya are according to Ananda Marga philosophy. By this way we can examine how far this claim is legitimate or not.


According to Ananda Marga philosophy, avidya is the path of scaring, harming, torturing and killing innocent persons - all done due to one's own "wicked nature."

"If people such as this happen to be wicked by nature, they can cause the disembodied entity to hurl pieces of bone, brick, etc., into someone else's house. Sometimes the cots on which people recline are also found to be tilting. All these actions are done by the ectoplasmic structure of a powerful person, not by that of the dead person. So to stop this nonsense you should find the real culprit and give the person a good shaking. You will find that the throwing of pieces of bone, brick, etc., will immediately stop. All this comes within the scope of Avidyá Tantra. It often turns out that the person who was responsible for the throwing of the bricks is found sitting quietly in a corner of the burial ground, and their ectoplasmic structure is getting that hapless disembodied soul to do all those wicked things. If you hit their arm with a good stick then their wicked deeds will immediately stop. And when you see a cot rising from the ground with the ectoplasmic strength of that person (though you cannot see the ectoplasmic arm that raises it, as ectoplasm cannot be seen), just brandish a stick at random. It will turn out that the arm of that wicked Tantric gets broken. Perhaps that person was seated three miles away from the actual site of occurrence. These are all interesting things – Avidyá Tantric things." (1)



Here is more about the devious and destructive pathway of avidya.

"Now let us analyse the six actions of Avidyá Tantra."
   1. One part of Avidyá Tantra is to kill or cause the death of someone through mantra or through some related technique or in some artificial way. This is called márańa. [Mára literally means “annihilation”.]
   2. Bringing somebody under one's control by means of a mantra or a dravyaguńa [some plant or other natural substance which projects psychic effects], or by wearing a squirrel's tail like a ring on the little finger of the left hand and chanting the mantra hriiḿ kriiḿ klu, or by feeding that tail to a person in a chánci pán [a betel preparation], is known as vashiikarańa. But remember that this action must be accompanied by purashcarańa [raising the kuńd́alinii, the dormant force] as per Avidyá Tantric style. When under the influence of vashiikarańa, a person becomes completely controlled and behaves like a servant.
   3. Cat́ana or cát́ana means one's residence. When somebody is uprooted from his or her residence by means of a mantra or some mystic power or some dravyaguńa, the process is called uccát́ana. It is said that if a particular mantra is written on a brick in red ink and buried under the northeast corner of a house by a naked person on a rainy night, the owner of that house becomes uprooted within three days. This process may or may not fructify, but if it actually does the effect is disastrous. Keeping this fact in mind, I have deliberately refrained from giving the mantra in this book.
   4. To get someone to do something by hypnotizing the person with light waves or by fixing one's gaze on him or by breaking or overpowering his personality is called sammohana. In English this process is called hypnotism. The [European] physician Dr. Mesmer did some research on this method to find out if this process could be utilized for the benefit of the public; hence this process is also known as “mesmerism”.
   5. Stopping the flow or movement of something is called stambhana. Stambha means “pillar”. Since any moving thing will be stopped when it hits a pillar, stopping the movement of something by means of a mantra and some dravyaguńa is called stambhana. By using some mantra and holding under the tongue a kánt́ánat́e root fitted into a silver ring (like a hub circled by its wheel), one can stop another person's movement or action. Suppose someone is about to urinate. The flow of urine is stopped. In the science of áyurveda, the medical condition of constricted urination is known as mútrastambha [just as this Avidyá practice is known as mútrastambha]. Vákstambha [stopping the flow of another person's voice] is a similar Avidyá Tantric practice. But the Avidyá Tantric should be cautious about trying to maintain the stambhana for a long time, because it requires him or her to remain in an abnormal condition [sometimes physiologically abnormal], which will eventually harm the person.
   6. The shántikarma of Avidyá Tantra means to save someone from a danger or a disease by means of certain rituals, and then redirect that danger or disease towards another person: that is, to help one person to survive by killing another."
   "When the Kálacakrayána and Vajrayána Tantras of the Buddhist school of philosophy were popular in Bengal, these six actions of Avidyá Tantra were widely practised. But when the Kálacakrayána and Vajrayána vanished from Bengal, the six actions also fell out of use. And the six actions of Vidyá Tantra fell out of use simultaneously. It is good that the actions of both have been forgotten by people. What is desirable is that people move towards spiritual elevation along the paths of jiṋána, karma, and bhakti with a healthy and rational outlook."
   "The secret processes of Vidyá Tantra and Avidyá Tantra are called guhya vidyá. The motivation behind the practice of Avidyá Tantra is Máraya máraya náshaya náshaya uccát́aya uccát́aya mama shatruńám [“Kill my enemy, kill. Destroy my enemy, destroy. Uproot my enemy, uproot.”] This sort of mentality should not be allowed to develop in a person. This sort of prayer should also be avoided." (2)

So those adhering to the path of avidya senselessly harm others, make use of occult powers, and indulge in all sorts of selfish and destructive acts.

"Their goal is not noble, and will result in their ultimately being converted into inert matter." (Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 6, Vashiikára – 2)

Such avidya tantrikas have a very bad effect on society and themselves.


In stark contrast, the path of vidya is the path of benevolence and supreme realisation.

"The six branches of Vidyá Tantra are: to awaken benevolent intellect, to awaken noble propensities, to arouse a sense of humility, to arouse a sense of dharma, to arouse a sense of self-surrender, and shántikarma [propitiatory rites for others' welfare]." (3)

So vidya tantra brings about universal welfare and spiritual attainment. As the Marga Guru, Baba Himself is the pure embodiment of vidya and all noble qualities. As His disciples, every sincere sadhaka of Ananda Marga is on the path of vidya, not avidya.



Here below is a very clear, concise distinction between vidya and avidya

"The śat́karma [six actions] of Vidyá Tantra are applied in order to elevate human beings in the world of spirituality by goading them towards auspicious thoughts; whereas the śat́karma of Avidyá Tantra are applied in order to exploit human beings and utilize them for one's own self interest." (4)

Baba has graciously blessed humanity with all the tools and teachings to advance along the path of pure spirituality.

Thus who can equate Baba with practicing avidya. Everything Baba has said and done is for the upliftment of humanity - to bring all along the path of Divine realisation and Supreme fulfillment.

Below are many more teaching about the distinction and differences between avidya and vidya for study and awareness. All those guidelines furthermore demonstrate and prove that Baba was only vidya, and never avidya.


There seem to be only two reasons why anyone would write and publish in their book that Baba "sometimes used avidya techniques."

(1) The writer wrote like this because he himself is naive and ignorant;

(2) The writer wrote like this because he himself is a deliberate sinner.

In either case, it casts severe doubt that such a person has the worthy credentials for publishing a book on Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, as he [the writer] believes and tries to prove that Baba was an avidya tantrika.


"The word guhya as commonly used means something mysterious, something concealed, something like a dreadful nightmare, some secret chant, some mystical occult power; or witchcraft. Or finally, it may indicate the five branches [exclusive to] Avidyá Tantra – márańa, vashiikarań, uccát́ana, sammohana and stambhana." (5)

"Endeavouring to exercise greater control over the mundane world. This is the path of Avidyá Tantra. In this endeavour the practitioners remain totally preoccupied with the attainment of name, fame, prosperity, and material enjoyments – these are their goals. The purpose of their spiritual practice is to make the mind increasingly subtle, in order to be able to exercise further control, not only over the physical world, but over the crude minds of other microcosms as well. Their goal is not noble, and will result in their ultimately being converted into inert matter. So the final result of Avidyá Tantra is extreme crudity. I have attempted to explain this in some of my ghost stories. Try to find time to read them." (6)


"Avidyá Tantrics make use of this sort of process. With the help of their sense organs and ectoplasms they create positive hallucinations. In Sanskrit this science is called rákśasii vidyá. (Rákśasa does not refer to any monstrous type of animal, but to a particular group of humans. With the help of your mental eyes and your psychic power you can create an image visible to the eyes of an ordinary person. You can actually suspend the power of vision of another person so that he sees the object you want him to see. This is called rákśasii máyá." (7)


"Such negative practices are common in Avidyá Tantra. For example, suppose a wicked person may be sitting in a solitary place where bones are scattered around. Using his or her psychic power, the person can create ectoplasmic “hands”, and command them to throw the bones into the house of the person whom he or she wishes to harm. The inhabitants of the house, ordinary people no doubt, will certainly be terrified by such occult phenomena. They will think it is the work of a ghost and will probably decide to move out of the house. Instead of bones, bricks or stones could also be hurled. To do this, one does not require great power – rákśasii máyá is an occult power of inferior degree." (8)


"If I were to analyse the positive and negative paths you would be fascinated, but it would be of no use whatsoever in attaining Parama Puruśa." (9)


"Human beings practise sádhaná in order to become one with Brahma, not to become ghosts or ghouls. To become one with Brahma, they must practise Vidyá Tantra, and not Avidyá Tantra. Of course through either kind of sádhaná, sádhakas gain freedom from the páshas and ripus. But the difference between the two sádhanás is that the practitioners of Vidyá Tantra channelize their spiritual powers towards the attainment of Paramátmá, whereas the practitioners of Avidyá Tantra utilize their acquired powers for mundane benefits. Through Vidyá Tantra one “binds” [wins] Paramátmá, while through Avidyá Tantra one binds [dominates] living beings. Vidyá Tantrics accept Paramátmá as their object of supreme adoration, and in order to become one with Him, they channelize all the powers they have acquired towards Him." (10)


As the Marga Guru, Baba is the embodiment of vidya - Supreme Benevolence.

Tragically, the person behind the book "The Jamalpur Years" (2010) has revealed his own state of mind and understanding by labeling Baba has "avidya". Devashish (Deva’shiis’a / Devashish / Devashiisa) a.k.a. Donald Acosta is the one who did like this:

"While most of Baba's tests fell well within the range of the disciples' normal experience, he sometimes used avidya techniques to add to these challenges." (Jamalpur Years, p.155)

In fact, in order to prove Baba as avidya, he narrated not less than 5 stories in his book on pages 155-6.

No true bhakta and disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji can think in that manner.

All sincere sadhakas in Ananda Marga understand well in their heart that Baba is Love Personified and He has come to uplift humanity and bring all unto His Supreme Abode.

At His lotus feet,


Baba is Sadguru and whatever He thinks takes expression. His every thought is for the welfare of sadhakas. What happend in those stories portrayed in that book was for the well-being of those devotees.

1. The Real Culprit
2. Vidyá Tantra and Avidyá Tantra, 1 July 1990, Calcutta
3. Vidyá Tantra and Avidyá Tantra, 1 July 1990, Calcutta
4. Vidyá Tantra and Avidyá Tantra, 1 July 1990, Calcutta
5. Vidyá Tantra and Avidyá Tantra, 1 July 1990, Calcutta
6. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 6, Vashiikára – 2
7. Ekendriya – 7
8. Avidyá – Excerpt A
9. Ekendriya – 8
10. Tantra and Supernatural Power

The sections below demarcated by asterisks are entirely different topics,
completely unrelated to the above letter. It stands on its own as a point of interest.


Subject: RE: Misuse & Abuse of Public Funds #2
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:25:02 -0800
From: Paul Taylor

In Vancouver the 2010 Winter Olympics were hosted. The same massive expenditures of public funds went on with all exacted promises (during the bid process) of social housing and definitive  requirements surrounding the low-income populace broken, one after the other. The local collection of community activists held, in 2008, 2009 and 2010 the Poverty Olympics. It picked up awareness and by 2010 it received global media. The preceeding Olympics, held in China in 2008, had exactly zero such examples of dissent, and they claimed to have spent $50 billion on venues and over 300,000 poor were forcefully relocated. In England in 2012 the same kinds of dissent occurred but got less media. All to say that researching the history of the Olympics will give the same kind of scenario over and over. PROUT is the only answer; compromises with the proponents of these billion $ scams are a chimera and virtually any agreement will be made just to shut the protestors up. As Baba has put forth – uncompromising strictness & faith.


Shortcoming of English Language:

Lack of Spiritual Terms

Baba says, "In Sanskrit the term Mantra means Manana't talrayet yastu sah mantra parikiirttiah-- 'Manan means 'inner suggestion', 'repetition within'. And Tarayet yastu - 'after this manan, when that entity liberates you from all metaphysical, all psychic and suprapsychic and also from all spiritual bondages, then it is known as mantra: Manana't ta'rayet yastu sa mantrah parikiirtitah."

"Whereas the English term incantation just means 'repeating something again and again'. That is incantation. So incantation does not lead to liberation. Whereas the repetition of mantra leads to liberation. So incantation and mantra are not the same thing."

"There is no proper English word for the Sanskrit word mantra, but we use the word 'incantation' for mantra but it is not the proper word for the Sanskrit word mantra." (Morning General Darshan, 14 Nov 78, Silchar, W.B.)

Note: If one repeats, 'Tom, Dick, and Harry', 'Tom, Dick, and Harry' again and again, then that very repetition is an incantation. But repeating 'Tom, Dick, and Harry' will not lead to liberation. So that is the essential difference between incantation and mantra. Because the repetition of mantra leads to liberation.

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