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Harmful Art

From: "Will Chaucey" To: Subject: Harmful Art Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 16:51:08 +1000 Baba "Jyoti-ujjval pra'n'occhal tumi priyo..." (P.S. 2229) Purport: Baba, O' Parama Purusa, You are the Divine Controller of this vast universe. You are the brilliant effulgence-- full of vitality & saturated & with the love. Baba, You are my dearmost. By Your own glory You are glorified. O' Parama Purusa You are ever-adorable. Baba, I do not have the strength to catch hold of You. With my little strength and with whatever means I have, I try to catch You-- but it is impossible for me. Instead I remain engrossed in my own self-- unit "I". This 'unit I' is preventing me from coming close to You. Baba, please transform my 'I-feeling', make it Yours. Baba, with my own strength I will not be able to get You. With the thread of the spider's net I will not be able to bind You and hold You. Because of this, please by Your causeless grace, allow Yourself to get held. This is my only request to You. Please keep this open for Your consideration. Baba, in my mind & in my heart, I have deep longing for You-- to have You close. Please grant me this by Your causeless grace. Baba please come in my shravan, manan, niddidhyasan, & dhyana and make me Yours...
Namaskar, One of the great guiding forces in society is artistic expression. If used properly it can uplift an entire people. Unfortunately, it can also work in the opposite direction. Seeing the degraded state of humanity these days, one can easily infer that the art is also of a lowly nature - spinning society awry. To truly serve humanity means the field of art must be addressed.
As we all know, Baba Himself gives tremendous value to the role of artists - setting mandates in both Caryacarya and Human Society to ensure artists are properly compensated for their contributions. At the same time, Baba adamantly defines what is art and who can be an artist.
Tragically, today, much of what appears as art is nothing but an open sore for humanity - dragging our society toward depravity. Certainly what is happening outside AM is worse, but artistic expression within our Marga is - sometimes - also sub-standard. Within our human family, there has to be a call for a true renaissance in the realm of artistic expression - certainly AM should lead the way.
Before getting into the standards of good and bad art, let's take a moment to review the gamut of artistic expression. Because art does not just mean painting a picture. Art encompasses: Drawing, sculpture, poetry, short stories, lullabies, drama, dance, narration, film, humor, digital art, novels, tragedy, magazines, comedy, sketches, sound, pantomime, oration, television, advertising, interviews, biographies, body painting, music, voice, graphics, computer art, graffiti, street acts, podcasts, direction, speeches, design, and much, much more. Thus we come in contact with art throughout the day in so many ways and forms; art nearly represents the totality of human expression.
The main problem is that today's art is not leading people toward service and blessedness - per Baba's guideline - but rather toward sensual degradation and crude materialism. Baba says, "[Art] is that which moves together with the society, which leads society towards true fulfilment and welfare by providing the inspiration for service. The statement “Art for art’s sake” is not acceptable; rather it is better to say, “Art for service and blessedness.” " (AFPS-1) Unfortunately, nowadays in the west, the slogan art for art's sake is in vogue. In the name of art, all kinds of vulgar acts are done. And the east has mostly fallen into that trap as well. When the mind is devoid of ideological understanding, then it will be led by instinct and drawn toward the crude material plane. That is why art and art history in the west is dominated by nudity, crudity, sensuality, and the ways of the 5 senses and 5 motor organs. Art has been limited to lowly expression motivated by baser propensities. We see this everywhere: Billboards by the roadside, images on the computer, bodies on the silver screen, even so-called classical art in the museums, and in so many forms in our daily life. Tragically, this pulls humanity down and still further down. All businesses use lewd images in order to promote their products. "Artists" then become purchased slaves for the capitalist enterprise. In this way and more, art just becomes nothing but a tool to entrap one in all the lower tendencies of mind - such that art merely ensnares one in the sadripus (six enemies) and astapashas (eight bondages). And in our Marga, we certainly see some signs of this happening as well - wherein AM has been adversely influence by trends in the general society. Thus inside and outside AM, we often see that art is but a degrading tool. There are evidences of this in so many realms - I think we need not review them all here. Suffice to say that such art does nothing for the welfare of humanity. Baba says, " It is such [artists] who indulge in such utterances as “Art for art’s sake.” A little examination will reveal the harmful influence of this idea on human society." (PNS-10) So many of the crimes against humanity - rape, killing, theft, female suppression etc - are present or even magnified in daily life by so-called art forms that goad the human mind toward crudity. When human beings get fed that idea they carry out those nefarious acts - it happens. The more sex that is on TV and in films, the worse the problems arise in society surrounding sexuality transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy, extra-marital affairs, the objectification of females etc. There is a direct relationship between crudity in art and harm in society. Just as when you see a grossly obese person you can understand what their diet is, similarly, when you see the status of society, you can understand the nature of their art. Society is a reflection of the art.
Baba's declaration is the art should be for service and blessedness. So we have to ask ourselves what does that mean and what will that art look like. With regards to "art for service", we can say art that depicts social welfare and spiritual inclination. And "art for blessedness" refers to guiding one towards supreme benevolence and divinity. Thus, art might depict: Narayan seva' (feeding the poor); someone doing asanas or meditation or tandava; svadhyaya; or people rising up against dogma and injustices such as slavery, economic exploitation or otherwise; bhaktas singing kiirtan. And there are so many ways that the varied expressions of art can lead people toward the subtle and the sublime. In essence, proper art should bring the good works of good people to life. Some years ago in NYC, there was a brave gentleman who jumped down onto the subway track in front of a running train in order to save someone who had fallen. The train ran over both of them, yet they were saved because the hero kept them beneath the level of the train. That scene would also make for excellent art as it represents the spirit of human sacrifice. In the many lands there is a history of racism or casteism, whether it be white-black or brahmin-harijan. Our art should not just highlight the tortures done as that only incites further violence in society; that just creates rifts and tension between people. Art should also highlight the struggle, unity, and perseverance of the exploited group as they rise up and reclaim their dignity. Art should also depict those whites and brahmins who helped in that cause. It should inspire, unite, as well as reveal the pain. So art cannot be relegated to displaying the bleak or the impoverished. The hope and struggle for victory is also a necessary element. Art as a medium of history should inspire human to move forward in a unified fashion and not incite people toward further rioting and bloodshed. Merely recounting old wounds is not helpful. The message should also project brotherhood and universal welfare. In sum, our plays, music, speeches, and all art forms should reflect the more benevolent side of humanity that goads one toward welfare activities and spiritual realisation. There are artists in AM who depicted those who sacrificed their lives for great cause of dharma. One photographer or painter captured those who performed self-immolation in order to uphold AM ideals. Others have made pictures of srsti cakra (cycle of creation). And many more have captured the essence of neo-humanism in their art. Those are wonderful expressions of art. And of course, Baba's lengthy enterprise wherein He guided artists of Bengal to create dioramas are ideal examples of artistic expression.
We must remember that art is a most powerful tool. Artists are most often dynamic people who are highlighted in society. Naturally then our youths are drawn to them. Yet if their art forms are degrading then that will lead an entire generation of young people astray. We see that happening now with many adolescents and youths in our society. They are rushing headlong toward degradation and sensuality because that is what their (pseudo) cultural heroes are doing. Baba says, "The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists’ ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society. For this reason it is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those whom they influence will no doubt also be positively affected. In addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely. Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities by their fans and society." (HS-1) Thus artists cannot just be given the distinguished title based on their artistic endeavour - they must also be proper in their all-round behaviour as well.
By Baba's grace He has blessed us with clear-cut guidelines in the realm of art. Without that society cannot progress. By propagating AM ideals, all aspects of life - including art - will reflect great social consciousness more more sublime realisation. Baba says, "The only way to save oneself from this kind of psychological degradation is to keep one’s mind constantly engaged in the thought of the Great and to always look upon the world with sweet, benevolent sentiments. Artists and actors must never forget this even for a moment because they have a great responsibility to society and an immeasurable influence over it." (HS-1) Namaskar, Vinay
*************************************** Proper Method of Sas't'aunga Pranam
Baba says, "Prostration is called sas't'aunga pranama...Of the five sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin), one, the skin, can be omitted, and of the five motor organs (vocal chord, hands, legs, excretory and genital organ), one, the vocal chord can be omitted. This leaves the eight constituent parts. And the prostration made with these eight body-parts is called sas't'aunga pranama." (APH-6, p. 398) Note 1: As we all know, sas't'aunga pranam is only done to Guru, not to anyone else. Note 2: Here following is the etymological meaning of the term sas't'aunga. sa + as't'a + unga = sas't'aunga (with) (eight) (parts) = with eight parts Thus, as Baba tells us in the above quote, "the prostration made with these eight body-parts is called sas't'aunga pranama." Note 3: In Baba's small encyclopedia book known as Laghu Nirukta, on pages 337-38 Baba clearly defines that sastaunga pranam means to lie down in front of Guru like a stick, completely straight. Specifically, when in the lying posture, both the arms get extended straight over the head with the palms together. Thus from the very tip of the middle finger down to the bottom of the feet, one's entire body will be one perfectly straight line. Note 4: As a general rule, the amount of floor spaced needed to do sas't'aunga pranam is 2-3 feet more than the actual height of the person. Note 5: In Laghu Nirukta, Baba also clarifies that the Personality to whom you do sas't'aung pranam does not derive any benefit per se. Rather those doing this practice get 100% of the benefit in the psychic and spiritual spheres. Hence this practice of sastaunga pranam is a scientific process for acquiring greatness. Note 6: For biological reasons, women should not do the mudra aspect of this practice.

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