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Re: Why Didis Must Carry a Trishul

Date: 04 May 2009 12:18:46 -0000 From: "Maya Devii" To: Subject: Re: Why Didis Must Carry a Trishul Baba
Namaskar, After reading the letter about why Didis must carry a trishul (trident), a few of us discussed the situation and came up with these points. (Note: The original letter of this series is available here for your easy reference.)
Everything Baba has done was totally revolutionary at the time, including the creation of female wholetimers. Back then, in India, females were not allowed out of the house. So to have wholetimer Didis moving openly around the society was quite revolutionary. Many crude and dogmatic people did not like the idea that AM was creating female wholetimers, hence our Didis needed a way to protect themselves. Many say that is also why our Didis are required to carry a trishul. This was a way for them to defend themselves against anti-social elements. Of course, all Baba's teachings have lasting significance. What was needed 30 years ago is most applicable today as well. Perhaps today, more Indian ladies are allowed out of the house, but there continues to be more crimes against women - in the form of rape, domestic violence, and street crimes. As materialism grows more and more in India, women are looked upon & honoured less as mothers and viewed more as mere objects of sexual enjoyment.
Given the overall social and sexual environment, where Hollywood and Bollywood portray women as thing for male gratification, it is quite important for Didis all over the globe to carry a weapon. Because men are constantly being bombarded with lustful images and they become prone to committing sexual crimes. It happens - both inside and outside AMPS. A trishul then is a weapon which can act as a deterrent. Of course we do not want our Didis to have to stab anyone. But the greater point is that when the public has knowledge that our Didis carry a trishul, then crude people will be less inclined to attack our Didis. Because those crude elements understand that our Didis are not just an easy target - they move around with a trishul. So this deterrent factor is solid reason why Didis must carry a trishul.
As materialism spreads, females are looked upon more and more as sexual objects. So even though women have more economic and social opportunity than before, they are under greater threat of attack. In such an environment, protection is needed. Everyone has the right to protect themselves and our Didis should use this right. They should not be easy targets or susceptible to an attack, whether it be a sexual attacker or someone trying to grab their money. Our Didis need to be prepared. As stated in the first letter, we women are not as physically strong as men. In other realms, we are certainly equal or even more developed and mightier, but not in the crude physical sphere. In that case we must be ready. Having a trishul is a great deterrent. It will prevent many an attack. And of course if an attacker does strike. Then our Didis will be ready; they will not be defenseless or become victims. With tantric spirit they will retaliate. I also like the idea (as stated in the first letter) of our Didis learning judo or karate or some other form of self-defense. That is also quite positive. So those are the things I wished to add - look forward to hearing from others. Sincerely, Maya Devii

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